IEEE Central Texas Section


Volume 52-11

November 2008

Newsletter of the Central Texas Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.

Published monthly. Deadline for inclusion is the 25th day of the previous month. Send submissions, comments, questions to Kevin Nickels, Editor,


1. Section Activities

2. Chapter Activities

3. News & Information

4. Local Conferences

5. Other Conferences


Your IEEE -
IEEE Region 5
IEEE Central Texas Section

IEEE Conferences - Calls for Papers
IEEE Xplore - fulltext access to IEEE Publications
What's New at IEEE
Society News from IEEE
IEEE Standards Association
The Spectrum Online - The Magazine for Technology Insiders

1. Section Activities

Chairman's Column


As we roll into the holiday season, there's lots of action spinning up. Foremost on the plate for the Central Texas Section officers will be a Strategic Planning meeting in Austin on 1 Nov. Among other things, your officers will be focused on defining where the Section should be going in order to better serve the membership. We'll hopefully be able to report out a revised Section Strategic Plan with a number of specific goals and objectives for the immediate future.

Two other important actions are on the table. Elections of your Chapter leadership should be completed soon. This is your chance to select the leadership you think best qualified to move your group forward in the next year or so.

In addition, your chapter will be assembling their budget for their planned activities for 2009. Don't miss this opportunity to provide input to your leadership as to the priorities you think should be observed within your group.

Again, thanks for all you do to help the profession.

Garrett Polhamus
Chairman, Central Texas Section

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Membership Development

2009 Membership Year Kicks Off

Your 2009 membership renewal package will arrive in the mail soon, or you can renew online right now. Renew before 15 November and you'll be entered into a drawing to win one of three laptops. To learn about new services being rolled out in 2009, visit

Joe Redfield
CTS Membership Development Chair

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Engineering in San Antonio - SA Vice-Chair's Column

E-week 2009, Feb 15-21 San Antonio update

E-week in San Antonio is progressing along, and I'm actively working to get the many groups who have Eweek activities (the Bexar County TSPE and where I work - UTSA) to work together. UTSA had 6 or 7 activities last year - some outreach for middle/high school, and some specifically for our students (Career Fair, etc)..

We had our second meeting, and plans are progressing nicely. The committee is concerned that we might not have 200 runners for this 5K Fun Run at Brackenridge Park. I don't think they know how active many of you are! Save the dates and consider attending some of the events!

I didn't get any response (at all) about an educational outreach for an IEEE activity for Eweek - let me know if you have any ideas, and talk to your colleagues and companies about having students visit you and your company on the Engineer for a Day (Tuesday) of Eweek. This is a great way to let potential future engineers see what you do, and what your company does.

Let me know what you want to do for E-week San Antonio!

Dawn Roberson
Vice-Chair San Antonio

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Section & Chapter News

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Continuing Education

Global Challenges to National Innovation Systems -- Speaker Series from LBJ School of Public Policy (Austin)

This speaker series is sponsored by the Technology, Innovation, and Global Security (TIGS) program of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law. Members of the local Austin tech community and the technology and policy community on the UT campus, are invited.

The current confirmed schedule of speakers for Fall 2008 is as follows:

  • Sept. 9 Morris Chang, founder and Chairman, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation, "The Global Semiconductor Industry: A Discussion"
  • Sept. 23 Charles Geschke, cofounder and Board co-chair Adobe Systems Inc, "The Founding and Development of Adobe in a Global Software Industry"
  • October 7 Joan Woodard, Executive Vice President and Deputy Laboratories Director for Nuclear Weapons. Sandia National Laboratories, "International Nuclear Control in a Global Technology Environment"
  • October 21 Dan Hutcheson, CEO, VLSI Research, "Science 2.0: Globalized Innovation in Electronics"
  • November 4 Anne Stevens, Chairman, President, and CEO, Carpenter Technology Corporation, "The Global Automotive Industry: Perspective on a Changing Industry in a Changing World"
The speaker series is scheduled from 5:15 to 7:15pm. For more information contact Bill Spencer.

