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IEEE VTS Singapore

IEEE Vehicular Technology Society(VTS)Chapter

Singapore Section



Upcoming Events


Technical seminar

Time: 3:30pm~4:30pm
Venue: Franklin room, 11th floor, Connexis (South Tower), Fusionopolis

Title: Turbo Compressed Sensing with Partial DFT Sensing Matrix
Speaker: Prof. Xiaojun Yuan (School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University)



Venue: Nanyang Executive Center (NEC), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

IEEE VTS APWCS 2015, Singapore

The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Japan Chapter, Seoul Chapter, Singapore Chapter, and Taipei Chapter are cooperatively hosting Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS) every year.

This symposium aims at providing the platform for researchers from the Asia Pacific area to share fresh results, call for comments or collaborations and exchange innovative ideas of the leading edge research in wireless technologies.

News and Events (Past events)


Technical seminar

Title: MIMO Wireless Networks: A Promising rate Splitting Transceiver Architecture
Speaker: Dr. Bruno Clerckx (Imperial College London)


Technical seminar

Title: Achieving High Spectral and Power Efficiencies in mm-Wave Systems
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Rui Dinis (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal)


IEEE VTS Distinguished Lecture Program

Title: Relaying and Cognitive Radio for Wireless Communications
Speaker: Prof. Jae Hong Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)


Wireless Communications Workshop

1. Title: Overhead Reduction through Joint User and Antenna Group Selection in FDD Massive MIMO Systems
Speaker: Prof. Kwang Bok Lee, SNU

2. Title: Utility Maximization and Energy Minimization in Load Coupled Heterogeneous Networks
Speaker: Dr. Sumei Sun, I2R

3. Title: On the sparse detection of non-sparse signals for massive MIMO uplink
Speaker: Prof. Byonghyo Shim, SNU

4. Title: Electromagnetic Lens-Focusing Antenna Enabled Massive MIMO: Performance Improvement and Cost Reduction
Speaker: Prof. Rui Zhang, NUS

5. Title: Blind Interference Alignment for K-user MISO Broadcast Channels
Speaker: Prof. Jungwoo Lee, SNU

6. Title: Spectrum Refarming: A New Paradigm of Spectrum Sharing for Cellular Networks
Speaker: Dr. Ying Chang Liang, I2R

7. Title: Soft-Decision-Aided Channel Estimation over the Flat-Fading Channel
Speaker: Prof. Pooi-Yuen Kam, NUS

Bioengineering Workshop Workshop

1. Title: High-Sensitivity Strategy for LED Based Water Pollution Sensing
Speaker: Prof. Young June Park, SNU

2. Title: Overview of Biomedical Engineering Research at NUS
Speaker: Prof. Lim Chwee Teck, NUS

3. Title: Advanced Neuroimaging: Visualizing Myelin in the Brain
Speaker: Prof. Jongho Lee, SNU

4. Title: Brain Morphological Shape Markers
Speaker: Prof. Anqi Qiu, NUS

5. Title: Rapid and Robust Processing of Large-Scale Short-Read Sequencing Data
Speaker: Prof. Sungroh Yoon, SNU

6. Title: Large-Scale Meta-analysis of Scientific Literature
Speaker: Prof. Thomas Yeo, NUS


Technical Seminar

Title: Research Challenges of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for 5G Networks
Speaker: Prof. Eryk Dutkiewicz (Macquarie University WiMed Research Centre Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)

Current Officers (Previous officers)

Chair Dr. Ying-Chang Liang
Email: ycliang (at) i2r (dot) a-star (dot) edu (dot) sg
Vice-Chair Assoc. Prof. Boon Hee Soong
Email: ebhsoong (at) ntu (dot) edu (dot) sg
Secretary Dr. Koichi Adachi
Email: kadachi (at) i2r (dot) a-star (dot) edu (dot) sg
Treasurer Dr. Ming-Tuo Zhou
Email: zhou (dot) mingtuo (at) ieee (dot) org
Committee Membe Asst. Prof. Chau Yuen
Email: yuenchau (at) sutd (dot) edu (dot) sg
Committee Member Dr. Sumei Sun
Email: sunsm (at) i2r (dot) a-star (dot) edu (dot) sg
Committee Member Prof. Pooi-Yuen Kam
Email: py (dot) kam (at) nus (dot) edu (dot) sg
Committee Member Dr. Yong Huat Chew
Email: chewyh (at) i2r (dot) a-star (dot) edu (dot) sg
Committee Member Dr. Dusit Niyato
Email: DNIYATO (at) ntu (dot) edu (dot) sg

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