Ning Hua [center] flanked by Michael Lightner [left] and Matt Loeb |
The IEEE office in China is now up and running, having opened its
doors in Beijing’s Haidian Science Park in June. “Although we’ve
partnered with key Chinese technical and scientific organizations in
the past, it became increasingly complex to work effectively in China
without having a legal presence in the country,” says 2006 IEEE
President Michael Lightner. He, IEEE Executive Director Jeffry Raynes,
and Matt Loeb, staff director of IEEE Corporate Strategy and
Communications, the area that oversees the new office, were
instrumental in getting the office opened.
The IEEE Board of Directors decided in 2006 to establish the office,
which is expected to focus on standards development, improving
engineering education, and increasing membership.
Ning Hua, a Chinese national, manages the Beijing office, working
with various IEEE groups to develop programs. “Our mission is to help
chart the IEEE’s future direction in China and to execute and support
the IEEE’s activities around the country,” Hua says. Two staff members
will soon be added. Hua is an IEEE member and former chief technology
officer of BII Group Holdings, a Chinese IT consulting company.
One of Hua’s first priorities is to involve Chinese engineering
companies in helping to develop IEEE standards. Since April 2006, the
IEEE Standards Association has held three training seminars on the
international standardization process in Beijing and Shenzhen. The
group also met with ChinaMobile, Haier, and other companies.
Helping China accredit its universities and developing certification
programs for engineers are other objectives. The IEEE Educational
Activities Board and the China staff plan to work with Chinese
government agencies and companies to develop the programs. To meet the
IEEE’s objectives, the China staff will develop relationships with key
Chinese government agencies and engineering companies, Hua says.
To boost membership, the staff will hold seminars at Chinese
engineering companies, explaining the benefits of joining the IEEE. At
present, the country has seven sections and 4120 members.