Free Webinar: Find Your Innovation Style (17 November)

IEEE-USA has launched Innovation Styles, a Web-based evaluation, feedback and coaching system designed to boost innovation for individuals, teams and organizations. The Innovation Styles Profile (ISP) is a personal self-assessment that shows how you use the four different approaches to innovation and change. These insights will help you to optimize your innovativeness and improve how you work with your colleagues' varied innovative styles. To receive your free ISP login, go to and log in with your IEEE Web Account. To help you make full use of your Profile, register for a free IEEE-USA Webinar, "Discovering and Using Your Innovation Style," to be held at 1 p.m. on 17 Nov., at .

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Student Branches

Branch Liaisons Needed
We are looking for volunteers to expand our contact with student branches and tomorrow's engineers. We would like one liaison per school that can attend two or three meetings per semester as a conduit to the section and the profession itself. Interested members should contact for more information.

St Mary's University- San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Djaffer Ibaroudene, Email:
Branch President: Joseph Campbell email:

Trinity University - San Antonio
Faculty Adviser: Farzan Aminian, email:
Branch President: Jonathan Simpkins, email:

University of Texas at Austin (
Faculty Adviser: Sriram Vishwanath, email:
Branch chair: Austin DeHart, email:

University of Texas at San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Yufang Jin, email:
Branch chair: Philip So, email:

Student Member News

WISE Internship Applicants Wanted

Outstanding engineering students with a keen interest in public policy and evidence of leadership skills are encouraged to apply for the summer 2009 Washington Internships for Students of Engineering (WISE) program, scheduled to run from 8 June to 7 August. To qualify for consideration, applicants must be juniors, seniors or entering their final year of undergraduate studies in engineering (or computer science). WISE will also accept applications from engineering grads who are beginning Masters level study in a technology policy-related degree. Interns must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. WISE applicants should apply directly to their desired sponsor using the contact information provided. ANS, ASCE, ASME, IEEE and SAE will sponsor only individuals who are members of their societies at the time of application. Minority students are encouraged to apply. Applicants are required to fill out an application form, write two brief (one page) essays in response to que! stions, arrange for two faculty references, and forward an official transcript.

Download the 2009 WISE program application at:

View the downloadable program flyer (PDF) at:

Solar Boats Train Students for the Future

The solar-powered machine familiar to most people is likely no more complex than a calculator. But a group of engineering undergrads aimed higher when it came to harnessing the power of the sun. They built and raced solar-powered boats in the annual Solar Splash competition, held on the campus of the University of Arkansas.

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Calls for Volunteers

IEEE Seeks Program Evaluators for Accrediting Engineering & Engineering Technology Programs at U.S. Universities

The IEEE, the largest member of ABET, Inc. (formerly known as the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology), is responsible for the peer-review evaluation of more than 750 university programs in the IEEE fields of interest. IEEE's involvement in the peer-review evaluation is vital to ensuring the continuing quality brought forth after graduation into the engineering and engineering technology professions. To aid IEEE and ABET in this accreditation role, the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) is seeking engineering professionals from industry, government and academe to serve as program evaluators. In addition to the professional and public good that evaluators perform, other benefits of being a program evaluator include: the opportunity to keep in touch with changing engineering and technology teaching methods; meeting those who will soon enter the profession; and learning how to conduct an objective evaluation of the educational process using established criteria, which can be helpful for those interested in training related to continuous improvement procedures.

Selected applicants will attend a training seminar on the ABET accreditation process. After training, program evaluators are dispatched in teams to visit engineering and engineering technology departments at universities across the country on behalf of the IEEE and ABET. Evaluation sessions are held during the fall and usually run two to three days.

Applications for the 2008 - 2009 academic year will be accepted through 15 November 2008.

Information packages, including nominations forms and the program evaluator qualifications, are available at:

For further information, contact IEEE EAB Accreditation at Application form is available at:

IEEE Seeks Volunteers for Humanitarian Technology Challenge

The Humanitarian Technology Challenge (HTC) is a partnership between IEEE and the United Nations Foundation designed to bring together technical professionals and humanitarians to develop technological solutions for pressing challenges facing humanity. A small number of IEEE members are needed to help shape the early stages of the program, working with humanitarians to further detail challenge definitions and outline a solution process. This is a unique opportunity for IEEE volunteers experienced in systems engineering to work directly with prominent humanitarian volunteers. The following initial challenges were identified by focus groups composed of representatives from ten humanitarian organizations:

  • Reliable Electricity - Availability of power for electronic devices
  • Data Connectivity of Rural District Health Offices -- Capability of exchanging data among remote field offices and central health facilities
  • Local Management and Tracking of Supply Distribution - Ensure that supplies are getting to the people that need them in order to maximize the impact of assistance
  • Incident Tracking - Determine locations and extent of medical problems in order to focus resources
  • Patient ID and Tie to Health Records - Maintain consistent patient records, including when patients visit different clinics and when they relocate.

