Meeting Schedule 2007 OKC Section

(Updated December 6, 2007)

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007; Rescheduled OKC Executive Committee Meeting

Oklahoma Engineering Center

201 N.E. 27th Street, Small Conference Room
City OK, 73105-2789
Time 6:00PM


Thursday, January  25, 2007 - 1:30PM ~8:00PM Future City State Competition (Rescheduled from Saturday, January 20.)

Gaylord University Center

Oklahoma Christian University

2501 East Memorial Road

Edmond, OK 73013


Judges are needed Thursday, January 25, from 1:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.  Call Todd Hiemer or e-mail him by Friday noon, January 19.

(405)553-2053 or


For more information, see




February TOP

See this site for Student Paper Rules, format requirements, and general information.


Friday, February 2th, 2007 Abstract, title, and author list must be submitted to Leon Chicoraske ( and Nita Patel ( for your OKC Section Undergraduate Student Paper Oral Contest Entry, so that an agenda can be prepared for the Oral Presentation on February 5th, 2007.


Monday, February 5th, 2007 Undergraduate Paper Presentation

 Joint Meeting with the Life Member chapter to conduct Undergraduate Power Point (Oral) Paper Presentations


Oklahoma Engineering Foundation Bldg

201 N.E. 27th

Oklahoma City, OK 73105


6:00 PM Dinner will be provided.


Members, friends and family are invited.  A meal will be provided so please let Nita Patel know if you and your friend plan to eat.


Monday, February 12th, 2007 Local Competition Written Papers due

Section Undergraduate Contest Papers are due via Email should be transmitted in PDF format to E-mail Nita Patel


Tuesday, Feb 13, 2007 5:30 PM OSU-Tulsa Campus, North Hall, Room 153, Tulsa, OK

“Digital, Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Research at OSU” will be presented by Dr. Chris Hutchens, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State University.


PDH credit is available for this technical meeting.  Food will be available at the campus concession during the 5:30 PM check-in courtesy of the Tulsa Section.  The program will begin soon after 6:00 PM.  Guests and students are invited.


The OSU-Tulsa Campus is located northeast of downtown Tulsa, just north of I-244 Cross-town Expressway with access from the Detroit-Cincinnati Ave exit or via Greenwood Ave from the downtown area.  North Hall is the main classroom building to the north (naturally) of the street that cuts between the buildings.  The meeting room, Room 153, is north and then east from the west side fountain entrance by the Auditorium, or you may enter from the east side of the building off of the northeast parking lot, or at the main entrance where the buildings meet at the street.  From the main entrance lobby area, proceed north along the main hallway and then right to Room 153 and look for signs indicating our room.


Feb 18 - 24, 2007 Engineers Week


February 19--21, 2007 Future City National Competitions - Washington D.C.



Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007 8:30 AM ~ 2:00 PM RoboMaze Competition at the Omniplex in Oklahoma City

N.E. 52nd Street @ Martin Luther King Blvd. RoboMaze Competition Cancelled for this year!  See you next year.


Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007;  IEEE OKC Section EXCOM Meeting

Location:  Oklahoma Engineering Foundation (Auditorium), 201 NE 27th Street, Oklahoma City, OK

Time:  6:00 pm



February Meeting Agenda




·   Attendance (Sign-in sheet)

·   Verification of Quorum

·   Review of January Meeting Minutes (Kevin – 5 minutes)

o              Additional discussion (Committee – 10 minutes)

·   Treasurer’s Report

o              Review (Nita – 10 minutes)

o              Discussion (Committee – 10 minutes)

o              Approve (Committee)

·   2007 Budget (15 Minutes)

o              Review (Nita)

o              Discussion (Committee)

o              Approve (Committee)

·   2007 Goals

o              Review 2006 Goals and Comments Submitted (Kevin/Archie/Joe)

o              Discussion and Development (Committee)

o              Approval (Committee)

·   Additional Business

·   Next Meeting (5 minutes)

o              March Meeting

§               Date

§               Location (Discuss possible alternate locations)

§               Section Meeting Proposals

§               WDWBW (For the Meeting)


·   Adjourn



Thursday, Feb 22, 2007; 39th Annual Joint Engineering Society Banquet

Location:  Oklahoma Christian UniversityGaylord University Center, 2501 E. Memorial Road, Edmond, OK.


