(logo)    Secretary's Report

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 11:09:40 -0600

From: David Green 

Subject: Secretary's Report

To: "Region 3 Excom (1998)" 

To:  Region 3 Executive Committee

Fr:  David Green, 1998 Region 3 Secretary

Sb:  Secretary's Report

Dt:  January 13, 1998

We are in the process of transferring the secretary's office from

Cullen Wright to me.  I have received the Secretary's computer but 

not the records as of the date of this report.

I intend to make many of the secretary reports available on the 

web as part of my efforts this year and urge you to supply 

formatted material to Brian Swail and myself so that the web site 

can be very useful to all.  As a start, the schedule and draft 

meeting agendas are posted on the web site at

https://sandbox.ieee.org/r3/excom/meetings/1998-01/agenda.html.  Thanks

to Communications Chair Brian Swail for assisting in the posting

of this information.

I also urge Excom members to submit their reports prior to the 

meeting according to the guidelines sent recently by e-mail.  

A version of these guidelines is also posted on the web at

https://sandbox.ieee.org/r3_dgg/r3rptgl.html .

Many of you chair committees that you are supposed to appoint 

(with the approval of the Director) members to.  When you have done 

so (and obtained the approval), please let me know so I record

these appointments.

I look forward to working with each you in 1998.

IEEE HQ | IEEE Region 3 | Comments?
Last Modified: 13-Jan-1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.