(logo)    Director's Report

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 10:41:28 -0500 (EST)

From: DCC4 

Subject: Director's Report

To: r3-excom1998@ieee.org 

Organization: AOL (https://www.aol.com) 


From: Dale Caston 

Subject: Director's Meeting Report 

First, I would like to thank each of the EXCOM Members for agreeing to

serve our IEEE Region. All of the positions are filled and now is the

time to roll up our sleeves and begin work! The financial reports from

the Board of Directors meeting in November show that the IEEE is in a

healthy financial position. Each of the member entities accepted the

challenge to budget undertakings using existing revenues with no dues

increases. In fact, in 1997 a 30 percent decrease was approved for

student dues. This dues decrease is being published to the students with

the belief that more students will become members. 

Some of the goals and objectives that I have for this year are stated

below. These were given to the Strategic Planning Committee and that

Committee will help formulate G&O for our EXCOM. 

A. Encourage and support formation of Graduates of the Last Decade

(GOLD) groups in Sections. 

B. Reverse the trend of student membership to have positive gains in the

next two years. 

C. Increase the awareness of Educational Activities and Technical

Programs available in the IEEE. 

D. Utilize the Region 3 Web page to fulfill Region objectives and

promote growth of members. 

E. Increase the awareness of Region 3 IEEE using all avenues of public

media that are available to this organization. 

Each EXCOM Member is encouraged to put down specific, measurable goals

and objectives for his or her chair responsibility. After that is done,

then put the list in priority order and work on the most important ones

first. Think of processes and intermediate steps that will help obtain

the goals and make periodic reveiws to judge the progress. Then at the

end of 1998, your summary report will be easily written. 

I have attended a planning retreat for IEEE-USA and will attend another

retreat for the Regional Activities Board. A vision statement has come

from the IEEE-USA retreat that is " To contribute to U.S. prosperity

through advancement of public and electro-technology policy and to be

the technical professional's best source for achieving life-long career


We in Region 3 can support that vision by having the best sections,

areas/councils and Executive Committee possible to serve our members.

Join with me to make this a great IEEE year. 

Dale Caston 

P.S. If you have not sent your report by E-Mail, please try to do so

early as Dave Green has suggested or bring about 30 copies of the report

to the meeting. 

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Last Modified: 13-Jan-1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.