IEEE Central Texas Section


Volume 57-02

February 2013

Newsletter of the Central Texas Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.

Archives of The Analog can be found on the CTS web site here.

Published monthly. Deadline for inclusion is the 26th day of the previous month. Send submissions, comments, questions to John Purvis, Editor,


General Interest

Chairman's Column

Membership Development

News of Interest to the Section

Continuing Education

Student Branches

Calls for Volunteers

Local Chapter Activities

Antennas & Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques

Joint Circuits and Systems/Solid-State Circuits

Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

Computer Society - Austin

Computer Society - San Antonio

Consultants Network

Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

Electron Devices Society

Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Graduates of the Last Decade

Instrumentation and Measurement Society

Laser and Electro Optics Society

Life Members Affinity Group

Joint Power and Energy, Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics, and Industrial Applications Societies - Austin

Power Engineering Society - San Antonio

Product Safety Engineering Society

Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - Austin

Joint Communications and Signal Processing Society - San Antonio

Systems, Man and Cybernetics

Technology Management Council - Austin

Technology Management Council - San Antonio

Women in Engineering

Conferences, Events and Other Meetings

Local IEEE Conferences, Events and Workshops

Non-IEEE Meetings and Events of interest suggested by the membership

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Events and Information


Tips, Tools and Gadgets




IEEE Region 5

IEEE Central Texas Section

Call for Papers

IEEEXplore - full text access to IEEE Publications

What's New at IEEE

SocietyNews from IEEE

IEEE Standards Association

The Spectrum Online - The Magazine for Technology Insiders

IEEE Regional News

IEEE Member Newsletter

General Interest

Chairman's Column

The last weekend of January the CTS Section and Chapter Officers meet at Texas State University for the semi-annual planning meeting. About 50 chapter and student branch officers reported on the 2012 activities of their chapters and their plans for 2013. It was great hearing about all the different types of plans that the chapter leaders have for 2013. I plan to attend as many as possible. Speaking of Texas State University, on behalf of the entire IEEE Central Texas Section, we would like to thank the University and the Texas State IEEE Student Branch for hosting the Central Texas Future City Competition on January 19, 2013. It was a great event and the 7th and 8th grade students all did an excellent job on their projects. CTS is hosting a series of Lunch & Learns for EWEEK, Feb 18-22. Currently there are two scheduled, but we are still working on others. Please visit this link for more information on the IBM and Freescale events and others as the details become available.

Kenny Rice
Chairman, Central Texas Section

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Membership Development

Have you renewed your IEEE membership for 2013?

It is easy to forget and easy to put off.  If you haven’t renewed your IEEE membership, or don’t know if you have, go to  NOW and find out or simply call 800 678-4333.

Renew now to avoid loss of any of your IEEE benefits.

If you have already renewed, thank you for being part of the Central Texas Section and the IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional association.

Opportunity to make a difference as an Engineer!

As an IEEE member, or simply as an Engineer, we get the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of future engineers AND have some fun at the same time!  See the CTS web site or the URLs below for additional details on the listed opportunities.

Science Fair Judge – Yes Science Fair season is in full swing.  There are a number of science and engineering focused schools in the CTS area that host Science Fairs each year. From the school fairs, winners progress to state and regional fairs.  Commitments are typically a half day.  Below are those upcoming Science Fairs known to the CTS.
February 9, 2013, Junior Academy of Science – San Antonio to register contact
February 21, 2013, Austin Energy Regional Science Festival 2013 – Austin
March 4, 2013, Alamo Regional Science & Engineering Fair – San Antonio,
March 28, 2013, ExxonMobil Texas Science & engineer Fair – San Antonio,

Find a time, register, and go make a difference in the next generation of engineers!

IEEE GOLD Professional Development Webinars

IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) regularly invites IEEE members to attend quarterly Professional Development Webinars. 

These webinars cover many of the important targeted to the GOLD member.  Past topics include Project Management, Engineering for Change, and Scientific writing, to name a few.  Past Webinars have been recorded and are ready for viewing at any time through your MyIEEE account.

Go to for a list of past webinars and for a schedule of what’s to come.

