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Baltimore Section EXCOM Meeting Minutes

Place: Historic Electronic Museum (HEM), 1745 W. Nursery Rd., Linthicum, MD (410) 765-2345

Date: February 8, 1999 Time: 6:30pm - 8:15pm

Prepared By: Carole C. Carey, Section Secretary

Presiding Officer: Chair, Baltimore Section, Bill Dixon

Attendees: there were 12 participants (See separate Attendance Sheet)

Report and Approval of Minutes

January meeting minutes approved after minor corrections -- change Program Director to Chris Nemarich; change EDS chair to Paul Potyraj

[Randy said minutes from December meeting still coming]

Bill made several announcements:

Report from Vice-Chair - Ralph Bruce
Submit List of New Officers and Directors to Randy ASAP or old listing will be submitted.

Report from Secretary Carole Carey
Report from Treasurer [Financial Statement attached]
Vil Arafiles will be handed the bank accounts after the meeting (audit with Mel)
Not all chapters have submitted financial reports. The information is required so we can prepare the financial statement for HQ. Our deadline is February 22, 1999.

New Priority items requiring action [None.]

Report from Directors

Programs - Chris Nemarich

IMTC 2000 Update (see attached report) Volunteers are needed!

Student Activities - Neville Jacobs

[See attached Summary Report]
Neville requested approval of several items and to receive the payments after the meeting. The disbursements were for the following: (1) $434 invoice from Kelvin (2) $57.50 to Kelvin for spare parts (3) $75 for an AD to the Museum of Industry* (4) $100 for Neville to cover the shortfall and ongoing expenses.

* This new item was approved. Bill wants to see the ad before it gets printed. All items above were approved.

Neville was also requesting approval for supporting dinner for the students (an open-ended request but was estimated to be about $1500+). There was quite a bit of discussion on this. The final approval was to limit it, NTE $1000. It was noted that this allocation should be kept separate from the Robot project.

[Mel cautioned the section that we have less money this year than last year and that we need to watch our disbursements.]

Newsletter Editor - Dave Stevens
Fall/Winter issue has been mailed. Additional 200 copies were ordered due to the increase in membership. There was discussion about the higher cost this year despite the fact that Dave did the layout. It was suggested that we look into other vendors and alternate options.

Educational Activities (Vacant)

Membership - Jim Gillin [Absent]

Chapter/Awards - Tom Patton [Absent]
Bill reminded everyone about the Chapter Chairs dinner that is scheduled on May 5, 1999. Officers and spouses are invited. More info expected from Tom Patton.

PACE - Kate Carus [Absent]

Report from Annapolis Sub-Section - David Boyd
[see attachment]

Reports from Chapters

Aerospace and Electronic Systems (AES-10) - Heath Bebout

Provided a revised treasurer's report. AES has a new homepage to replace the current page.

Anten. and Propag./Microwave Theory and Techniq. (AP-03/MTT-17) -Brian Sequeira [Absent]

Communications(COM-19) - Mark Todd

[Verbal report] Meetings are held at UMBC every first Tuesday at 6pm.

Computer (C-16) - Vacant

Electron Devices/Solid State Circuits (ED-15/SSC-37) - Paul Potyraj [Absent]

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-27) -Ted Harwood [Absent]

represented by Vil Parafiles. Elections new officers will be held on Feb. 9 meeting.

Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB-18) - Glenn Bell [verbal report] Meetings are listed on website.

Industry Applications (IA-34) - Wes Miller [Absent]

Power Engineering (PE-31) - Amy Hagemann [Absent]

Reliability (R-07) - Walt Willing [Absent]

Report from Engineers Council of Maryland - Kate Carus [Absent]

Report from Associate Society Council (ESB - ASC)

Report from Maryland Board of Registration - Mel Hotz (nothing new)

Report from Audits and Bylaws Committee - Mel Hotz

Report from Nominating Committee - John Dentler [Absent]

The meeting was also attended by JHU representative (student section) - Dominic Georgantas. Dominic has graduated but will continue to represent JHU. They have a new line of officers for the term from Spring 1999 to Spring 2000.

New Business [None]

If you have new items for next meeting, send it to Carole for inclusion in the agenda.

Next Meeting - Monday, March 8, 1999, 6:30pm

Addendum (Post-Meeting)

At the end of the meeting, the books for 1999 (Jan.1 to Feb. 8) were audited. They have now been turned over to the new treasurer. There are no outstanding receipts to be paid. The outstanding checks that have not been posted are listed in the attached Treasurer's Report. We will complete the audit of 1998 (from March to Dec) at the next meeting date.

Some very important points were brought out. Mel indicated that approval of fund allocations and/or other appropriations sent via E-mail requires a signature from the person receiving the funds. This also applies to any documentation (e.g. contained in a report presented at meetings).

Appropriations that were approved by the board or other legitimate expenses also require the signature of the authorizing officer (in most cases, the section chair). [Heads up! I will be asking you to countersign e-mails or such to complete the documentation for the 1998 records.]

FAX with a signature is acceptable.