IEEE volunteers should be experienced in the application of technology to solve humanitarian issues and be willing to commit approximately two to four hours per week to the project. A conference call/webcast for early stage volunteers is scheduled to take place in late November, 2008. This will be followed by an in-person conference scheduled for the first quarter of 2009, where additional volunteers will be needed. For more information, visit the HTC Web site ( Interested volunteers should contact Harold Tepper, IEEE HTC Project Manager, at

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2. Chapter Activities

Multiple Chapters

Sponsors Technology Management Council, in conjunction with the Women in Engineering
Topic/Title A Structured Approach to Problem Solving
Speaker R. Scott Evans
Date/Time Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Location Amplify, Burnet and Braker
Notes This meeting is open to the public. See for details and to RSVP.

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Joint Circuits and Systems/Solid-State Circuits

Topic/Title On-Chip Dual Supply Generation for embedded DRAM
Speaker Dr. JB Kuang, IBM Austin Research Lab
Date/Time Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 6:30PM
Cost none
Reservations not required
Location UT Campus - ACA 1.104(the giant trailer in the parking lot next to the ENS)

The joint Circuits & Systems/Solid State Circuits Societies normally meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. This meeting is open to the public and interested parties. Additional details will be posted at the website. If you have any questions about this meeting or this group, please contact or

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Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

Chair: Om P Mandhana, Freescale

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Computer Society - Austin

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Computer Society - San Antonio

Topic/Title Rackspace Managed Hosting
Speaker Tom Weeks, Rackspace Managed Hosting
Date/Time Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Cost $10 members/ $0 students/$13 non-members
Location Rackspace Managed Hosting, 9725 Datapoint Dr, San Antonio, TX. Map at
Reservations Required by Friday before meeting to Yu Zhang, or (210) 999-7399.
Notes This meeting is open to the public. See for maps, parking directions, and more!

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Consultants Network

Topic/Title Engineering Overview of Intellectual Property
Speaker Bob Hunter - Bob is a consultant in standards, conformity assessment and accreditation. Bob was a Patent Engineering Specialist at the Philco Corporation for 13 years and has lectured and publicized on patent matters, including a presentation on the patent system at the IEEE Consultants in Austin several years ago.
Date/Time Thursday, November 13, 2008
(Regular meeting is on 2nd Thursday)
Networking at 6:00 pm, Business and program from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Cost $5.00 minimum charge for the restaurant. Supper is at optional extra cost.
Reservations Not required. All interested parties are invited to attend.
Location China Star Restaurant, 6134 Hwy 290E, Austin TX. Westbound access road of 290E, just east of IH 35
AbstractBob Hunter will present an engineering overview of intellectual property, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and related issues.

Do a friend a favor. Bring your colleague to grow the Consultants Network attendance.

The Consultants web directory is to be found at

Do the Consultants Network a favor. Give a talk or get a speaker for one meeting this year. Email the bio and summary to the Chairman.

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Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

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Electron Devices Society

There will be no meeting in November 2008.

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Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Topic/Title Clinical simulation for accelerating biomedical innovation
Speaker Royce W. Johnson
Date/Time 6:30 pm, November 19, 2008
Agenda 6:30 - networking, 7:00 dinner, 8:00 Technical Presentation
Cost (dinner) $10 IEEE members, $15 non-members, students free!
Reservations Please email Royce Johnson ( so we have a head count for dinner.
Location Kinetic Concepts, R&D Conference Center VI, Room 502, 6203 Farinon Drive, San Antonio, TX 78249. We are the last building on your right as you are headed away from IH-10 on Farinon Drive. Enter at the center doors.

