The Analog is the monthly newsletter of the Central Texas Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. New issues are published around the first of each month. The deadline for inclusion of material is the 26th of the month. Send submissions, comments, questions to John Purvis, Editor, Archives of The Analog can be found on the CTS web site here.
You can always check on all of the upcoming Central Texas Section activities here
Follow the
Central Texas Section in Social Media
From the Central Texas Section Chair
- full text access to IEEE Publications The Spectrum Online - The Magazine for Technology Insiders IEEE: The Bridge - IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN)'s signature publication, an interactive digital magazine published three times a year. IEEE Member Newsletter |
Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Austin
6505 N. Interstate 35
Austin, TX, USA
See for more information
December 6-9, 2016: 2016 88th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG)
Hilton Austin
500 East 4TH Street
Austin, TX, USA
Abstract submission deadline: 07 Oct 2016
Full Paper Submission deadline: 11 Nov 2016
Final submission deadline: 11 Nov 2016
Notification of acceptance date: 24 Oct 2016
See for more details
February 20-24, 2017: 2017 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)
Austin, TX
Abstract submission deadline: 02 Sep 2016
Full Paper Submission deadline: 09 Sep 2016
Final submission deadline: 04 Jan 2016
Notification of acceptance date: 02 Nov 2016
The Austin VMUG UserCon is bigger and better than ever. Mark your calendar now. You even have the opportunity to share your own virtualization story! Visit the VMUG Customer Spotlight page for your opportunity to present at the Austin VMUG UserCon.
In anticipation of summer vacations, the April CapMac meeting will focus on trip planning and traveling with your apple devices. The meeting will be held 7-9PM at Sherlock's Baker St. Pub in Austin.
Booked at the Palmer Events Center.May 16-19, 2016: OSCON 18
Find out more . . .
Austin Convention CenterJuly 8-9, 2016: Texas Linux Fest
OSCON (the O'Reilly Open Source Convention) is where the open source community gathers to celebrate achievements, spark new ideas, and map the future of open computing through collaboration and education. Since 1999, OSCON has brought together talented people from diverse backgrounds who are doing amazing things with open source. It's the place to share new techniques and approaches, proven best practices, and exceptional technical skills.
Join the software engineering and developer community to explore what's new in open source languages, tools, and techniques. Sharpen your skills and discover important new trends so you can be better at what you do.
For more information go here.
We are excited to officially announce the return of Texas Linux Fest in 2016. This year's event is scheduled for July 8 and 9 at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas. This year will mark seven years of Texas Linux Fest, the annual Linux and open source software event for Texas and the surrounding region. The program will be comprised of hall day tutorials on Friday July 8th, and a general session program and an exhibit hall on Saturday July 9th.
Call For Papers
In that spirit, we invite you to share your interests and you work with the rest of the community by submitting your session via this year's call for papers. We are accepting proposals through May 5, 2016.
Interested in supporting Texas Linux Fest. Contact us via email at to learn about the available sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities. Non-profit exhibitor packages are available as well.
We look forward to seeing you in Texas this summer.
▪ The Texas Linux Fest Team
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While the express goal of this website is to recruit and retain women students in sciences and mathematics at Eastern Illinois University, there is plenty of good information on the site for the rest of us. Readers may like to start with Further Reading, where they can link to media coverage of women in science from around the web. From there, they may select Biographies of Women in Science, where they can access dozens of biographies of women who have made contributions to fields as diverse as chemistry, primatology, biophysics, and astronomy. In addition, the site features links to half a dozen other websites on the topic, from the Smithsonian's photo portraits of women scientists to the San Diego Supercomputer Center's coverage of women scientists from around the world.
STEMconnector is both a resource and a service that is designed �to link those advocating science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education across disciplines and distances.� It seeks to connect diverse educators, professionals, and government officials together based on a love of applied science. The STEMblog, a project of STEMconnector, is updated regularly and focuses its energies on the relationship between business and STEM subjects. Recent articles, for example, have alerted readers to corporate-sponsored prizes for high school science teachers, a recognition of National Engineers Week, and the math behind a new Android app. For readers who are looking to make connections between STEM subjects and industry partners, the STEMblog is an informative site to check back on regularly.
