Semiconductors to Nanotechnology
The Coming Convergence

6th IEEE/NATEA Annual Conference
2004 New Frontier in Computing

04/17/2004, Stanford University

Sponsors: Co-sponsor:

IEEE San Francisco Bay Area Nanotechnology Council
IEEE - Computer Society
North America Taiwanese Engineers' Association

Program Overview:
Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges
Dr. Meyya Meyyappan
Director, Nanotech Program, NASA Ames Research Center
Nanosystems Design
Dr. K. Eric Drexler
Chairman, Foresight institute; Author, "Nanosystems", 1992
Chemistry and Physics of Semiconductor Nanowires
Prof. Peidong Yang
Assistant Professor, University of California-Berkeley
Non-Volatile Memory Technology – Moving into the Nanotechnology Age
Dr. Stefan Lai
Vice President, Technology and manufacturing group, Intel Corp.
Nano-Enabled IT Business
Dr. Nobi Kambe
CTO & VP, Founder, NanoGram Corp.
Integrating Semiconductor Technology with Carbon Nanotubes and Related Nanostructures
Prof. L. C. Chen
Research Fellow and professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
IC Technology, Past, Present, and Future, and the Needs from Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics
Prof. Yoshio Nishi
Director, Stanford Nano Fabrication Facility, Stanford University