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Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD)

For more Information contact Jason Polendo

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Laser and Electro Optics Society

For more information, contact Ray Chen

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Life Members Affinity Group

Planning Committee Members Needed

We are looking for a few more volunteers to round out our Chapter's planning Committee. We currently have three, Scott Atkinson, Bob Harris and Ernest Franke. We meet monthly for lunch to review IEEE, Central Texas Section and Chapter activities. Interested folks should contact or 210-481-4932.

If a Life Member is not receiving email from our Chapter, please contact Scott Atkinson at or 210-481-4932.

For more information, contact Scott Atkinson

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Power and Energy Society - Austin

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Power and Energy Society - San Antonio

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Product Safety Engineering Society

Topic/Title Field Evaluations
Speaker Charles Goertz, TUV America
Date/Time December 2
Cost none
Reservations Call Dale Ritzen (512) 651-5338 for details and directions.
Location Dell, Parmer Campus, Parmer South Building 4, Victoria Conference Room.

Mark Your Calanders -- Januray topic is TBD, in February Dale Ritzen will be speaking on the safety of amusement park rides, and we have scheduled a talk by someone who has come through fireman training in March.

We encourage you, others in your organization, or other interested parties to participate in our meetings. The PSES meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30, with the program starting at 7pm. For further information about the PSES, please contact Dale Ritzen at (512) 651-5338 or Gary Schrempp at

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Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society

Topic/Title BIG Broadband & Gigabit to the Home
Speaker Wayne Caswell, CAZITech Consulting
Date/Time Thursday, November 21, 2008
Cost Free
Reservations Please RSVP to Steve Crowl so that we may provide a guest list to our host.
Location AT&T Labs - 9505 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX 78759
Directions Yahoo Map
Abstract Understand the application possibilities and product design implications from the pending bandwidth Exaflood, which is enabled by Fiber-to-the-Home and Gigabit speeds (BIG Broadband). This presentation examines the capabilities of network alternatives like wireless and concludes that even 100 Mbps is not enough for a National Broadband Objective. And with a Gigabit objective, we can discuss bandwidth deployment obstacles and status and Internet issues facing the next administration.
Speaker Bio As a technologist, futurist and marketer with IBM, Dell, Siemens and CAZITech Consulting, Wayne knows the benefits digital technologies can have on society and the challenges of adopting them. His 30-year career progressed from punch card and computer operator through programming and systems engineering, and into marketing, product planning, and market strategy. He has a BS degree in Technology Management from American University and is a member of the Austin Wireless Alliance, Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA), Telecom ThinkTank, and the World Future Society.

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Technology Management Council - Austin

The IEEE Technology Management Council (Austin Chapter) is embarking on a year-long series: "Effective Engineering Leadership." This series of events is designed to help engineers and engineering managers develop the skills they need to become more effective, with take-away that they can implement immediately.

We will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, beginning in October (October 14) at Amplify, 2608 Brockton Drive (Brocton and Burnet) at 6:30pm-8:30pm. Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Topics we will cover, over the course of several months, include:

  • Leading Teams
    • Rewards, recognition and pitfalls
    • What is the future environment for teams? (for example, virtual)
    • How to increase productivity for your team
    • Managing Difficult People, Managing High Achievers
  • For 2009 meetings:
    • How to get things done without blowing up your career
    • Choosing winners: how to pick initiatives and objectives for your team
    • Risk management
    • What your management really wants
    • How to negotiate for the resources your team needs

Plan now to join us in November for another fantastic event in this series!

Sponsors Technology Management Council, in conjunction with the Women in Engineering
Topic/Title A Structured Approach to Problem Solving
Speaker R. Scott Evans
Date/Time Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Location Amplify, Burnet and Braker
Notes This meeting is open to the public. See for details and to RSVP.

Contact Leslie Martinich ( for more information about the Austin TMC.

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Technology Management Council - San Antonio

Contact Nils Smith ( for information about the San Antonio TMC.

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Women in Engineering

Sponsors Technology Management Council, in conjunction with the Women in Engineering
Topic/Title A Structured Approach to Problem Solving
Speaker R. Scott Evans
Date/Time Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Location Amplify, Burnet and Braker
Notes This meeting is open to the public. See for details and to RSVP.