Topic/Title |
Recent advances in all-dielectric nanophotonics |
Speaker |
Dr. Sergey Makarov Dr. Sergey Makarov (born April 25, 1988) is Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials in ITMO University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia). He graduated in National Research Nuclear University �MEPhI� (Moscow, Russia) and got PhD in Lebedev Physical Institute (Moscow, Russia). S.V. Makarov worked in Vienna Technological University (Vienna, Austria) as a visiting researcher. He co-authored about 50 research publications and specializes in nanophotonics, ultrafast phenomena and laser-assisted nanoengineering. |
Abstract |
The resonant metallic nanoparticles are proven
to be efficient systems for the electromagnetic
field control at nanoscale, owing to the ability
to localize and enhance the optical field via
excitation of strong plasmon resonances. In turn,
high refractive index dielectric nanoparticles
with low dissipative losses in the visible range,
possessing magnetic and electric Mie-type
resonances, offer great opportunity for light
control via designing of scattering properties.
Such resonant nanoparticles made of high
refractive index dielectrics (Si, Ge etc.)
revolutionized the field of nanophotonics, opening
a new branch � All-dielectric Nanophotonics. In
this talk, we will discuss recent advances in the
all-dielectric nanophotonics, including such
effects as nonlinear reconfiguration of
nanoparticle scattering properties and enhanced
optical frequency conversion. Additionally, I will
present our novel methods for fabrication of
resonant all-dielectric and metal/dielectric
nanoparticles. |
Date/Time |
04-April-2016 Time: 03:00PM to 04:00PM |
Cost |
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Location |
UT Austin 7.532 1616 Guadalupe St. Austin, Tx |
Notes |
Topic/title |
Graphene Nanoelectromagnetism: Plasmonic,
Electromagnetic, and Circuit Properties |
Speaker |
Prof. Pai-Yen Chen Dr. Pai-Yen Chen is an Assistant Professor at the Wayne State University. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 2013. He was a Research Scientist at Intellectual Ventures' Metamaterial Commercialization Center during 2013-2014, and a Research Staff in the National Nano Device Laboratory in Taiwan during 2006- 2009. He has been involved in multidisciplinary research on metamaterials, electromagnetics, plasmonics, nanophotonics, and nanoelectronics. He has published approximately 60 peer-review papers (4 journal covers), 50 conference proceedings, 4 book chapters, 1 co-edited book, and 8 US patents. His also received several best paper awards, travel grants, and national, industrial and defense fellowships. |
Abstract |
Graphene is a flat, two-dimensional monolayer of
carbon atoms predicted to display a rich variety
of electronic, photonics, and optoelectronic
behaviors, as it is a unique semimetal that
exhibits a field-effect-controlled conductivity at
room temperature and a photoexcited plasmon gain.
In my talk, I will give an overview of our recent
theoretical and experimental progress in
graphene-based microwave and optoelectronic
nanodevices and nanocircuits. First, I will
discuss how the gate-tunable surface plasmon
polaritons in graphene may enable ultrafast and
frequency-reconfigurable THz optoelectronic
devices. Then, I will present a novel all-graphene
microwave transponder sensor that consists of
graphene-based ambipolar RF mixer/sensor and a
high-opacity multilayered graphene antenna, paving
the way towards ultrasensitive, ultracompact,
transparent, and flexible wireless sensors.