Did you know about IEEE –

Made possible by the members of IEEE, is an award-winning Internet-based television network.  IEEE members produce and deliver special-interest programming about technology and engineering for the benefit of IEEE’s member and the general public. Public Access is free to the general public, and made possible by IEEE members and select industry-sponsors.

IEEE members log in to access special members-only programs and site features including downloads and program transcripts.

Check it out at:

Joe Redfield
CTS Membership Development Chair

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News of Interest to the Section

IEEE COMSOC Sponsors RWW Jan 20-23, Austin
IEEE Austin COMSOC/SP chapter participated at recent RWW2013 (Radio Wireless Week) conference held in Austin January 20-23. Fawzi Behmann, Chair of COMSOC/SP had the opportunity representing the president of IEEE Communications Society and addressed over 370 of the RWW attendees during the plenary session and presented an overview of COMSOC and gave highlights of the local chapter activities. The Local chapter had an exhibit at RWW (Jan. 21-22) and participated at the reception (Jan. 21), banquet (Jan. 22) and ETS.Lindgren technical tour and BBQ dinner (Jan. 23).

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Continuing Education

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Student Branches

St Mary's University - San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Djaffer Ibaroudene, email:
Branch Chair: Jordan Dean, email:

Texas State University - San Marcos (new branch, 2009)
Faculty Adviser: Larry Larson, email:
Branch Chair: Adrian Fabian, email:

Trinity University - San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Farzan Aminian, email:
Branch Chair: Mohsin Rahim, email:

University of Texas at Austin (
Faculty Adviser: Sriram Vishwanath, email:
Branch Chair: Connor Weins, email:

University of Texas at San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Shuo Wang, email:
Branch Chair: Michael Starkweather, email:

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Calls for Volunteers

2012 Future Cities Competition
Thanks to the Central Texas Section for standing up and supporting the Central Texas Future City Regional Competition.  It was successful in that we had teams of middle school students from all over Central Texas show up on the Saturday of a three day weekend to talk about a city they designed for at least 150 years in the future. 
Dawn Roberson, Central Texas Regional Coordinator
Senior Member

Green Energy and Engineering Day
We seek engineers for our National Engineering Week event at St. Philip's College in San Antonio.  Last year, this event was highly successful and had about 250 student participants.  We are working with 5th – 12th graders to motivate them to pursue engineering careers.  Our emphasis is on alternative energy cars (solar and electric) built by local high school students and on motivational speeches from the high school students to their peers and the youth.  This year, we are also partnering with TAME (Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering) to offer the local section Science and Mathematics competition as a part of this event.  It is our expectation that we will see up to 100 6th – 12th graders competing in the TAME competition.
We are seeking engineers to serve as role models for Green Energy and Engineering Day event on February 23rd, 2013.  Specifically, we are seeking individuals who would be interested in participating/conducting an 1.5 hr hands-on workshop with either elementary, middle or high school students on the afternoon of February 23rd.  We provide lunch and the materials for the workshops. We have kits (complete with instructional booklets for the kids) to build little electric motors (elementary students) and KINEX educational models to construct bridges, amusement park rides and other structures (middle and high school students).  We can provide any materials you desire from local sources if you have engineering activities you would like to conduct.
Would you be interested in  volunteering for this event?  Could you please alert other engineers in your professional organization/network who might be interested?   Contact Jo Dee Duncan, Ph.D., Director, Centers of Excellence for Mathematics and Science, (210) 486 - 7121.

The Christian Academy of San Antonio (C.A.S.A.) is hosting a Science Fair for grades 7-12

At this event, the students will have the opportunity to showcase their experiments and compete for advancement to the ASCI Science Fair for private schools in the San Antonio Area.  The event will take place at the school gymnasium on Monday, February 25th .  Judges are needed in order to make this event a success.  Judging will take place between the hours of 8am – 12N.  Students will be available for interviews if necessary.
DATE: February 25, Monday
EVENT:  C.A.S.A. Science Fair
LOCATION:  325 Castroville Road, San Antonio, Texas 78207
TIMES:  8am -12N  (each judge will be asked to judge 3 to 5 projects)
NEEDS:  As many volunteer judges as can be spared.
PHONE #:  school phone number: 210-431-7355

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Local Chapter Activities

Antennas & Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques (APS/MTTS)









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Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA)


