Sponsors welcomed could be you or your company/organization

The 13th  Bio-Tech Applications Contest took place on February 5, 2011.
Place and time: Los Angeles, California.///
UCLA,  Kinsey Pavilion 1200B. (starting at 11:00 AM) Parking arrangements as announced, though we request that car pooling be used if possible. (See Map link. Check for updates  and details. Map ) How to get there:

[1] The best way to get to the campus is to go north on Westwood Blvd from Wilshire. Westwood is just east of the 405, and Wilshire is north of the 10, so take the Wilshire exit EAST from the 405 3 stoplights to Westwood. Turn left (North) and drive into the campus (several blocks).

[2] Go to the UCLA Campus Map, and search for Parking Structure 9.

[3] The Parking Kiosk is in the middle of Westwood Plaza, between Parking Structures 8 and 9. Upon entering the campus by coming up Westwood Blvd, stop there for a parking pass, probably into Parking Structure 9. The code word will be "IEEE" to get a free guest pass. We will have a student at the kiosk to help out, though the attendants in the kiosk are pretty helpful, also.

[4] On the campus map, search for Kinsey Pavilion. Zoom out to show the relationship between it and Parking Structure 9.

[5] Hit the "Print" button for a hard copy that you can carry with you. We will also be putting up signs pointing the way to Kinsey Pavilion.

Eligibility: College students enrolled in six or more units.

Theme: To develop and present a concept using Electrical, Electronic, Biomedical, and/or Electro-Optics to assist a persons' disability - or to improve a persons' ability to manage tasks that usually require assistance.

Requirements: Abstract of 50 to 500 words submitted for judging before January 24, 2011. Please email to Dr. Chris Druzgalski,  that you plan to submit an abstract.  All abstracts should be typed, using no smaller than size 10 font, and must not exceed four pages in length including any attached diagrams, schematic,and/or pictures. The concept submitted shall be that of the students, and shall note all references. Students shall present their concept during the contest.

Contacts: Please contact one of the members of the Contest Panel
Dr. Richard Cockrum, CSUP; Dr. Dennis M. (Mike) Briggs, IEEE; Dr. Panadda (Nim) Marayong, IEEE/ASME;  Dr. Bogdan Kuszta, Caltech; Dr. Ernesto Suaste, CINVESTAV-IPN;  and contest coordinators: Dr. Chris Druzgalski, IEEE/LAC EMB,  Dr. Maryam Moussavi, IEEE/LAC EMB, and Larry Dalton, IEEE/LAC,  or email to Please, check the Web page for updates.

Prospective participants are strongly encouraged to submit early a letter/email indicating their anticipated participation. Mail the following information: Name and address of the participant, tentative area or anticipated title of the entry. Please email to Dr. Chris Druzgalski at

The students who are authors of winning papers will attend  Recognition Banquet, where they will receive their awards and recognition! More details and information about the past IEEE Bio-Tech Applications Contests, which were co-sponsored by IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, IEEE Los Angeles Council, and in part IEEE Coastal LA Section, and Circuits and Systems/Electron Devices Los Angeles Council Chapters and organized by  Dr. Chris Druzgalski, Dr. Maryam Moussavi,and Larry Dalton, others, you can find at
(see Contact - Industrial reps, companies, or sections that would like to get involved please contact Dr. Chris Druzgalski at, or call 562-985-8054.