Finally, I will present graphene-based parity-time
(PT) symmetric electronic and optoelectronic
systems, of which the singularity-enhanced
sensitivity may outperform those of conventional
passive wireless sensors. |
Date/time |
21-April-2016 04:00PM to 05:00PM |
Location |
UT Austin Room Number: 7.532 1616 Guadalupe St. Austin, Texas |
Cost |
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No meeting scheduled at this time |
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The CEDA chapter normally meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month. This meeting is open to the public and interested parties. Additional details will be posted at the website. If you have any questions about this meeting or this group, please contact
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Topic/Title |
Energy efficient circuit technologies for the
sub-14nm era: challenges and opportunities |
Speaker |
Dr. Ram K Krishnamurthy Ram Krishnamurthy received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Regional Engineering College, Trichy, India, in 1993 and Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1998. He has been with Intel Corporation since 1998, where he is Senior Principal Engineer and heads the high performance and low voltage circuits group at Circuits Research Labs, Intel Labs, Hillsboro, Oregon. He is responsible for research in high performance, energy efficient and low voltage circuits for microprocessors and SoCs. He holds 100 issued patents with over 50 patents pending and has published 150 conference/journal papers and 3 book chapters on high-performance energy-efficient microprocessor design. He serves as Intel�s representative on the Semiconductor Research Corporation technical advisory board for circuits. He has served as associate editor of IEEE transactions on VLSI systems, guest editor of IEEE journal of solid-state circuits and on the technical program committees of ISSCC, CICC, and SOCC conferences. He served as Technical Program Chair/General Chair for the 2005/2006 IEEE International Systems-on-Chip Conference and presently serves on the conference�s steering committee. He serves as ECE department adjunct faculty at Oregon State University, where he taught advanced VLSI design. He also serves on industrial advisory board of Oregon State University and State University of New York at Buffalo ECE departments. Krishnamurthy has received the IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference Distinguished Technical Paper Award in 2012, IEEE European Solid State Circuits Conference Best Paper Award in 2012, Outstanding Industry Mentor Award from SRC in 2002, 2011 and 2015, Intel Awards for most patents filed in 2001 and most patents issued in 2003, Alumni recognition award from Carnegie Mellon University in 2009, and MIT Technology Review�s TR35 Innovator Award in 2006. He has received the Intel Achievement Award, Intel Corporation�s highest technical award, twice - in 2004 and 2008 for development and technology transfer of novel high-performance execution core arithmetic circuits and special-purpose hardware encryption accelerators. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and distinguished lecturer of IEEE solid-state circuits society. |
Abstract |
This lecture presents some of the prominent
barriers to designing energy-efficient circuits in
the sub-14nm CMOS technology regime and outlines
new paradigm shifts necessary in next-generation
multi-core microprocessors and systems-on-chip.
Emerging trends and key challenges in sub-14nm
design are outlined, including (i) device and
on-chip interconnect technology projections, (ii)
performance, leakage and voltage scalability,
(iii) special-purpose hardware accelerators and
reconfigurable co-processors for compute-intensive
signal processing algorithms, (iv) fine-grain
power management with integrated voltage
regulators, and (v) resilient circuit design to
enable robust variation-tolerant operation.
