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Region 3, 
I would like to remind everyone of the objectives of the Region 3
Communications committee. 
"To support and facilitate more effective and seamless communications within
the Region and to Institute entities. The Communications Committee consists
of those ad hoc committees involved in integrating communications protocols,
assessing and recommending communications technology selection, and generic
communications with the IEEE membership." 
With these objectives in mind, Region 3 has the following services in place
to facilitate effective communications, 
1. Region 3 Newsletter 
2. Region 3 Web Page 
3. Electronic versions of all major Region 3 documents. These documents
have been organized and available on the BBS and will migrate to the Web site. 
4. The Electro Technology Industry database 
5. Region 3 email distribution lists 
We are also expanding into national IEEE groups to ensure that Region 3 both
leads and makes use of any IEEE-USA communications material and technology
that becomes available. Brian Skelton and Lee Stogner are both members of
the IEEE-USA Communications Committee. Brian is the PACE Editor for
Perspectives and Lee Stogner is developing a new national Web magazine
called "IEEE-USA This Week". Together these activities will demonstrate
that Region 3 is forming a leadership role in delivering communications to
its members. 
The catch is that these communications vehicles are just more effective
pipes. We need everyone to participate and let us know what information is
needed at the section, council, area and region levels. If you will let us
know, we can tap the proper sources and make it available through our
information channels. We also need to know what information that you have
that you need to share with others. Through our Region 3 resources and
IEEE-USA associations, we'll help you get the message out. 
Bottom line, let's help each other keep up with the information that we need
for our careers and our profession. 
Lee Stogner
Region 3 Communications Chairman

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Last Modified: 20 April 1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.