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2009 IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices




April 3, 2009

Boise Centre on The Grove

The Glens Conference Room, 8 AM – 6 PM

Boise, ID


Call for Papers

The Seventh Annual IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices will provide a forum for reviewing and discussing all aspects of microelectronics including processing, electrical characterization, design and new device technologies. This symposium will consist of both invited and contributed talks and papers as well as a poster session throughout the afternoon. Faculty, students, and researchers in industry are encouraged to contribute presentations on either completed research or “work-in-progress” research. Topics are in the following areas that will form the contributing sessions and poster sessions in the workshop program:

Microelectronic Device Processing and Process Integration

·          Trends in submicron technologies; product development (DRAM, SRAM, Flash, CMOS Imagers); new device technologies (Phase Change Memory, Resistive Memory, Ferroelectric Memory, Nano-electronics), novel transistors, device improvements.

Microelectronic Device Electrical and Reliability Testing

·          Dielectric reliability; device reliability; phase change memory reliability; novel memory technology testing schemes; electrical properties of novel devices.

Semiconductor Packaging and Reliability

·          Semiconductor package reliability, Design for Manufacturability, and stacked die packaging, and novel assembly processes. Novel packaging structures, processes, and materials.

Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nanoelectronic Devices

·          Novel processes and materials, MEMS research, development and performance; nanotubes, nanowires, quantum dots, molecular devices, device characterization for nanoelectronic devices.

Microelectronic Circuit Design

·          New product design, design techniques, and memory sensing schemes.


IEEE WMED Manuscript Submission Process

Please submit your IEEE-formatted four-page manuscript by January 26th, 2008 to: Vishwanath Bhat, 2009 IEEE WMED Publications Chair,, 208-363-2492.

For a more detailed manuscript preparation instructions can be downloaded at:

An IEEE Publication of the accepted papers and a CD-ROM including the papers and presentations is planned and will be available at the start of the workshop.  Submitted manuscripts will be limited to four pages and should follow the IEEE Electron Device Letters publication format guidelines.  

Manuscript Review Process

Since the accepted manuscripts will be published as an IEEE publication, a rigorous peer-review process will be installed to meet the IEEE criterion for minimum standards of quality.  All submissions will be rated by the technical committee based on the following standard criteria:

·          Originality of the Work

·          Significance and technological importance

·          Quality of data/results and its interpretation

·          Completeness of the manuscript

·          Reference of the Work of Others

·          Organization of the Manuscript

·          Literary quality (clarity in Writing, figures, tables, etc.)

It is strongly recommended that the authors follow the IEEE manuscript template provided.  Authors of all accepted manuscripts will have an opportunity to present their work in one of the contributed sessions.  If a manuscript is not accepted for publication, it will be automatically considered for the poster session.

Questions concerning the paper content or submission process can be directed to: William Kueber, 2009 IEEE WMED Technical Chair,, 208-368-3008.


Important Workshop Dates

February 9, 2009—Manuscript Submission Deadline

February 20, 2009—Acceptance Notification

February 27, 2009—Final Manuscript Submission

March 25, 2009—Deadline for Advance Registration

March 20, 2009—Presentation Submission Deadline

April 03, 2009—Workshop



This workshop is receiving technical co-sponsorship support from the IEEE Electron Devices Society.

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