IEEE Huntsville Section/ Computer Society Meeting



Bradley Morantz


Overview of Neural Networks


Tuesday, February 19th, 2002


11:15am - 1:00pm


Piccadilly Cafeteria at Madison Square Mall


Please contact Sonya Hutchinson at 544-3312, if you plan to attend. You may also email her at:



Abstract: Neural Networks have become part of our daily vocabulary.  This overview class discusses their applications in forecasting linear and non-linear systems, classification, and pattern recognition.  Advantages and disadvantages, as well as comparisons to expert systems and statistical analysis are covered.  This lecture is an overview, covering many aspects of the subject, and as such is not highly technical.




Biographical Sketch: Brad Morantz has a BS CIS/EE with research in active filter optimization. His MS is in Decision Science with research in dynamic learning neural networks.  He will finish his PhD (in Decision Sciences with a minor in Computer Science) January 2002 (G-d willing).  His thesis is on Autoregressive Time Series Forecasting using Neural Networks with Fuzzily Recent Data.  The accent of his research is machine cognition.  He has researched in various areas including defense, bio-medical engineering, automotive, and consumer electronics.




1.      We will eat from 11:15 - 11:45am and the talk will begin at 11:45am. All lunch will be Dutch treat. The price for lunch is about $6.95 (cost subject to food selection).

2.        The Piccadilly Cafeteria is located in the Madison Square Mall directly across from Ruby Tuesday Restaurant.


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