IOT (Internet of Things) for Smart cities – Applications of wireless sensor networks to numerous markets – smart energy, smart health, etc.
Joint meeting with CASS/SSCS


Kwok Wu, Head of Embedded Software and Systems Solutions, Freescale Semiconductor.
Kwok Wu is currently the Head of Embedded Software and Systems Solutions, Freescale Semiconductor. Dr. Kwok Wu has many years of diverse experience in advanced embedded systems and software. He has delivered high-performance scalable software platforms and products for Freescale’s Power Architecture, Starcore DSP, ARM, and ZigBee Systems-on-Chips (SoCs) in the wireless broadband networking, telecommunications, enterprise, consumer, automotive, industrial, smart energy, and health segments.

Kwok has been selected as 2012 Innovator of the Year by ECD – Embedded Computing Design Magazine for his platform approach to Wireless Smart Gateways
(3G/4G Broadband, 802.11n, 802.11AC Wifi, 802.11.14 Zigbee wireless sensor network)
He also received the Innovative Networking Product Award, Broadband World Forum 2011with Secured Broadband multi-service Gateway and Best Networking and Communication Product Award, Smart Metering at Australia & New Zealand Summit 2012. He is an award-winning industry veteran and sought after speaker.

He has held various executive management positions at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technology, Actel, AMD, Lattice and Freescale Semiconductor.
Kwok is member of IEEE Computer Society, and holds a Treasurer position at the Austin Chapter of IEEE Communications Society and hold a PhD, EECS (Computer Engineering) from the University of Texas at Austin.


This presentation introduces the Freescale smart wireless converged platform connecting Smart Grid, Smart Home, Smart Buildings for m2M (machines-to-machines, machines-to-Mankind) using Zigbee-based 802.15.4 wireless sensor network (WSN). The last-mile of smart Grid integrating smart meters, smart home/building’s Home Area Network (HAN) using 8308nSG for home energy management and Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) using multi-core P1025 Data Concentrator for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) are described. This Internet of Things (IOT) can also be extended to various market segments such as building/factoring automation, safety/security, transportation and medical/health monitoring connecting the Zigbee wireless sensor network with the smart gateway and smart mobile devices for remote monitoring and control. The future is Cloud connectivity by Smart Network Gateways for Internet of Things (IOT). Gateways, empowered by Open source software platforms, will seamlessly integrate multiple wireless connectivity protocols, such as mobile broadband, WiFi, and Zigbee wireless sensor networks, (WSN) to connect multiple smart devices, such as handsets, utility meters, and appliances. This resilient mesh network allows for on demand remote access to all devices through the Cloud. Smart software can further provide real-time location and context aware decision making. For example allowing more autonomous smoke alarms, and more energy conscious appliances. These Gateways will ultimately create safer, greener, and smarter cities.


Feb 7, 6 pm to 8 PM
6:00 to 6:30 pm -- Networking and refreshments (pizza and water)
   6:30 to 8:00 pm -- Seminar




     Room Number: Auditorium
                       7700 W Parmer Ln.
                       Austin,  Texas, 78729


See full entry in the Local IEEE Conferences, Events or Workshops section later in this newsletter. 

The CEDA chapter normally meet on the 3rd Mondy of every month. This meeting is open to the public and interested parties. Additional details will be posted at the website. If you have any questions about this meeting or this group, please contact

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Joint Circuits and Systems/Solid-State Circuits (CASS/SSCS)


IOT (Internet of Things) for Smart cities – Applications of wireless sensor networks to numerous markets – smart energy, smart health, etc.
Joint meeting with CEDA


Kwok Wu, Head of Embedded Software and Systems Solutions, Freescale Semiconductor.
Kwok Wu is currently the Head of Embedded Software and Systems Solutions, Freescale Semiconductor. Dr. Kwok Wu has many years of diverse experience in advanced embedded systems and software. He has delivered high-performance scalable software platforms and products for Freescale’s Power Architecture, Starcore DSP, ARM, and ZigBee Systems-on-Chips (SoCs) in the wireless broadband networking, telecommunications, enterprise, consumer, automotive, industrial, smart energy, and health segments.