Reception:  6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Dinner & Program begins at 7:00 p.m.

Cost $15.00 per person


For the program, Bill Khourie, the OSIDA Executive Director, will be speaking about the Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority (OSIDA), which has a mission to establish a spaceport in Oklahoma.


For more information and a registration form see Engineering Banquet Flyer in pdf format.



Tuesday—Friday, February 20-23, 2007--Registration is now open for the LCI Workshop at the University of


The workshop will focus on both system administration of, and
applications on, clustered computing platforms (e.g., Linux

The registration deadline is Friday January 19 2007. See:

You can find an outline of the program from our most recent
workshop at:



LCI's highly successful workshops are intensive, hands-on sessions
for cluster system administrators, analysts, computational scientists,
engineers, and researchers. LCI's technical materials are vendor
neutral, highlighting information that attendees cannot easily find

LCI workshops offer advanced technical training for those interested
in deploying high-performance Linux computing clusters. System
administrators learn about issues related to the administration of
Linux clusters supporting secure and reliable, high-performance
computing. The workshops enable computational scientists, researchers,
analysts, and engineers to develop applications that achieve maximum
performance and scalability on Linux clusters of all sizes.
Prospective users of Linux clusters find the workshops a detailed
and informative introduction to the process of configuring, acquiring,
and using Linux clusters.

Each workshop spans three and one-half days. They cover a range of
issues from systems administration and management (hardware choices
and configuration, system software stack, cluster administration,
interconnects and storage options) to scientific/technical application
development and optimization (compilers, libraries, messaging options,
hardware performance counters, debugging and performance optimization
and tools).

You are encouraged to register early for workshops. The deadline
for registration is Fri Jan 19 2007:

The Linux Clusters Institute (LCI) includes some of the world's
foremost specialists in building and deploying Linux clusters at the
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Center for High
Performance Computing at the University of New Mexico (HPC@UNM), the
Advanced Computing Technology Center (ACTC) at the IBM Watson Research
Center, and Cray Inc. The group was founded by NCSA, HPC@UNM, and ACTC
at IBM Research.

LCI Mission Statement: To provide education and advanced technical
training for the deployment and use of Linux-based computing
clusters to the high-performance computing community worldwide.

*** Real Information in Real Time for High-Performance Computing ***


Henry Neeman (
Director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science
Research Scientist, Center for Analysis & Prediction of Storms
University of Oklahoma
Stephenson Research & Technology Center
101 David L. Boren Blvd., Norman OK 73019
405-325-5386 (office), 405-325-3442 (fax), 405-245-3823 (cell)


Monday, February 26th, 2007 Current Area Contest submission deadline.




            March            TOP


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 5:30 PM  OSU-Tulsa Campus North Hall Room 153,  ZigBeef presentation by John Hassell.  ZigBeef is an Oklahoma advanced technology start-up company developing a RFID based product for livestock identity tracking.

Friday, March 23, 2007 Undergraduate Student Paper Contest Regional Deadline - midnight MST

Fayetteville, AR Ozark Section Conference submissions deadline

Regional Undergraduate Papers are due to R5 Paper Contest Committee Chairman Robert Stratten.  If you win the Area competition you must make your conference and hotel registration and obtain least cost transportation to the event. You can voucher two nights of expenses to the Region for travel, registration and meals to participate in April 8 scheduled activities.

Thursday, March 24, 2007—ASME Central Oklahoma Section Meeting

This will be an ethics and professional practice program and the speaker will be Kathy Hart, the Executive Director of the Oklahoma State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers

Location:  Oklahoma Engineering Center 201 NE 27 St.   Oklahoma City, OK

Date:  Thursday,  22 March, 2007

TIME:   6:00  PM     Registration & Social
             6:30  PM     Meal
             7:15  PM     Program & Speaker
             9:00  PM     Adjourn

We will issue certificates of attendance to PE's.
This program should meet the one hour ethics requirement that is required by Texas and some other states.


Albert N. Janco, P.E..
Vice-Chair, Programs
ASME, Central Oklahoma Section

Tuesday, March 27, 2007—ExCom Meeting – 6:00 p.m.

This meeting was postponed from March 20 to March 27, 2007.  It will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Oklahoma Engineering Center, 201 N. E. 27th Street, Oklahoma City, OK.



