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Meeting Notice

The Southeastern Michigan IEEE EMC Society presents:

Predicting Radiated Emissions < -- Powerpoint Presentation Link

Presented by: C.R. Suriano, Ph.D. - Suriano Solutions

Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Time: 5:30 PM

Location: DaimlerChrysler , Auburn Hills, MI <--Map

CTC Private Cafeteria "C"


Please pre-register for this free event online at: then select "September" Registration Deadline: Noon on the day of the event.


Schedule of Events 
5:30 – 6:00 Pizza and Refreshments Sponsored by Fair-Rite 
6:00 – 7:00 Technical Presentation
The Chapter Presentation is a FREE event.  IEEE Non-Members Welcome!

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This presentation reports on studies of radiated emissions in anechoic and reverberation chambers. Testing and modeling are used to demonstrate the relationship between voltage seen at motor terminals and voltage at antenna terminals. The presence of a transfer function between the emission source level and the measured antenna voltage is investigated

Candace Suriano


Dr. Suriano graduated from University of Dayton in 2003 with a PhD. in Electrical Engineering. She has worked for 8 years on EMC issues related to radiated emissions from automotive components. She has one patent granted.


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