Shannon Lecture Series: March. 8, 2007.
Data Delivery in a Service-Oriented World: The BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform
Presented by: Michael J. Carey, BEA Systems, Inc.

Abstract of Talk.

"Wow. I fell asleep listening to SOA music, and when I woke up, I couldn't remember where I'd put my data. Now what?" Has this happened to you? With the new push towards service-oriented architectures and process orientation, data seems to have been lost in the shuffle. At the end of the day, however, applications are still about data, and service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications are no different.

In this talk, we will present BEA's approach to serving up data for SOA applications. In 2005, BEA introduced a middleware product called the AquaLogic Data Services Platform (ALDSP). The purpose of ALDSP is to make it easy to design, develop, deploy, and maintain a data services layer in the world of SOA. ALDSP provides a new, declarative foundation for building SOA applications and services that need to access and compose information from a range of enterprise data sources. The talk will attempt to cover both the foundation and the key features of ALDSP, including its underlying technologies (including XQuery), its overall system architecture, and its most interesting capabilities. Time permitting, a brief demo may be included.

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About the Speaker.

Michael J. Carey is a Senior Engineering Director on the AquaLogic side of BEA. Mike manages BEA's XQuery engineering team and is the chief architect for the AquaLogic Data Services Platform product. Prior to joining BEA in 2001, Mike's experiences include a dozen years as a University of Wisconsin-Madison Computer Science faculty member, five years as an IBM Almaden database researcher/manager, and a year and a half working under various inflated titles at an e-commerce software startup. Mike is an ACM Fellow and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

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