March Meeting Agenda


Date: March 27, 2007

Location: Oklahoma Engineering Center  - 201 N.E. 27th Street; Okc.

Time: 6:00 PM

Length: 2 Hours




·         Attendance (Sign-in sheet)

·         Verification of Quorum

·         Review of January Meeting Minutes (Kevin – 5 minutes)

§         Additional discussion (Committee – 10 minutes)

§         Quorum was not established for the February meeting

·         Treasurer’s Report

§         Review (Nita – 10 minutes)

§         Report on budget as approved

§         Discussion (Committee – 10 minutes)

§         Approve (Committee)

·         Officer’s reports (15 Minutes)

§         Secretary

§         Vice-Chair

§         Society Chairs

§         Life Member

§         Student

§         Membership

§         Other Reports

·         New business

§         Discussion: Annual Requirements

§         Discussion of OSPE/ASCE/IEEE joint meeting Sheri Boeckman

§         Selection of permanent meeting location

§         Set Calendar for 2nd Quarter

·         Next Meeting (5 minutes)

§         April Meeting

§         WDWBW “Who Does What by When” (For the Meeting)


·         Adjourn



April               TOP


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:30 PM  OSU-Tulsa Campus North Hall Room 153, Student Design Projects, with students from OSU four student branches.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007—ExCom Meeting – 6:00 p.m.

This meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Oklahoma Engineering Center, 201 N. E. 27th Street, Oklahoma City, OK


April Meeting Agenda


Date: April 17, 2007

Location: Oklahoma Engineering Center - 201 N.E. 27th Street; Oklahoma City, OK

Time: 6:00 PM

Length: 2 Hours




·         Attendance (Sign-in sheet)

·         Verification of Quorum

·         Review of March Meeting Minutes (Kevin – 5 minutes)

o        Additional discussion (Committee – 10 minutes)

o        Quorum was not established for the February meeting

·         Treasurer’s Report

o        Review (Nita – 10 minutes)

o        Report on budget as approved

o        Discussion (Committee – 10 minutes)

o        Approve (Committee)

·         Officer’s reports (15 Minutes)

o        Secretary

o        Vice-Chair

o        Society Chairs

o        Life Member

o        Student

o        Membership

o        Other Reports

·         New business

o        Discussion: Locations and dates for Section meetings

§                     Archie: C.H. Guernsey Speakers

o        Update on: OSPE/ASCE joint meeting

o        Possible: Tour of IEEE Oklahoma City Virtual Community

§                     How to Invite

§                     What is available

o        Next Meeting (5 minutes)

§                     Who Does What By When (For the Meeting)


·         Adjourn



Friday, April 20 – Sunday April, 22, 2007 IEEE Region 5 Technical, Professional and Student Conference, Fayetteville, AR Ozark Section


The IEEE Ozarks Section and the University of Arkansas are hosting this annual Region 5 activity in nearby Fayetteville, AR.  The Technical Conference is on Friday, April 20 and the Student Contests and Professional activities are on Saturday, April 21.  This is an excellent opportunity to attend this activity close to home.


The technical sessions, tutorials, and short courses are coordinated to provide a comprehensive and well-balanced program.  This meeting is intended to provide a forum for the exchange of information on state-of-the-art electrical engineering research.  The conference also provides a forum for electrical engineering students in Region 5 universities and colleges to participate in Robotics, Design, Ethics and Student Paper Contests.


See the web site at

for more information.  Registration is open with information and program details available at the web site.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007 – EMB/EMS Tour of Nomadics, 6:00 p.m.


The OKC Chapter of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology (EMB) and Engineering Management Society (EMS) will take a tour of the BioInstrumentation Group of ICX Nomadics of Oklahoma City on Tuesday, April 24th from 6-7 PM. Pizza and soft drinks will be provided. The OKC office of ICx Nomadics manufactures instruments and sensors for the Life Sciences Market.


The meeting will be held at:


ICx Nomadics, Inc

800 Research Parkway

Suite 100

Oklahoma City, OK 73068


In the Presbyterian Health Foundation Research Park

(Genzyme Building -1st Floor)


Speakers will include John Quinn, PhD, Mr. Carl Rieger and Mr. Tom Jobe.

