The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

IEEE Baltimore Section

IEEE Section Meeting

4 April 2002

Attendees [Presence indicated by check mark (Ö )]

Ö Vil Arafiles Chair

Ö Jeff Friedhoffer Vice Chair

Hoosam Bandukwala Treasurer

Heath Bebout - Chair AES

Ö Robert Berkovits- Chair EMC

Ö Dave Boyd – Annapolis Subsection

Ö Carole Carey – ESB and Publications

Ö Joe Carl- Newsletter Chair

Ö John Dentler Area Chair Maryland

Ö Bill Dixon – PACE

Ö Boris Gramatikov – Chair EMB

Ö Neville Jacobs – Student Activities

Tina Kohler – WIE

Ö Garth MacKenzie – Chair Computer chapter

Ö Tom Patton - Awards

Ö Kirk Rae – Chair PES

Walt Willing - Chair Reliability

  1. The meeting started at 6:45PM
  2. Introductions were made of all present.
  3. The secretary presented the minutes, which were accepted.
  4. Carole Carey is the nomination chair for selection of the officers for 2003. She explained that the normal section officer progression is for a person who is treasurer to move up to secretary, Vice Chair and Chair. She is looking for suggestions for next officers for next year. Her committee will commence operations by 1 May and will conclude by mid summer with a slate. Send suggestions to Carole.
  5. Vil is supporting an overseas member of senior membership and received support from two senior members to act as references for the application.
  6. Jeff requested that the new test web site be tested and feedback given, he also gave out information on how to put information into the section calendar.

  8. Reports
  1. ANNAPOLIS: The Annapolis subsection had Merrill Skolnick as the speaker at the March meeting. The next meeting will have the superintendent of the NRL Oceanography Division as the speaker.
  2. COMPUTERS - The topic of the May meeting will be on GIS.
  3. COMSOC - The April meeting had a speaker on optical networking research and the May meeting will have a speaker talking about satellite communications.
  4. EMS - had a talk about a new Institute on Biomedical Imaging and Engineering. He also reported that the Volunteers in Medical Engineering (VME) meeting which helps handicapped and disabled people by using technology to overcome their disability was very interesting. The next meeting will have a speaker on Robotic Surgery
  5. EMC had a meeting in March at Capitol College. Bob asked Kirk if he had the name of someone that could speak about lightning protection.
  6. PACE - There is the meeting coming up in April that both Carole Carey and Bill Dixon will attend.
  7. PES - There was a technical meeting in March and one is scheduled for May.
  8. Robot Challenge - Reports were reviewed by 8 judges on 1 April at Northrop Grumman. Eight teams participated on Sunday April 7 and about thirty teams are expected to compete on April 20. There will be a teacher-training program this summer where the teachers will build robots. There are three sessions. They will need 80 kits. Neville will order them via the section and the schools will pay for them. We might get additional teams participating next year since more teachers will be exposed to this activity. Neville will give the teachers the same training he gives at the start of each Robot Challenge season. He also ordered extra ribbons that are used for the awards.
  9. WIE - The Baltimore Section will include the WIE meetings in its annual report.
  10. Sections Congress - John Dentler and Carole Carey discussed the sections congress. Jeff will send out an email to all chapters to suggest that they have at least one member attend the congress. Carole also handed out a brochure from the 1999 congress and a draft brochure of the 2002 congress. More information about the sections congress can be found at Neville Jacobs attendance at the SC will be paid for by the section since Neville will be doing a presentation on the Robot Challenge.
  11. Engineering Society of Baltimore - Carole Carey attended a meeting at the Engineering Society of Baltimore and is learning about the organization.
  12. Newletter - Carole announce that the Winter 2002 Watts New is on the web. Joe Carl volunteered to edit the newsletter, welcome to Joe. The section needs a mailing list to the entire section to get the information about the newsletter when it is available. Jeff or Vil will contact Jim Cummins about putting together a mailing list from the SAMEEE database.
  13. Chapter Chairs Dinner - Tom Patton reported on the chapter chair meeting/dinner on 8 May. The speaker will be from Peabody institute and will talk about the Virtual Orchestra and give a presentation same. The dinner will be held at Snyders from 6:00-10:30 PM. He showed a letter being sent to the chapter chairs. Jeff requested a softcopy of the letter to be posted on a private part of the web and he will send an email to all chapter officers to notify them about contacting Tom if they plan to attend the meeting.
  14. Steve Bonk was present at the IEEE USA congressional day visit and said it was a good visit. Carole had reported on this visit last month.
  1. Old Business
    1. Can both the Baltimore and Washington Sections get credit for the WIE meetings? The section will file reports of their meetings
    2. The sum of $300 was sent to the Engineering Society of Baltimore.
    3. PES has completed transferring their funds to concentration banking,
  2. New Business
    1. Vil Arafiles discussed the need to revitalize the GOLD chapter. We need a leader for the chapter. Bob Berkovits volunteered to put an article in the Northrup Grumman Newsletter, asking for a volunteer.

8. Action items

  1. Suggestions for officers to Carole
  2. Old -Treasurer to invoice UM for $500 ad.
  3. Old - Newsletter article on Engineers week dinner from PES
  4. Old - "Sky Crab," should be trademarked. Randy Bruce getting information on the cost of doing this. John Dentler was going to contact Randy
  5. Old- Hoosam has the action to check on the following, AES has applied for concentration banking, AMPTT is going to liquidate the account and send the funds to the section, and Annapolis still has a local account.
  6. Old - Suggestions on awards and outstanding section award due at next meeting.
  1. Old- Vil will contact the MTT chapter to notify them of our support of their bid for a conference in Baltimore in 2010.
  2. John Dentler to write up outstanding section award for our section.
  3. Feedback on test web site.
  1. Jeff or Vil will contact Jim Cummins about putting together a mailing list from the SAMEEE data base.
  2. Berkovits article in NG newsletter re GOLD
  3. Jeff will send email to all chapter officers re the chapter chairs dinner.
  1. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM


Jeff Friedhoffer

Vice Chair, Baltimore Section