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IEEE Robotics & Automation Society

IEEE Santa Clara Valley
Robotics & Automation Society (SCV/OEB/SF)

Meeting Archives

May 2009 Meeting:
Thursday May 14, 2009

Date and Time

Thursday, May 14, 2009, 7:00PM Pacific
at 7:00PM, 5-minute business meeting
at 7:05PM, speaker presentation


Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley (directions:




Problems and Challenges in Robotic Relay Networks


Dr. Ying Zhang  


LANdroids is a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Program Agency) funded project.
The goal is to create small, inexpensive, smart robotic relay nodes that
autonomously establish and manage mesh networks when deployed in a scattered
formation through an urban environment, securing a temporary communications
network for the soldiers. PARC, together with Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Center (prime) and CMU, is one of the five teams awarded for Phase I, and one
of the two teams successfully entered Phase II of this project. In this talk,
I will present the domain of the problem, the challenges and our initial
solutions, and discuss possible future directions for this research.


Dr. Ying Zhang:

Dr. Ying Zhang is a member of research staff at Palo Alto Research Center

 She obtained her PhD in Computer Science from University of British Columbia
in 1994.  Ying’s current research interests are mobile sensor networks and mobile entity
localization and tracking. Ying has been a key technical contributor to a
couple of government funded projects on distributed robotics and sensor
networks, and she is currently a co-principle investigator for a project
developing software of mobile robotic relay networks. Dr. Zhang is the
information director and an associate editor of the ACM Transaction on Sensor
Networks, and has served for many technical program committees and NSF review
panels on sensor networks.  


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