Dr. Quinn - Chief Scientist, will discuss the application of Surface Plasmon Resonance biosensors in applications of Biomolecular Interaction Analysis as well as industrial and biomedical applications.

Mr. Rieger will explain the electrical characteristics of using Surface Plasmon Resonance to monitor molecular binding interactions.

Mr. Jobe will present an overview of ICx Nomadics and the parent company, ICx Technologies.


Members of the IEEE and guests are welcome.

Please RSVP to Tom Jobe at  


May                TOP


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:30 PM  OSU-Tulsa Campus North Hall Room 153, Centralift.  This is a joint meeting with PES/IAS Chapter.  Centrilift, based in Claremore, is a leading oil industry producer of electrical submersible pump, cable and drive products.


Thursday, May 10, 2007, Association of Information Technology Professionals


AITP Oklahoma City Chapter Member Communication:


Date: Thursday, May 10, 2007*

*Note day change from Tuesday to Thursday

Time: 6:00 pm, Racing starts at 6:25 pm

Location: Remington Park Race Track

One Remington Place

Oklahoma City, OK 73111


Members $13   Guests $18   Students $10


Come and join us for a fun evening dining, relaxing and watching the horses run at Remington Park Race Track. Kevin Jetton, Event Manager for the National Collegiate Conference, is coming to the meeting to network with us about the NCC 2009 to be held in Oklahoma City.  We usually have a great time at this social event!!  Come and join us.


Please RSVP by May 8th to Teresa Hickerson at

We will need to make reservations at the restaurant.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007--IEEE EXCOMM and Information Session for Potential Senior Members at EMBS, Inc., 36 NE 46th St., Oklahoma City, OK 6:00 p.m.


To all members: If you are not already a Senior Member of IEEE,
would you like to achieve this advancement? If so, please attend this meeting
to learn more and to get your application started.

May Meeting Agenda:

Date: May 15, 2007 (Tuesday)

Location: EMCS, Inc. 36 NE 46th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73105.

Time: 6:00 PM

Length: 2.5 Hours

6:00 PM Welcome (Jeff Houpt)

6:05 PM Information Session for Potential Senior Members

General Discussion of Senior Membership
Requirements for Senior Member Status
Benefits and Responsibilities
Questions and Answers
Future Actions

6:30 PM EXCOMM Meeting


Call to Order

Attendance (Sign-in sheet)
Verification of Quorum
Review of March Meeting Minutes (Kevin – 5 minutes)
--Additional discussion (Committee – 10 minutes)
--Quorum was not established for the February meeting
Treasurer’s Report
--Review (Nita – 10 minutes)
--Discussion (Committee – 10 minutes)
--Approve (Committee)
Officer’s reports (15 Minutes)
--Society Chairs
--Life Member
--Other Reports
Ongoing Business
--Discussion: Locations and dates for Section meetings
--C.H. Guernsey Speakers (Archie)
--Computer Languages (Brian Lloyd)
--Other potential topics
Next Meeting (5 minutes)
--Who Does What By When (For the Meeting)



Wednesday, May 23, 2007:  IESNA Central Oklahoma Section Lighting Products Trade Show


Time:  Open to public 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., admission FREE

Place:  Coles Garden Event Center, 1415 NE 63rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK (located between County Line Restaurant and National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum on the north side of the street.)


Up to 33 lighting products exhibitor booths.


FREE coffee, tea and water service all day; FREE LUNCH (appetizers, finger foods and soft drinks) for 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Two FREE Technical Seminars/PDHs:


11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. “Lamps and Ballasts” by Mr Jerry Cassel of GE Lighting

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. “Lighting for Interior Spaces” by Ms. Abimbola Asojo, OU College of Architecture.


There will be a drawing at the end of the day for a FLAT SCREEN TELEVISION.


For questions, please call David Hobza (405)416-8239 or Chuck Holland (405)416-8304.


June               TOP


Wednesday, June 13 through Friday, June 15, 2007:  OSPE/ASCE Annual Meeting


This meeting will be held at the Clarion Convention Center, 737 N. Meridian Ave., Oklahoma City, OK.  A great line up of speakers have been arranged as well as a few special events.  A few speakers have been arranged by the IEEE OKC Section.  E-mail or call her at (405)528-1435 or (800)337-6773 for registration information.  A registration and information brochure in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format is available by clicking here.


