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IEEE Robotics & Automation Society

IEEE Santa Clara Valley
Robotics & Automation Society (SCV/OEB/SF)

Meeting Archives

October Meeting:  Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Date and Time

Wednesday October 1, 7:00PM Pacific
at 7:00, 5-minute business meeting
at 7:05, speaker presentation


Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley (directions:


Learning for Quadruped Robots


J. Zico Kolter, Stanford University   


Legged robots offer the potential to navigate a much wider range of terrain than their wheeled counterparts, allowing for robotic applications in places where they are currently not possible.   However, legged robots currently lag far behind their biological cousins in terms of their ability to navigate challenging terrain.  In this talk we discuss the application of machine learning techniques to achieve state-of-the-art performance for quadruped locomotion over rough terrain.

Web site:


Zico Kolter:

Zico Kolter is PhD student in Computer Science at Stanford University, working with Professor Andrew Ng.  His research focuses on machine learning, control, and robotics, with a focus on quadruped robots in particular.     

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