Kwok has been selected as 2012 Innovator of the Year by ECD – Embedded Computing Design Magazine for his platform approach to Wireless Smart Gateways
(3G/4G Broadband, 802.11n, 802.11AC Wifi, 802.11.14 Zigbee wireless sensor network)
He also received the Innovative Networking Product Award, Broadband World Forum 2011with Secured Broadband multi-service Gateway and Best Networking and Communication Product Award, Smart Metering at Australia & New Zealand Summit 2012. He is an award-winning industry veteran and sought after speaker.

He has held various executive management positions at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technology, Actel, AMD, Lattice and Freescale Semiconductor.
Kwok is member of IEEE Computer Society, and holds a Treasurer position at the Austin Chapter of IEEE Communications Society and hold a PhD, EECS (Computer Engineering) from the University of Texas at Austin.


This presentation introduces the Freescale smart wireless converged platform connecting Smart Grid, Smart Home, Smart Buildings for m2M (machines-to-machines, machines-to-Mankind) using Zigbee-based 802.15.4 wireless sensor network (WSN). The last-mile of smart Grid integrating smart meters, smart home/building’s Home Area Network (HAN) using 8308nSG for home energy management and Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) using multi-core P1025 Data Concentrator for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) are described. This Internet of Things (IOT) can also be extended to various market segments such as building/factoring automation, safety/security, transportation and medical/health monitoring connecting the Zigbee wireless sensor network with the smart gateway and smart mobile devices for remote monitoring and control. The future is Cloud connectivity by Smart Network Gateways for Internet of Things (IOT). Gateways, empowered by Open source software platforms, will seamlessly integrate multiple wireless connectivity protocols, such as mobile broadband, WiFi, and Zigbee wireless sensor networks, (WSN) to connect multiple smart devices, such as handsets, utility meters, and appliances. This resilient mesh network allows for on demand remote access to all devices through the Cloud. Smart software can further provide real-time location and context aware decision making. For example allowing more autonomous smoke alarms, and more energy conscious appliances. These Gateways will ultimately create safer, greener, and smarter cities.


Feb 7, 6 pm to 8 PM
6:00 to 6:30 pm -- Networking and refreshments (pizza and water)
   6:30 to 8:00 pm -- Seminar




     Room Number: Auditorium
                       7700 W Parmer Ln.
                       Austin,  Texas, 78729


See full entry in the Local IEEE Conferences, Events or Workshops section later in this newsletter. 

The joint Circuits & Systems/Solid State Circuits Societies normally meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. This meeting is open to the public and interested parties. Additional details will be posted at the website. If you have any questions about this meeting or this group, please contact or
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Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) - Austin


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Computer Society - Austin (CS)









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Computer Society - San Antonio (CS)

Topic/Title Discussion on the Aggregation of Electric Vehicles for G2V and V2G Applications
Speaker Sean C. Mitchem
Principal Analyst
Security and Energy Systems
Southwest Research Institute

Sean is an experienced system engineer, computer scientist, energy scientist, and project manager who has a diverse background in software development within many operational domains, including strategic command and control, air traffic control, healthcare systems, nuclear waste management, and smart grid energy systems. Sean is the former lead architect for the VA Pharmacy Reengineering program, and was lead architect and lead developer for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Pharmacy Replacement System.  His two primary focus areas at this time are energy storage systems integration for grid-level energy storage and control, and cyber security of the smart grid. Sean's work in the energy sector includes development of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery technology, economic analysis of dynamic line rating technology for high-power transmission lines, and integration of electric vehicles as energy storage devices within a microgrid.
Abstract Much has been discussed on the use of Electric Vehicles (EV) to support grid energy requirements, such as peak shaving, demand response, and frequency regulation.  The speaker is currently developing aggregation software to control a fleet of electric vehicles on a military installation utilizing the recent changes to the Society of Automotive Engineers J1772 standard for Bi-Directional EV energy flows using DC fast charging.  This presentation will discuss some of the use cases for EVs as grid storage devices and present some thoughts and experiences on G2V/V2G as developed through the speaker’s work.
Location Conference Room B, University Center, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX
Cost Dinner will be in the St. Mary’s Cafeteria downstairs in the University Center.  They have an all you can eat buffet for $8.50 plus tax.  Each person will pay for his or her own meal.  We will have a block of tables so we can sit together – look for Small IEEE Computer Society Signs on the tables.  Dinner is optional. You are welcome to skip dinner and come only to the technical presentation.
Reservations Not Required but for head count please email Dr. Djaffer Ibaroudene, , or call (210) 431-2050
Notes See our website for directions and parking,
You can see more about this meeting at:

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Central Texas Consultants Network Affinity Group

Topic/Title TBD
Speaker TBD
Speaker Bio TBD
Date Wednesday,  February 27, 2013
Networking at 6:00 pm;  Business and Program from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location PoK-e-Jo’s,  2121 W. Parmer Lane at Lamplight Village,  Austin  TX  78727
Cost $5.00 minimum charge for the restaurant.   Supper is at optional extra cost.
Reservations Not required.  All interested parties are invited to attend.
For more information, go to:
Notes For more information, go to:

If you are interested in professional career development and cross-training in varied technical fields, please consider joining the Central Texas Consultants Network.  And bring a colleague!
Introducing the IEEE - CTCN Officers for 2013 !!!
Chairman:  Bill Martino
Vice-Chair / Web Master:  Sergio Liberman
Secretary / Treasurer:  Jody Everett
Communication Manager:  Bob Baker
Program Manager:  Kai Wong

Do a friend a favor. Bring your colleagues to grow the Consultants Network.

More information on Consultants Networks:

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Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

No meeting scheduled at this time.


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Electron Devices Society (EDS)


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS)

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time


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Engineering Management

The Engineering Management Society has become the Technology Management Council. Information about meetings can be found in the sections for Technology Management Council - Austin and Technology Management Council - San Antonio

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Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Affinity Group

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time





More information on GOLD:

GOLD Launches Mentoring Connection Webinar
Are you interested in becoming a mentor or finding a mentor to help with  your professional development? If the answer is yes, check out a free new IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) webinar aimed at
helping mentors and mentees connect with each other. Learn more at

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Instrumentation and Measurement Society (I&M)


LabVIEW Isn’t the Same Old LabVIEW You Used in College


Jeff Phillips, National Instruments
Jeffrey Phillips is a Group Manager in the LabVIEW Technical Marketing Department at National Instruments. The technical marketing group develops the roadmap for the entire product platform based on customer needs and market trends while also ensuring the success of new users as they adopt LabVIEW for their applications. Jeffrey is a Certified LabVIEW Developer, has presented courses at various industry tradeshows such as PittCon and Photonics West, and has been published in trade publications such as EE Times. He received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tennessee, and employed at National Instruments since 2005.


Do you know LabVIEW? If you answered “yes” to this question because you saw it once in college or used it 7 years ago, then your answer should be “no”. Although it started out as software to automate the collection of data from bench top instruments, LabVIEW has expanded to applications such as automating the collection of machine data for maintenance and reliability determinations, machine control algorithms for the detection of cataracts, and the automating the control center for the SpaceX Falcon launch. Throughout test and measurement, design and control, LabVIEW has become a highly productive tool for engineers across all technical industry spaces. Built on the abstraction of low-level complexities of traditional languages, LabVIEW is the industry-standard tool for interfacing with measurement I/O from practically any vendor on any PC bus. This 1-hour presentation will provide a high-level overview of how you can use LabVIEW to better design, build, or test measurement and control systems.


February 18, 2013 - Reception 6-6:30pm, Presentation 6:30-8pm



To celebrate National Engineers Week, IEEE Central Texas will provide dinner to the first 40 guests who RSVP.  


Pok-e-Jo's 2121 W. Parmer Lane, Austin, TX 78727


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Laser and Electro Optics Society

No meeting scheduled at this time.