Energy-efficient arithmetic and logic circuit
techniques, static/dynamic supply scaling, on-die
interconnect fabric circuits, ultra-low-voltage
and near-threshold logic and memory circuit
techniques, and multi-supply/multi-clock domain
design for switching and leakage energy reduction
are described. Special purpose hardware
accelerators and data-path building blocks for
enabling high GOPS/Watt on specialized DSP tasks
such as encryption, graphics and media processing
are presented. Power efficient optimization of
microprocessors to span a wide operating range
across high performance servers to ultra mobile
SoCs, dynamic on-the fly configurability and
adaptation, and circuit techniques for
active/standby-mode leakage reduction with robust
low-voltage operability are reviewed. Specific
chip design examples and case studies supported by
silicon measurements and trade-offs will be
discussed. |
Date/Time |
21-April-2016 6-6:15 social 6:15-7:15 talk |
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Location |
UT Austin POB 2/402 201 East 24th St Austin, Texas |
Notes |
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Topic/Title | Student Night |
Speaker | |
Abstract | For this meeting, IEEE Student Members (who are
Seniors) are invited to display their Senior
Projects. Although the meeting is held at
St. Mary's University, we welcome projects from
all local Universities. Projects will be
informally judged, and an attendance incentive
will be presented to the project judged Best of
Show. |
Date/Time | 26-April-2016 6:15 PM - dinner on your own in the Cafeteria, exhibit setup. 7:00 PM - Exhibits are open and judging begins 8:30 PM - Announcement of Best of Show and presentation of the attendance incentive. 8:45 PM - Meeting adjourns and Exhibits are closed. |
Cost | |
Reservations | When registering, if you are a nonmember or
don't remember your IEEE member number, leave it
blank. |
Location | St. Mary's University University Center Conference Room B 1 Camino Santa Maria San Antonio, Texas |
Notes | Please use the IEEE vTools link to register for
this meeting. With your registration, we can
properly set up the room and make other
arrangements for the meeting. Our attendance
figures are used to measure the Chapter's annual
performance, which in turn affects our funding. Parking is available at no charge, and directions are at TBD (update will be provided later)If you need to use the freight elevator to move your project, please contact the meeting organizer |
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Topic/Title |
Not just H2O � why water quality is important |
Speaker |
Dr. Ernest To is an environmental engineer who
has worked in the water resources field for 17
years. Ernest earned his BS and PhD degrees
in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas
at Austin, and his MS degree in Environmental
Engineering from Cornell University. He
specializes in computer modeling of pollutants in
water bodies such as lakes, rivers and
estuaries. He works for an environmental
consulting company - Alan Plummer and Associates,
Inc.- in Austin, TX. |
Abstract |
We commonly associate water with H2O.
However much of the water in nature is a blend of
different chemicals � natural and man-made.
Some are beneficial, some not so, and some vary
depending on how they interact with others.
The water engineer maintains this delicate balance
like a chef controlling the taste and nutritional
value of his soup. Computer models are an
important tool to help predict water quality and
lower the risk of environmental problems.
Ernest will talk about a couple of interesting
modeling projects in Texas and how they impact
everybody�s favorite soup. |
Date/Time |
27-April-2016 6:00 to 6:30pm -- Networking 6:30 to 8:30pm -- Business and Program |
Cost |
$5.00 minimum cost for the restaurant.
Supper is optional at extra cost.
Reservations are not required. All
interested parties are invited to attend. |
Reservations | |
Location |
PoK-e-Jo's Smokehouse 2121 West Parmer Lane at Lamplight Village Ave. Austin, Texas |
Notes |
Do a friend a favor. Bring your colleagues to grow the Consultants Network.
More information on Consultants Networks
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Topic/Title | No meeting scheduled at this time |
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Topic/Title |
High-resolution orthogonal photolithography enabled for organic electronics and photonics |
Speaker |
Professor Alex Zakhidov, Physics and
Materials Science, Engineering and
Commercialization Programs, Texas State University |
Abstract |
Orthogonal photolithography (OP) takes advantage
of the fact that the vast majority of organic
semiconducting materials are either oleophilic or
hydrophilic and are hence orthogonal to highly
fluorinated chemicals. Therefore, appropriate
fluorinated photoresists can be used to pattern
organic layers without compromising performance of
organic device. The availability of such
orthogonal photoresists promises to enable the
