Wireless Communications Workshop
1. Title: Overhead Reduction through Joint User and Antenna Group Selection in FDD Massive MIMO Systems Speaker: Prof. Kwang Bok Lee, SNU
2. Title: Utility Maximization and Energy Minimization in Load Coupled Heterogeneous Networks Speaker: Dr. Sumei Sun, I2R
3. Title: On the sparse detection of non-sparse signals for massive MIMO uplink Speaker: Prof. Byonghyo Shim, SNU
4. Title: Electromagnetic Lens-Focusing Antenna Enabled Massive MIMO: Performance Improvement and Cost Reduction Speaker: Prof. Rui Zhang, NUS
5. Title: Blind Interference Alignment for K-user MISO Broadcast Channels Speaker: Prof. Jungwoo Lee, SNU
6. Title: Spectrum Refarming: A New Paradigm of Spectrum Sharing for Cellular Networks Speaker: Dr. Ying Chang Liang, I2R
7. Title: Soft-Decision-Aided Channel Estimation over the Flat-Fading Channel Speaker: Prof. Pooi-Yuen Kam, NUS
Bioengineering Workshop Workshop
1. Title: High-Sensitivity Strategy for LED Based Water Pollution Sensing Speaker: Prof. Young June Park, SNU
2. Title: Overview of Biomedical Engineering Research at NUS Speaker: Prof. Lim Chwee Teck, NUS
3. Title: Advanced Neuroimaging: Visualizing Myelin in the Brain Speaker: Prof. Jongho Lee, SNU
4. Title: Brain Morphological Shape Markers Speaker: Prof. Anqi Qiu, NUS
5. Title: Rapid and Robust Processing of Large-Scale Short-Read Sequencing Data Speaker: Prof. Sungroh Yoon, SNU
6. Title: Large-Scale Meta-analysis of Scientific Literature Speaker: Prof. Thomas Yeo, NUS