For more information, contact Ray Chen

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Life Members (LM) Affinity Group - San Antonio

Topic/Title El Camino Real (The Old Spanish Trail)
Speaker Bob Harris
Abstract The Old Spanish Trail passed through Texas, from Louisana to Mexico, and was a vital trade route for early Texas.  Bob Harris will talk about the Trail and its history, along with the efforts to preserve it.
Date/Time February 28, 2013 11:30 AM
Location Lion & Rose British Restaurant and Pub
842 NW Loop 410 (at Blanco Road)
San Antonio, TX
Cost We will order lunch from the regular menu, and the restaurant will provide separate checks.
Reservations Use vTools to register, or e-mail to

More information on LM:

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Power and Energy Society - Austin (PES/PELS/IAS/IES)


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Power and Energy Society - San Antonio

Topic/Title Ethics
Speaker David Howell, TBPE
David Howell is the Director of Licensing for the Texas Board of Professional Engineers.  He has over 20 years of engineering experience working for the State of Texas, five of them with the Board. As the Director of the Licensing Division, he oversees the review of all PE applications, Firm registrations, EIT certifications and renewals in the State of Texas.  The Licensing division reviews more than 2,500 PE applications per year and handles the renewals for close to 54,000 licensed Texas PEs and approximately 8,400 registered engineering Firms. The Licensing division also coordinates the exams for more than 6,900 examinees each year.
Date/Time February 28th
6:00 to 6:30PM Social
6:30 to 7:00PM Dinner
7:00 to 8:00PM Speaker Presentation

Acadiana Cafe
1289 Southwest Loop 410
San Antonio, Texas

Cost Attendees shall order and pay for their own meals via room waitstaff.
In addition the following fees are due for IEEE:
$1 Members
$2 Non-members
$5 No meal ordered
$0 Students fee is waived
Cash only please, No checks or credit cards for the IEEE fee.
Reservations Curtis Cryer @ 210-353-2159, or

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Product Safety Engineering Society (PSES)

Topic/Title ESD Basics
Speaker Jim Krzmarzick, Product Safety Engineer, Professional Testing, Inc.
Abstract An informal survey of a handful of Product Safety Engineers revealed a wide range of knowledge of and experience with electrostatic discharge control, ranging from none at all to extensive.  This presentation will cover basic ESD concepts and control techniques, which should serve as an introduction for some and a review for others.  It is intended to follow the presentation with a group discussion of ESD concerns in the Product Safety world.
Date/Time February 19, 2013
Location Dell Parmer Campus, Parmer South Building 4, Victoria Conference Room
Notes For further information about the meeting please contact Dale Ritzen, (512) 651-5338

We encourage you, others in your organization, or other interested parties to participate in our meetings. The PSES meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm, with the program starting at 7:00pm. For further information about the PSES, please contact Dale Ritzen at (512) 651-5338.

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Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - Austin


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Joint Communications and Signal Processing Society - San Antonio (Com/SP)


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society


No meeting scheduled at thist time








For further information, contact David Akopian

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Technology Management Council - Austin

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time

Contact Leslie Martinich ( for more information about the Austin TMC.

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Technology Management Council - San Antonio (TMC)
Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time

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Women in Engineering Affinity Group

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time

Contact Leslie Martinich ( for more information about the Austin TMC.

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Conferences, Other Meetings and Events

Local IEEE Conferences, Events or Workshops

  • February 5, 2013: Electronics Design & Manufacturing Symposium
    Registration: RSVP to Bob Baker at:
    Event Location: Specialty Coating Systems at 1130 Rutherford Lane, #260, Austin, Texas (between I-35 & Cameron Rd)

  • February 19-23, 2013: Engineering week Events in San Antonio
    The Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) Bexar Chapter, along with the San Antonio Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE), is hosting the following local events as part of National Engineers Week:

    Tuesday, February 19, 2013
    La Villita Assembly Hall (401 Villita St.)
    Registration: 7:30 am / Breakfast at 8:00 am
    Honoring the TSPE Bexar Chapter Young Engineer of the Year: T. Ian
    Perez, PE
    Individual Registration Fee**: $35  Register Here

    Thursday, February 21, 2013
    Old San Francisco Steakhouse
    Scheduled Speaker: Stephen Mokry, P.E. Sr. Director with CPS Energy
    Registration: 11:30 am / Lunch at 12:00 pm
    Individual Registration Fee**: $35 Register Here


    Thursday, February 21, 2013
    Sherlocks Pub (281/Thousand Oaks)
    4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
    Free! RSVP Here

    Friday, February 22, 2013
    Canyon Springs Golf Club (24405 Wilderness Oak)
    Registration: 11:00am / Shotgun Start at 12:30 pm
    Dinner immediately after tournament
    Individual Registration Fee**: $115 Register Here