fabrication of complex device structures,
expanding the range of possibilities for organic
electronics. Particular, OP technique enables
sub‐pixel high‐resolution patterning for OLED
displays. Once RGB sub‐pixel structuring is
realized it is expected to improve (up to 10
times) the efficiency of a display. Moreover,
processing solvents used for OP can be used as
encapsulation media to improve heat management of
high brightness OLED devices. Other applications
of OP include ultra‐small channel OTFTs, OTFT
based circuits and low cross talk organic
perovskite photodetectors. |
Date/Time |
Thursday April 28th, 6PM |
Refreshments |
light snacks & drinks |
Reservations |
Location |
Star Park Conference Room, Texas State
University, 3055 Hunter Road , San Marcos,
Texas 78666-4684 |
Notes |
Plans are afoot for a Austin meeting later in
2016; we are still open for a host and presenter
for San Antonio! If you would like to
participate, but cannot make this specific meeting
� email
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For more information, contact Mikhail Belkin
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Topic/Title | PI^2 Austin Social Event |
Speaker | |
Abstract | Come be a part of (PI)^2 Austin�s first ever
social event! We�ll meet from 5 PM to 7 PM to
discuss important topics such as which beer is
your favorite (perhaps their famous �Power and
Light�?). No RSVP required. |
Date/Time | 14-April-2016 05:00PM to 07:00PM |
Location | Independence Brewing Company 3913 Todd Lane #607 Austin, Texas |
Cost | |
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Notes |
Joint event with Austin PE/PEL/IA/IE Chapter and
Austin Life Members Chapter. |
Topic/Title |
The IEEE 2030 Initiative - How It Affects IEEE |
Speaker |
Tom Grim IEEE LSM, PE Tom Grim received a B. S. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1965, and an M.S. in Telecommunications from Southern Methodist University in 2003. He spent 38 years working for various subsidiaries of the Bell System. The first two thirds of that time was spent doing almost every engineering job in Ohio Bell, including assignments at Bell Laboratories and AT&T. He spent the last third of his career working for Ameritech and Southwestern Bell, managing industry teams that wrote American National Standards Institute and International Telecommunications Union standards on the Telecommunication Management Network Tom is a Professional Engineer registered in Ohio. He retired from the United States Army Reserve as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Signal Corps. His hobbies include reading, computers, and being an IEEE volunteer. He is currently learning about Python, for use in some Raspberry Pi projects in home automation. John Purvis IEEE LSM, PE John Purvis earned a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Houston in 1973 and a MS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1982. He is a Professional Engineer registered in Texas. He has worked at TRW, Texas Instruments, National Instruments, IBM and HostGator. He has also served on the Computer Sciences faculty at St. Edward's University. John has been the author or co-author of over 60 articles, papers or technical presentations. His professional experience spans system engineering, programming, product management, college lecturer and Unix/Linux system management. He has been a member of IEEE for 48 years and an active volunteer with the Central Texas Section since 2000. He served as IEEE Central Texas Section Chair for 2004-5, as Austin IEEE Computer Society Chapter Chair 2008-9 and is currently on the IEEE Region 5 Executive Committee. John has also served nearly 10 years on the board of Discover Engineering and on the Board, and is currently Vice President, of the Capital Macintosh User's Group (CapMac). |
Abstract |
The President of IEEE has proposed a set of
changes to the constitution of IEEE that affects
the structure of the Board of Directors. We
understand that he proposes to ask for a
membership vote this fall on amending the
constitution of IEEE to fundamentally change how
IEEE is governed. We would like out members
to be properly informed about this proposal and
vote their views on the subject. The following is a quote from The Institute, describing the changes proposed. �At its November 2015 meeting, the IEEE Board of Directors endorsed revisions to the IEEE Constitution, which will be sent to the IEEE membership for approval this year in the form of one amendment. Here is a summary of what the amendment accomplishes: �1. Separates the role of an IEEE delegate from an IEEE director, so that directors need not also be delegates. This modification will allow the IEEE organizational structure to change in the future to better respond to the demands of a complex and changing world. Ultimately this will better serve the needs of members, the profession, and the public. �2. Separates the requirement that corporate officers must also be directors. This will allow corporate officers as currently defined to serve in important leadership positions other than on the Board of Directors. �3. Provides members with an increased role in selecting the Board of Directors by allowing the Board to be elected by the full eligible voting membership of IEEE. �4. Adds the executive director, who is the most senior IEEE staff executive, as a nonvoting member of the Board of Directors to participate in setting the strategic direction of IEEE. �5. Establishes a new role for IEEE delegates, who are members of the IEEE Assembly, to advise the Board of Directors on revisions to IEEE bylaws. �6. Adds language to the IEEE Constitution that explicitly ensures a richly diverse Board of Directors.� |
