A Report on 6th Thomas Alva Edison Memorial Lecture and Other Concurrent Activities

As scheduled, PES Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Mr. Keene Masayuki Matsuda of CH2M HILL, Santa Ana, CA, USA (accompanied by his wife Ms. Freda Mary Matsuda) arrived Delhi in the early hours of September 20, 2002 by Lufthansa Flight No. 760 and was escorted to the place of stay at India International Center by the Delhi Chapter Treasurer Mr. Pardeep Jindal and a IEEE Student Member from Jamia Millia Islamia, Mr. Kartik Krishnan.
In the day he inaugurated PES Chapter of IEEE Student Branch at Jamia Millia Islamia, visited Bahai Temple & Qutab Minar. Evening marked the delivery of the Sixth Thomas Alva Edison Memorial Lecture (of about two hours) at India International Center, followed by Chapter EXECOM Meeting and dinner in honor of DL and his wife with Chapter EXECOM Members and Delhi Section Officers.
21st was utilized by the visiting personalities for a retreat to Taj-Agra.
On Sept 22 they left at 06-30 hours for Hyderabad by Indian Airlines Flight No. IC-940 and they were seen off at the airport by the Delhi Chapter Chair, Dr. Subrata Mukhopadhyay.  

Summary of the Sixth Thomas Alva Edison Memorial Lecture  on 'High Reliability Power System Design' is as follows:

In his lecture PES DL spelt out the basic factors for a highly reliable power system design as:

He then discussed each of these concepts as applicable to real-life projects that had requirements for a highly reliable power distribution system.  Without a high degree of reliability and redundancy, continued operation and safety of personnel and equipment would be at risk.  In order to increase reliability, one simplistic approach would be to design added layers of redundancy and alternate paths of power to anticipate for failures.  However, haphazardly adding power system components simply would drive up the initial cost of building the system.  In addition, the number of contingencies (or coincident failures) should be considered early on in the design.  For instance, a triple contingency design approach would be to maintain or restore power to all loads during a single utility outage, while a fault might be occurring on the distribution switchgear bus, all while a distribution transformer might be down for maintenance.  Generally, an infinite source of money would usually not be available and, therefore, prudent engineering application of proper design concepts would be required in order to produce a cost-effective and reliable power system. He took up several practical examples to explain in this context.


From L to R: Front Row - PES DL Mr. Keene M. Matsuda, Ms. Freda M. Matsuda, Dr. Subrata Mukhopadhyayand a faculty member; Back Row - a Student and Student Chapter Chair Mr. Vikas Arora at the inauguration of PES Student Chapter at Jamia Millia Islamia


Mr.  Matsuda delivering the 6th Thomas Alva Edison Memorial Lecture at the Private Dining Hall of India International Center, New Delhi

Under other concurrent activities, as mentioned earlier, Mr. Matsuda inaugurated PES Student Chapter of IEEE Student Branch at Jamia Millia Islamia. Besides Mr. and Ms. Matsuda, IEEE Delhi Section Chair Prof. R.Balasubramanian, IEEE PES-IAS Delhi Chapter Chair Dr. Subrata Mukhopadhyay, Branch Counselor Prof. Mini S.Thomas, the event was attended by the Registrar Prof. Z.H.Khan and other faculty members of EE Dept. and a large number of students. While Prof. Mini gave background of the formation of Student Branch and starting of its PES Chapter, Dr. Subrata talked about the role of IEEE in general and Power Engineering Society in particular and urged upon the students to continue membership of the Institute when they pass out to keep abreast of changing technology in whatever field they would be working. PES DL Mr. Keene in his lecture furnished details of benefits of PES membership and Power Engineering as a career option to the students. Prof. Khan presided over the function. After the inauguration visiting dignitaries were shown also the SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) System Laboratory set up recently over there with Prof. Mini S. Thomas as the Project Coordinator.

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