    Saturday, February 23, 2013
    Cedar Ridge Range (7110 FM 1863, Bulverde, Texas)
    Registration & Breakfast at 9:00 am / Shooting Starts at 9:30 am
    Individual Registration Fee**: $50 Register Here

    Saturday, February 23, 2013
    OP Schnabel Park-Graff Pavillion (9606 Bandera Rd)
    Check-In at 7:00 am / Race Starts at 8:00 am
    Individual Registration Fee**: $30 Register Here

    Saturday, February 23, 2013
    Oak Hills Country Club (5403 Fredericksburg Rd)
    Cocktail Hour at 6:00 pm / Dinner at 6:30 pm / Casino opens at 8:00 pm
    Honoring the TSPE Bexar Chapter Engineer of the Year: Davy Beicker, PE
    Individual Registration Fee**: $65 Register Here
       Limited Seating

    **For more information on these exciting events and to register for
    multiple events go to
  • March 8, 2013: 2013 IEEE Texas Workshop on Integrated System Exploration (TexasWISE)
    Winedale House, Round Top, Texas

    You are cordially invited to attend Texas Workshop on Integrated System Exploration (TexasWISE), which is a one-day meeting in central Texas on March 8, 2013.  The mission of TexasWISE is two-fold: (1) to promote inter-disciplinary research between the field of integrated systems and other exploratory areas; (2) to provide a platform for the interaction between academia and industry.
    There is a compelling need to search for new inter-disciplinary growth areas for the integrated circuits and systems industry. This search is often embodied by exploratory individual research activities. In contrast to such individual efforts, TexasWISE intends to orchestrate a collective and synergistic way to facilitate such a growth. This is expected to maximize the impact of such exploratory research and to give Texas a leading role in this activity. TexasWISE will not only provide a chance for face-to-face interaction among Texas IC researchers and practitioners, but also attract outstanding speakers outside of Texas. In this way, the workshop will serve a key role in facilitating interactions along multiple dimensions‚ between academia and industry, both with Texas and outside Texas. Last but not least, this workshop will provide a great opportunity to hire the best students in Texas.

    Texas has a strong presence of the IC industry, through companies like Intel, IBM, AMD, Freescale, TI, Apple, Samsung, NI, etc. This workshop will foster communication and collaboration between academic scholars and the IC industry.  Moreover, the student participation will serve as a venue for industrial recruiting. The lunch and break times will provide additional opportunities for technical discussions and networking.


    There will be no registration fee.
    However, registration is required to secure a seat for you, and it is in a first-come-first-serve basis.
    Please register on-line at
    Free breakfast and lunch are provided.

  • April 7-10, 2013: 21st IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, AT&T Conference Center, Austin, Texas, USA.  See for information
    The ARITH symposia have served as the primary conference for presenting scientific work on the latest research in computer arithmetic since 1969, and cover both theoretical and practical topics such as number systems, algorithms for operations, implementations and applications of computer arithmetic. The program for next year’s conference including two keynote talks (one on exascale computing and the other on the Antikythera Mechanism) and on-line registration are now available at the conference website,

  • April 21-23. 2013: 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS)
    Renaissance Austin Hotel 9721 Arboretum Boulevard
    Austin, TX, USA

  • May 10, 2013:2013 IEEE Electron Devices Society Central Texas Mini-Colloquim
    AMD Austin Lone Star Campus
    7171 Southwest Parkway
    Austin,  Texas 78735
    contact Thuy Dao for any questions

  • May 29 - June 7, 2013: 2013 50th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)
    Austin Convention Center
    Austin, TX, USA

  • June 2, 2013:2013 ACM/IEEE International Workshop on System Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP)
    Austin Convention Center 500 East Cesar Chavez Street Austin
    Austin, TX, USA

  • June 2-3, 2013: 9th IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics System Education (MSE) to be held on June 2 -3 2013 in Austin Texas.

    MSE is the premier conference dedicated to furthering undergraduate and graduate education in designing and building innovative microelectronic systems. MSE is co-located with Design Automation Conference (DAC) providing the participant a unique opportunity to attend both conferences.