Date/Time |
19-April-2016 Time: 02:00PM to 04:00PM |
Cost |
$5.00 minimum cost for the restaurant. Supper is optional at extra cost. Reservations are not required. All interested parties are invited to attend. |
Reservations | |
Location |
PoK-e-Jo's Smokehouse 2121 West Parmer Lane at Lamplight Village Ave. Austin, Texas |
Notes |
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Topic/Title | PI^2 Austin Social Event |
Speaker | |
Abstract | Come be a part of (PI)^2 Austin�s first ever
social event! We�ll meet from 5 PM to 7 PM to
discuss important topics such as which beer is
your favorite (perhaps their famous �Power and
Light�?). No RSVP required. |
Date/Time | 14-April-2016 05:00PM to 07:00PM |
Location | Independence Brewing Company 3913 Todd Lane #607 Austin, Texas |
Cost | |
Reservations | |
Notes |
Joint event with Austin PE/PEL/IA/IE Chapter and
Austin Life Members Chapter. |
Topic/title |
Best Practices, and Benefits of Load Testing |
Speaker |
Abstract |
This will provide an overview of applications
for load bank testing. The presentation will
provide information for electric power system
operators and facility managers who are interested
in improving reliability, availability, and
efficiency of the primary and backup power supply
systems at mission critical facilities and
electric power system interconnections. We will review the value of load testing, impact of load testing on reliability, strategies for commissioning and testing, and finally best practices will be discussed. This is a practical overview of best practices for commissioning across industry sectors including Utility, Critical Power Systems, and Renewable Systems. It gives the audience some practical takeaways to improve operations and a guide for commissioning processes. Best practices will be reviewed including integrated system testing by testing all of the subsystems that will affect the performance of the electric power system, and use innovations in load testing that produce actionable information and confidence in the validation as it is obtained. We will also review a common commissioning process and highlight the opportunity exists to optimize the efficiency and performance of a system in sectors where this matters. Following is an outline of the sections of the presentation:
Date/time |
26-April-2016 Time: 6:00 to 6:30 PM Social 6:30 to 7:00 PM Dinner 7:00 to 7:30 PM Business Meeting 7:30 to 8:30 PM Program 9:00 PM room closes for the benefit of long distance drivers and early risers |
Location |
El Gallo Mexican Restaurant 2910 S Congress Austin, Texas 512-444-2205 |
Cost |
� IEEE Members and accompanying spouses:
$11 to $17 for dinners ($2 non-meal participants)
� Visitors (non-IEEE members): $14 to $20 for
dinners ($5 non-meal participants) � IEEE Student
Members: $3 for dinner (no charge for non-meal
participants) � Student Visitors (non-IEEE
members): $6 to $10 for dinners ($2 non-meal
participants) � All: $2 for non-alcoholic
beverages � A bar is available for those who care
to purchase a beer or other alcoholic beverage |
Reservations |
If you plan on attending, please RSVP by sending
an e-mail to |
Notes |
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Topic/Title | Voltage Regulation of Utility Distribution Circuits |
Speaker | Curtis Cryer Curtis B. Cryer is a Distribution Planning Engineer for CPS Energy. He graduated from the Oregon State University with a BS in Electrical Engineering majoring in Power Systems and Instrumentation. Mr. Cryer is a licensed Professional Engineer and has over thirty years of experience in power systems. Experience includes AC power distribution systems design and operation, voltage sensitivity of utilization equipment, distributed generation on the power grid and power quality investigation. |
Abstract | |
Date/Time | 28-April-2016 Time: 06:00PM to 08:00PM |
Location | Acadiana Cafe 1289 Southwest Loop 410 San Antonio, Texas |
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Topic/Title | No meeting in March - Join us on April 19th for
our next meeting |
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Contact Leslie Martinich ( for more information about the Austin TMC.
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Contact Leslie Martinich ( for more information about WIE.