Robot Challenge 2008

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Written Report



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2008 ROBOT CHALLENGE, April 12 & 13, 2008

    57 teams from 10 schools participated in the three phases of the Robot Challenge this year, and you all deserve a lot of credit for not only putting your efforts and enthusiasm into the TRACK and ORAL PRESENTATIONS, but also for turning in some of the best WRITTEN REPORTS we have ever seen. Your conduct, attitude and the courteous manner in which you conducted yourselves made it a pleasure for the judges who worked with you, and for the spectators who joined us to cheer you on. As teams that completed your robots and learned to make them walk, you were all winners before you arrived, and after completing your efforts, we hope that you will believe that what you have learned from the experience will put you on the winning track for the rest of your lives.
     Teams with the highest number of points will receive awards and ribbons (by mail), all teams will receive special Award certificates, and in about 3 weeks each teams will receive a Feedback report which will summarize the comments from all of your judges.
     In closing we would like to thank all the JUDGES, REPAIR ENGINEERS, PHOTOGRAPHERS and ADMINISTRATORS who devoted their time over the weekend to working with you all, and learning from you as well. I hope it was an enriching experience for everyone, and that you will join us again next year, and tell your younger friends about it. If you are looking for a little more electrical or electronic challenge next your, please consider Automation as well.
     Best of luck in your future endeavors,

Neville Jacobs, Jay Gamerman, and John Dentler

Ron Aloysius Rachel Andre Gin Behrends Paul Behrends
Dave Boyd Maria Cotton Holly Cyrus John Dentler
Katie Dentler Bill Dixon Jeff Friedhoffer Pat Galante
Nancy Galetsky Jay Gamerman Helen Garrison Scott Goedeke
Boris Gramatikov Charles Grandersun Tanner Horner
Mel Hotz
Neville Jacobs Marilyn Jarriel Michael Johnson Chisha Johnson
Dave Kisak Andrea Kraay-Goldstein Shunyou Long Kate McDevitt
JF Mergen Mark Nesky Tzer Leei Ng Michael Pearse
Mike Pleva Marcia Richar Anna Romaniuk R.C. Sangberg
Steve Satzberg Bruce Schmickley Bill Semancik Brian Sequeira
Jennifer Singer Quentin Smith Bob Spongberg Aleksandar Stefanovski
Heather Tomasello Clarence Weaver Jeff Weiss Rachael Weiss
Dana Whicker Walt Willing    



Updated: 4/17/08