    Topics of Interest
    The MSE conference provides an excellent opportunity for educators and industry to work together to ensure continued excellence in the field of microelectronic systems.  Of particular interest is incorporation of emerging trends in the microelectronic system industry and research into the classroom.
    Papers are invited in (but not limited to) the following areas:

    Pedagogical innovations using a wide range of technologies, including nanometer-scale integrated circuits, low-power design, nanotechnology, application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), multicore/many-core processors, graphics processing units (GPUs), sensor networks, and embedded systems. Educational techniques including novel curricula and laboratories, assessment methods, distance learning, textbooks, and design projects. Industry and academic collaborative programs and teaching. Preparing students for industry, entrepreneurship, academics, and/or research.

    Papers submitted to MSE 2013 should not exceed four (4) pages in length. Submissions must comply with IEEE Computer Society formatting requirements.  Submissions in PDF or postscript format may be submitted on-line at  Submissions will be judged on originality, appropriateness, technical strength, assessment, and other relevant criteria.
    Important Dates
    Submission of papers:                   January 15, 2013
    Notification of acceptance              March 15, 2013
    Submission of final papers              April 8, 2013

  • October 7-9, 2013: 2013 IEEE Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering (ISPCE)
    Westin at the Domain
    Austin, TX, USA

  • December 3-5, 2013: 2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)
    Austin Convention Center 500 East Cesar Chavez Street Austin
    Austin, TX, USA
  • IEEE Conference Search can be found at

  • See also - A place to organize and share Calls for Papers.

Non-IEEE Meetings and Events of interest suggested by the membership

February 15, 2013:  Door64 STEM Job Fair
Door64 will be hosting nine STEM job fairs in 2013.  Attendees are required to include a LinkedIn profile that demonstrates a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) education or experience, and employers will be recruiting for current and future position exclusively with STEM components.  The first STEM job fair will be on February 15.  For registration and exhibiting information, please visit

February 22, 2013:Door64 Software Job Fair
The Software job fair is for those with a background in software development, including programming, user experience design, and quality assurance. Come meet with employers who are exclusively recruiting for these skill sets. Just like the STEM job fair, this job fair will feature a speaker series but will be focused on varying UI/UX topics from local experts. We'll be announcing speakers soon! 6 speakers, 2 rooms. Job Fair is Free, Speaker Series is $20
Check out the Eventbrite page for more information and Register to attend

March 30, 2013: Data Day Texas 2013
GeekAustin and Big Data friends
Saturday, March 30, 2013 from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM (CDT) Austin, TX

The first Data Day Austin, held almost 2 years ago, sold out weeks before the event. So many folks came to join from Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, this time it was decided to simply call it Data Day Texas.

See for more details

April 2, 2013: Austin VMUG User Conference
Austin VMUG User Conference taking place on Tuesday, April 2, 2013! At this free, full-day event you will find in-depth technical sessions, demonstrations, exhibits, and networking opportunities.  To register go to

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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Events and Information

March 5, 2013: Change the World Challenge
The Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge, a national environmental sustainability competition for grades K-12, is now accepting applications for the 2012-2013 program. Through project-based learning, students learn about science and conservation while gaining 21st-century skills. The deadline for all entries is March 5, 2013. Additional information is available at

March 15, 2013: Space Settlement Design Contest
The NASA Space Settlement Design Contest is intended for students in grades 6-12, although younger students may enter. Individual or teams from anywhere in the world may enter. Grade levels are judged separately, except for the grand prize. All participants will receive a certificate.  


The IEEE-USA Career Manager ( is organized into eight categories designed to help you manage and advance in your career:

* Career Management Interactive Workshop
* Salary Service
* Consulting and Entrepreneurship
* Professional Development Webinars
* Employment Assistance and Job Search
* IEEE Online Distance Learning
* E-Book Library

Tips, Tools and Gadgets

I have been busy this past week with the age 12-14 Girls Flag Football team that my wife and I are assistant coaches for, so there is no article this month.  We were in New Orleans earlier this week where the national tournament was held as part of the NFL activities associated with the Super Bowl.  Our team ended up 3rd in the tournament for the 12-14 girls teams. 

My column will be back next month.

If you have comments, or suggestions as to something I should mention in a future issue, please let me know at  I look forward to reading your comments and suggestions.