Earn as many as 13.5 PDH credits, learn a wealth of new information and network with engineers from across the state.  Not a member of OSPE or ASCE?  Do not worry, your registration fee will include a free one year of membership to give it a try!


The technical sessions range from topics on transportation, design build, wind power and CAD drawings to an update from the State Licensing Board on rules and Communication Tips for Engineers.  On Friday, a special guest speaker will talk about Raising the Bar in Engineering Education and in the Engineering Profession.  We will also have presentations on the new University of Oklahoma Weather Center and the Economic Impacts of Engineering Projects.  There is a technical session for almost any engineer in any specialty at this meeting.


For those engineers currently in management or interested in management principles, the Management Seminar on Wednesday is just for you.  It will be geared specifically for our engineering professions and current or future business owners.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007  ExCom Meeting, 6:00 p.m.



June Meeting Agenda


Date: June 19, 2007

Location: EMCS, Inc. 36 NE 46th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73105.  (Go East on 46th Street from Santa Fe Avenue to first flagpole on the right.)

Time: 6:00 PM

Length: 2.5 Hours


Welcome (Joe Barnard)

Call to Order

Attendance (Sign-in sheet)

Verification of Quorum

Review of May Meeting Minutes (Kevin - 5 minutes)

                o              Additional discussion (Committee - 10 minutes)

Treasurer's Report

                o              Review (Nita - 10 minutes)

                o              Discussion (Committee - 10 minutes)

                o              Approve (Committee)

Officer's reports (15 Minutes)

                o              Secretary

                o              Vice-Chair

                o              Society Chairs

                o              Life Member

                o              Student

                o              Membership

                o              Other Reports

Ongoing Business

                o              Follow-up: Future section meetings from May meeting:

                                             C.H. Guernsey Speakers (Archie)

                                             Computer Languages (Brian Lloyd)

                                             Other potential topics - possible topics from R5 meeting

                o              Follow-up: Next steps from the May Senior Member informational session

                o              Review archived IEEE information stored at OEF

                o              Next Meeting (5 minutes)

                                             Who Does What By When (For the Meeting)





July                TOP


Tuesday, July 17, 2007  ExCom Meeting, 6:00 p.m.



July Meeting Agenda


Date: July 17, 2007

Location: EMCS, Inc. 36 NE 46th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73105.  (Go East on 46th Street from Santa Fe Avenue to first flagpole on the right.)

Time: 6:00 PM


August          TOP


Candidate Selection Board Convenes to determine 2007 Officers


Saturday, August 18, 2007  Program Use Training—Delphi, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., C. H. Guernsey Office, 5555 N. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK.

Delphi is a powerful visual programming language developed by Borland, based on the Pascal programming language.  It is more powerful than Visual Basic, and the programs developed are better self-documented than Visual Basic, Visual C++ or Visual C#.


The C. H. Guernsey offices have a large red “G” logo on both the north and south sides of the building.  If traveling North on the Lake Hefner Parkway, get off at the NW 50th exit.  Continue up to the 56th street and turn left to cross over to the West side of the Parkway.  Turn left and go South down the frontage road ½ block to the C. H. Guernsey offices and park in the South side parking lot.

If you are traveling South on the Lake Hefner Parkway, get off at the NW 50th exit, turn left to cross over to the East side of the Parkway, turn left on the North bound frontage road and follow the above directions to the meeting.

If you are traveling on Portland Avenue, turn East on 56th street and drive to the stop light on the Lake Hefner South bound frontage road (West side of the Parkway) and turn right and proceed South ½ block to the C. H. Guernsey offices and park in the South side parking lot.



Tuesday, August 21, 2007  ExCom Meeting, 6:00 p.m.



August Meeting Agenda


Date: August 21, 2007

Location: EMCS, Inc. 36 NE 46th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73105.  (Go East on 46th Street from Santa Fe Avenue to first flagpole on the right.)

Time: 6:00 PM


September   TOP

2007 Officer Candidate Petitions accepted

PACE Meeting


Tuesday, September 18, 2007  Section Meeting on IEEE Benefit Plans & ExCom Meeting, 5:45 p.m.

