IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Beijing Chapter

Until Mar., 2011, there are 474 IEEE ComSoc members in our chapter.

Beijing ComSoc Chapter has achieved the following awards:

Chapter Achievement Award (CAA) in 2009: Best Chapter in a Region
Chapter of the Year Award (CoYA) in 2009: Best Chapter amongst the CAA winners


  2013-05-24, IEEE Commmunications Soceity, Beijing Chapter, Distinguished Speaker Program

Topic: Secure Network Performance for Large-Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Speaker: Prof. Yuguang ˇ°Michaelˇ± Fang, Fellow of IEEE, Editor-in -Chief of IEEE Trans. On VT, University of Florida, USA

  2013-04-16, IEEE Commmunications Soceity, Beijing Chapter, Distinguished Speaker Program

Topic: Distributed Mobility Management for Mobile Internet
Speaker: Prof. H. Anthony Chan, Fellow of IEEE, Senior Researcher, Huawei Technologies

  2012-11-12, IEEE Commmunications Soceity, Beijing Chapter, Webinar Lecture

Topic: How much energy can be traded off by how long delay in GREEN communications?
Speaker: Prof. Zhisheng Niu, Fellow of IEEE and IEICE, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China