Date:  Thursday, Feb 21, 2008

Time:  7:00 to 8:30 pm  

Location:  U. of Texas - San Antonio *special location*

BSE 2.102, UTSA Campus

San Anotonio, TX 

Topic:  Multimedia Communications Security
Speaker:  Prof. Sos Agian, UTSA


The availability of multimedia content in digital form as well as the growth in popularity of the Internet has brought many security concerns and new challenges to the front position as civilization moves closer and closer toward the information age. In this talk we present the problem of multimedia security, transmission, and management from the data-hiding (sganography and watermarking) perspectives, provide a broad overview of the recent advances data hiding and detecting systems, summarize our data hiding and encryption research accomplishments, and highlight some of the trends in the area.

Speaker Bio:

Sos S. Agaian is the Peter T. Flawn Distinguished Professor at the College of Engineering, the University of Texas at San Antonio and Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He is a SPIE Fellow. He has authored more than 400 scientific papers, four books, and holds 14 patents. He is the Associate Editor of Real-Time Imaging, Electronic Imaging, Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, Research Letters in Signal Processing, and Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences. He has served the IEEE in various capacities such as a Co-Chair of the Information Assurance & Intelligent Multimedia-Mobile Communications Technical Committee, several IEEE and SPIE International Conference program committees. His current research interests lie in the broad areas of signal/image processing, vision network, information processing and systems, multimedia security, information assurance, mobile and medical imaging, digital forensics, and visual and covered communication.