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Meeting Notice

The Southeastern Michigan IEEE EMC Society presents:

Reduction of Interference Among Antennas, Cable Harness and Electronics in Automobiles Using Computational Electromagnetics and Optimization Techniques

Presented by: Tayfun Özdemir, Ph.D.
President, Virtual EM Inc.

Presentation Slides (1 MB PDF)

The Southeastern Michigan 2006 IEEE Spring Section Conference will be held on Thursday, April 13, 2006.

Location: Fairlane Campus - U of M Dearborn (Map Code FCN)

University of Michigan
School of Management
Fairlane Center North - Room TBD
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126

Driving Directions


Registration Form

To register for this event, please submit the online Registration form - Pick "Chapter VIII - EMC" from the registration form menu.

There will be several concurrent technical presentations of interest to electrical engineers to choose from.

For more information on the IEEE Section Meeting, please visit the webpage at


Schedule of Events 

4:00 PM                    On-site Registration Opens

5:00 PM - 5:45 PM  First half Chapter Presentations

5:45 PM - 6:00 PM   Networking & Sponsor Tables

6:00 PM - 6:45 PM   Second half of Chapter Presentations (Chapter VIII - EMC)

6:45 PM - 7:15 PM   Networking & Sponsor Tables

7:15 PM - 7:45 PM   Dinner 

7:45 PM - 8:00 PM   Awards during Dinner

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM    Keynote Speaker


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The talk will review a number of EMI problems relating to antennas, cable harness and electronics in automobiles. Basic research will be presented for understanding coupling to cavities, which house the onboard electronics. The research data show that cavity coupling is extremely sensitive to frequency and polarization of the interfering source. A practical example will illustrate the effectiveness of using computational electromagnetics in conjunction with optimization techniques for reducing antenna-cable harness coupling. Results suggest that interference can be reduced drastically by careful routing of the cable harnesses through the automobile chassis.

Tayfun Özdemir, Ph.D.


Dr. Tayfun Özdemir is the founder and President of Virtual EM Inc., where he is responsible for overseeing R&D projects, product development, commercialization and new business development. Since its incorporation in August 2002, Virtual EM has received four SBIR/STTR contracts from the Department of Defense in excess of one million dollars. Dr. Özdemir is currently carrying out research on numerical solutions to radiation and scattering problems using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and training of adaptive/smart antennas using simulated data. Dr. Özdemir received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan) in 1998, M.S.E. degree from the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) in 1989 and B.Sc. degree from Karadeniz Üniversitesi (Trabzon, Turkey) in 1984, all in Electrical Engineering. Dr. Özdemir has thirteen years of experience in developing electromagnetic modeling software as well as antenna design and prototyping. He has been the Principal Investigator on numerous Department of Defense funded R&D projects. From August 2002 to April 2003, Dr. Özdemir worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Michigan carrying out research on minimizing interference among antennas, cable harness and electronics in automobiles. For this work, he, together with the co-authors, received the Best Symposium Paper award in 2003. Prior to founding Virtual EM in August 2002, Dr. Özdemir served as the director of the software development group at EMAG Technologies, Inc., where his responsibilities included managing R&D work involving antenna and microwave circuit modeling. Prior to becoming a director, Dr. Özdemir worked as a Senior Research Engineer at EMAG carrying out research on antenna design and prototyping for Cellular and GPS applications. Dr. Özdemir is also the co-inventor on a patent on integrated antenna design. From 1992-1998, Dr. Özdemir was a Graduate Student Research Assistant at the Radiation Laboratory of the University of Michigan, where he developed numerical models of radiation and scattering from complex platforms. His PhD thesis was titled "Finite Element Analysis of Conformal Antennas." As part of his thesis, he also developed analytical solutions to oblique incidence scattering from thick metal-dielectric joins. Dr. Özdemir has co-written six refereed journal papers, co-authored two book chapters, and made over thirty conference presentations in the field of antenna design and analysis, and electromagnetic scattering. Dr. Özdemir is a member of the IEEE and the Vice-Chair of the Chapter IV (Trident) of its Southeast Michigan Section.


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