C. H. Guernsey Office, 5555 N. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK.


"Come join your colleagues for some FOOD and FACTS and maybe even save a few BUCKS!"   The the program for the September OKC Section/Executive Committee Meeting will be a short PowerPoint presentation highlighting the IEEE Financial Advantage Program (the package of business, personal and financial benefits) offered to IEEE members.  In addition to the PowerPoint presentation, Mirelle White, Senior Administrator, Marketing & Affinity Partnerships IEEE will be on hand via conference call to answer questions and provide additional information


When:  Tuesday Evening September 18; Food Service will begin at 5:45 pm C.D.T.  Presentation 6:10 pm - 7:30 pm C.D.T. followed by a brief EXCOMM meeting

Where:  C. H. Guernsey Office, 5555 N. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK.


PLEASE RSVP ( by September 11 to help plan for the food --- BUT COME EARLY because the quantities may be limited!!!!!!!!!!!

Directions:   C. H. Guernsey Office, 5555 N. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK

The C. H. Guernsey offices have a large red “G” logo on both the north and south sides of the building. If traveling North on the Lake Hefner Parkway, get off at the NW 50th exit. Continue up to the NW 56th street and turn left to cross over to the West side of the Parkway. Turn left and go South down the frontage road 1/2 block to the C. H. Guernsey offices and park in the South side parking lot. If you are traveling South on the Lake Hefner Parkway, get off at the NW 50th exit, turn left to cross over to the East side of the Parkway, turn left on the North bound frontage road and follow the above directions to the meeting.

If you are traveling on Portland Avenue, turn East on 56th street and drive to the stop light on the Lake Hefner South bound frontage road (West side of the Parkway) and turn right and proceed South one-half block



October         TOP


Tuesday, October 2, 2007; Parallel & Cluster Computing Workshop

The workshop will teach the basics of parallel computing using the Message Passing Interface (MPI).  This is the most popular way to do parallel computing in clusters for large scale science and engineering research.  This workshop has been added to the agenda for the Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2007, scheduled for October 3 with registration as described below.


Wednesday, October 3. 2007; Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2007

Early registration is desired, starting February 8, 2007, to get a quick headcount to encourage more speakers and sponsors.  For more information and to register, go to or contact Henry Neeman at or telephone (405)325-5386.



FREE Parallel & Cluster Computing Workshop, Tuesday, October 2, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2007, Wednesday, October 3 at University of Oklahoma, Norman campus, 8:00 am – 5:30 pm.  FREE reception and poster session Tuesday, October 2, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.


For details, see


In 2006, we had over 300 attendees, from 38 academic institutions in 14 states, 43 private companies, 16 government agencies and 5 non-governmental organizations.


You can find links to previous Symposia on the above website.


The 2007 Symposium will be a lot like 2006, except better.  We expect attendance in 2007 to be over 300.



The Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2007 will be held Wednesday, October 3 all day on the University of Oklahoma campus, Norman, OK, with a reception and poster session the evening of Tuesday, October 2, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.


FREE registration is open:


Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Jay Boisseau, Director of the Texas Advanced Computing Center, speaking on “How to Build the Fastest Academic Supercomputer in America – Twice in One Year.”


More speakers will be announced soon.


We’d be delighted to have you participate.  It’s a great way to learn what’s happening on the High Performance Computing side of your research area.


The Symposium is FREE and comes with meals and snacks, including a FREE reception and poster session the evening of Tuesday, Oct 2.


Last year’s Symposium had 300 attendees (out of over 500 registrations), from 38 academic institutions in 14 states, 43 private companies, 16 government agencies and 5 non-governmental organizations.  We expect at least as many this year -- probably more.


We’re currently looking for people interested in participating, both as attendees and also to present any of the following:

·         breakout talks (30 minutes including questions);

·         technical briefs (10 minutes including questions);

·         Birds of a Feather sessions (30 minutes including questions);

·         posters (at the reception/poster session Tuesday, October 2, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


We’re looking for talks, briefs, BoFs and posters in any of a variety of areas of Computational Science & Engineering (including computational research in every field of engineering, physical science, biological science, mathematics, social science, business and the arts), High Performance Computing, High Performance Networking, Grid Computing, Data Mining, Scientific Visualization, HPC education and so on.


And, if you know of students – graduate and undergraduate – who are interested in these areas, this is a great opportunity to introduce them to conferences, especially because it’s FREE.  We especially welcome talks, briefs and posters by students.


Also, if you know of colleagues that might be interested, please let them know of this Symposium.


