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Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 22:23:19 -0600
From: "R. Brian Skelton" 
Subject: Newsletter Report
To: r3-excom1998@ieee.org

To:  IEEE Region 3 Executive Committee, Winter Meeting, Savannah, GA

From:  R. Brian Skelton, Region 3 Newsletter Editor

Subject:  Newsletter Report

I would like to welcome all new Region 3 officers to our first meeting 
on 1998.  I have served as the Communications Committee chair for the 
last 2 years, and have certainly learned a lot and enjoyed the 
experience.  Several people went beyond the call of duty in their 
support of my function.  These include David Lee, Brian Swail, Lee 
Stogner, Vernon Powers, Bob Duggan, and David Green.  I especially 
appreciate their assistance and dedication.

For the next 2 years, I will be serving as Region 3 Newsletter Editor.  
Region 3 traditionally publishes 3 newsletters, one each in the Winter, 
Spring, and Fall.  Each committee chair is expected to submit an article 
relating to their committee function.  A notice of the deadline for 
article submission normally goes out on e-mail a few weeks before the 
deadline.  However, this letter serves as the notification of the Winter 
1998 deadline of January 29.  During my oral report in Savannah, I plan 
to briefly discuss some of the things that I am looking for in the 
articles and some of the things I would like to avoid.  These 
newsletters get good readership from IEEE leaders in Region 3, and 
articles are worth putting some time into.

Congratulations on your appointment, and I look forward to working with 
you in 1998!

Brian Skelton
901-528-4333 (office)
901-388-6930 (home)

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Last Modified: 16-Jan-1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.