April 10-12, 1997

Rim Rock Resort, Banff, Alberta, Canada


Date and site

The next CANDE workshop will be held on Thursday-Saturday, April 10-12, 1997 at the Rim Rock Hotel, near Banff.

Workshop schedule

Session summaries

Reduced design cycle time and its impact on tool selection

Market forces are requiring that designers spend less and less time in the total design cycle. Unfortunately, one of the first tasks that are eliminated is the evaluation of new tools or methodologies that might help in the design process.

We've all been there. We develop a new wiz-bang tool that we believe will have dramatic effect on the speed/quality/size etc. of the chips being designed. But we just can't get the attention of the leading designers to give us feedback on it's usefulness.

In this session, we'll hear from a group of designers and corporate CAD managers on how they are addressing this area. Clearly designers can't affort to ignore new tools that might actually help them. We all hope to learn how we can help them in their review process by designing the tools to be easier to investigate.

The speakers are:

Deep-submicron and scaling

Tentative: Simon Wong will discuss issues in deep-submicron circuits. If you have a question or problem for discussion, please send it to Wojciech Maly (

CAD for software

Concept: If we are going to make use of 20 million transistors per chip, we will need to build systems that make use of lots of memory. That pushes systems-on-chips toward more software content. The session would generally see the state-of-the-art in software design as compared to CAD. Discussion would focus on barriers to introducing more software content in systems-on-chips and multi-chip systems.