We’ll also have a vendor exposition, where you’ll have an opportunity to learn about existing and emerging HPC technologies.


Henry Neeman (

Director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER)

Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science Research

Scientist, Center for Analysis & Prediction of Storms

University of Oklahoma Stephenson Research & Technology Center

101 David L. Boren Blvd., Norman, OK 73019

405-325-5386 (office), 405-325-3442 (FAX)


Tuesday, October 16, 2007  ExCom Meeting, 6:00 p.m.





Saturday, October 20, 2007  National Weather Festival in Norman


The Norman Chamber of Commerce’s Weather Committee will host the 3rd

Annual National Weather Festival from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct.

20, at the National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd., in Norman.

The free public event will feature tours, children’s activities, a storm-

chaser car show, displays by local businesses, weather-related seminars,

Science on a Sphere, and hourly weather balloon launches.


More information is available online at

or by calling (405) 325-6907 or (405) 321-7260.



November    TOP

Computer Chapter Meeting

Tuesday, November 20, 2007  ExCom Meeting, 6:00 p.m.



This meeting has been canceled!

December     TOP


Sunday, December 2, 2007--IEEE OKC Section December Social & Officer Election


The IEEE OKC Section will be having their December social and Officer elections on  Sunday, December 2, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. at Cattlemen's Steak House at 1309 S. Agnew, Oklahoma City, OK, which is in the Stockyards area.


You may arrive by 6:00 p.m. if you would like to visit and network with your friends before dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.


The menu includes salad, baked potato, steamed vegetables, rolls, assorted cream pies and one of the following entrees:


1.  12-oz Rib eye Steak

2.  Mesquite Grilled Chicken Breast

3.  Char-broiled Salmon

4.  Vegetarian/Pasta Dinner


The price is $10 each for IEEE members, $5 each for IEEE life or student members, and up to one guest per member for $10 each.


A cash bar can be arranged if there is enough interest.


Please RSVP to Archie Holtan ( and Kevin Braddock ( with your menu choice by Thursday, November 22.  Also, please let us know with your RSVP if you are interested in the cash bar option.


Tuesday, Dec 04, 2007, 9:30am, Jones Hall 300, Langston Main Campus--Section and Computer Society Meeting.


Title: Generating New Course Material from Existing Ones



Vincent Oria, PhD.

Associate Professor

School of Computing

New Jersey Institute of Technology


Abstract: Creation of appropriate educational content is a major challenge and

cost factor in the increasing important areas of on-line and life-long learning.

The aim of this lecture is to present how a new course can created by

recomposing parts extracted from existing annotated course materials. Course

materials comprising a variety of learning objects (slides, video, audio,

textbook, etc.), are gathered, decomposed into elementary learning fragments,

appropriately annotated, indexed, and stored. They are further augmented with

course structures and dependencies (prerequisite and precedence). A course

designer who has a particular training goal in mind can pose a query to the

Courseware-on-Demand system, expressing that goal. The first step in processing

the query is to locate course fragments containing material relevant to the

goal. Then, taking into account the dependencies, the system can define a

minimal path in the metadata network that leads to the goal. The last step is to

physically extract the parts of the course materials retrieved during the

previous step, and compose the new teaching material.


Dr. Oria is currently an Associate Professor (with tenure) of Computer Science

and Information Systems in the School of Computing in New Jersey Institute of

Technology (NJIT) after a tenure-track Assistant Professor position from 2000 to

2006. Prior, He worked as a Research Scientist at the ENST Paris from 1994 to

1996 before joining Prof. Tamer Ozsu's group at the University of Alberta,

Canada as a Post-Doc from 1996 to 1999 where he was the primarily researcher of

the DISIMA project. Dr. Oria published more than 100 research papers and reports

on Databases and Hypermedia Systems.


Dr. Oria received a Diplôme d'Ingénieur (M. Eng) in 1989 from the Institut

National Polytechnique, Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), a D.E.A (MS)

in 1990 from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, France, and a

Ph.D. in 1994 in Computer Science from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des

Télécommunications (ENST), Paris, France.



Nicole Stanley ( or Pierre Tiako (

Phone: 405 -466-3298


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 ExCom Meeting, 6:00 p.m.


This meeting has been canceled!



16 -23rd 2008 February 22nd Engineers Week