Women in Engineering has been an Affinity Group of the Central Texas Section since the Fall of 2002.

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3. News & Information

Open-Source Voting?

In the aftermath of the Florida recount debacle of 2000, the U.S. Congress provided billions of dollars for local governments to buy electronic voting systems. So perhaps it was only a matter of time before members of the open-source movement entered the fray claiming that their technology can guarantee fairer elections. Read more at

Water for the World

The world isn't short of water, but it's a scarce resource for many people. IEEE is working on a Water for the World project that focuses on creating pilot programs for increasing water availability in developing countries and making drinking water clean and safe for the 1.7 billion people who lack it. Learn more at

Web Site Highlights IEEE's Anniversary Celebrations

Planning is now in full swing worldwide for IEEE's 125th anniversary celebrations next year. Information about these activities can be found on the new 125th Anniversary Web site, which has message boards, a series of video greetings from members and some well-known technology leaders, and other interactive features. For more information, visit

McCain and Obama's Tech Platforms

Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama each have different views on the future of technology. Sometimes those views overlap, sometimes they don't. But each has a chance at influencing the careers of many IEEE members and others working in technology. Read more in this month's issue of IEEE-USA Today's Engineer Online:

The Risk Factor: Want to Hack an E-Voting Machine in 7 Minutes?

A Princeton University report describes alleged vulnerabilities related to a prominent electronic voting machine used in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other states. Next Tuesday night and Wednesday morning could get very interesting wherever there are close elections and e-voting machines were used. Read more and comment.


On 4 October 2008, the IEEE Xplore Digital Library was successfully upgraded with a new software release (Release 2.5.3). This release did NOT involve any downtime so customers and users enjoyed uninterrupted use of Xplore during the upgrade process. Release 2.5.3 included three key enhancements that were top IEEE customer requests. Details on each enhancement are below.

Medical Subject Headings (Mesh(R) Terms)- Authenticated users can now see MeSH terms in IEEE Xplore. MeSH terms represent the controlled vocabulary thesaurus of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), and are used to index articles from 4,800 of the world's leading biomedical journals for the NLM's MEDLINE/PubMED(R) database service. The addition of MeSH terms makes it easier for IEEE Xplore users to search for medically oriented content. Where applicable, MeSH Terms appear under the Index Terms section on the Abtract pages of IEEE Xplore. With this release, MeSH terms became available for the following IEEE publications going back to approximately 2006:

  1. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
  2. IEEE Trans on Bio-medical Engineering
  3. IEEE Trans on Image Processing
  4. IEEE trans on IT in biomedicine
  5. IEEE Trans on Medical Imaging
  6. IEEE Trans on Nanobioscience
  7. IEEE Trans on Neural Networks
  8. IEEE Trans on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
  9. IEEE Trans on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B - Cybernetics
  10. IEEE Trans on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
  11. IEEE/ACM Trans on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  12. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
  13. IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  14. IEEE Trans on Visualization and Computer Graphics
  15. The Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS

PDF Banner- Also known as PDF Wrapper, this new feature produces a horizontal banner that appears in a frame at the top of every PDF displayed in IEEE Xplore. The banner serves the following functions:

  1. Addresses a top IEEE customer request for more prominent institutional branding by prominently displaying a subscribing institution's name within the banner. (The banner appears only during online viewing and is not visible on saved or printed PDFs.)
  2. Reinforces the IEEE and Xplore brands while providing convenient navigation links to the IEEE Xplore homepage and the main IEEE website (
  3. Provides a clear indication to users that the content being viewed has been made available by a funding/sponsoring institution.

PDF Stamping - Also known as PDF Watermarking, this is another feature requested by many IEEE customers. PDF Stamping marks the bottom of each page of every downloaded PDF with an imprint containing the date and time of download and user or institutional name. The primary purpose of the stamp is to remind Xplore users that the content being viewed is an authorized and licensed copy of record. In the case of users affiliated with an IEEE institutional customer, the stamp gives a clear indication that the content is being provided by a funding/sponsoring institution. The stamp appears on saved and printed versions of a PDF. Here is an example of the PDF stamp: "Authorized licensed use limited to: ABC Corporation. Downloaded on October 10, 2008 at 15:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply."

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4. Local Conferences

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