Tuesday, April 16th, 2013
Western Digital, 1710 Automation Parkway, San Jose, CA
Directions and Map
Cookies, Conversation &
Pizza too at 6:45 P.M.
Presentation at 7:30 P.M.
Storage Trends in the Enterprise and Client Markets
With the diversification of the mobile computing market fundamentally
changing PC demand, HDD volumes in the client markets are pressured by
slower system growth. In addition, changing storage habits in the mobile
space open opportunities for solid stat storage solutions as cost per GB
declines stimulate SSD attach rates in PCs over the next five years.
Enterprise storage, on the other hand will require both flash solutions as
well as HDDs as exabyte demand from data generation is driving massive
growth in datacenter storage for hyperscale applications and traditional
enterprise needs. To meet the challenges of data growth and delivery,
enterprise storage solutions are further fragmenting into sub-niches,
forcing storage vendors to offer a broadening array of solutions.
This presentation gives TRENDFOCUS’ outlook on storage trends in both
enterprise and client markets, highlighting the opportunities and
challenges for both HDD and solid-state vendors alike.