(logo)    Area 5 (TN Council) Report

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 13:18:14 -0600
From: Billy Allen 
Subject: TN Council Report
To: r3-excom1998@ieee.org
Cc: b.swail@ieee.org

RE:     IEEE TN Council Report
        Region 3 EXCOM
        Savannah, GA

From:   Billy Allen
        Past Chair, TN Council

The Tennessee Council had two meetings on Saturday, November 22, 1997, in 
Knoxville .  We conducted a PACE meeting during the morning session and had 
the Council EXCOM meeting during the afternoon after lunch at a local 
restaurant.  Both sessions were well attended with Section Chairs and/or 
Delegates representing six of the seven Tennessee Sections.

Three project proposals were discussed at the PACE meeting.  The first 
proposal is the production of a short video promoting professional 
engineering licensure.  The target audience would be engineering students 
and young professionals.  The video may be professionally produced by 
utilizing facilities and resources at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

The second proposal involves video-conferencing P.E. (Electrical) Review 
courses currently offered in Knoxville and/or Memphis to provide real-time 
access to members at up to seventy sites across the state.  If successful, 
additional professional development short courses could be added in the 

The third proposal is a compact and professional-looking portable display 
promoting IEEE.  The display could be used during National Engineers Week at 
inter-society functions, at High School Science Fairs, at "Engineering Day 
at the Mall", and other IEEE functions.  The Women in Engineering Committee 
had a similar display at Sections Congress '96.

During the afternoon Council EXCOM meeting, each Section presented reports 
on their activities during the past year.  Other discussion included the 
IEEE Concentration Account for Section checking accounts, the EWH server for 
posting Section Web pages, and the Section problems of lack of volunteerisn 
and corporate support.  Also, the Council decided to more actively encourage 
Section participation in the Region 3 Awards Program in 1998 instead of 
promoting a separate Council Awards program.

Finally, the Council conducted an election in December.  I am pleased to 
welcome the new Council Officers for the two-year 1998-1999 term.  They are:  
Chair - John Liegeois (Nashville), Vice Chair - Brian Swail (Oak Ridge), and 
Secretary/Treasurer - David Bower (East Tennessee).

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Last Modified: 16-Jan-1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.