(logo)      Conference Committee Agenda

April 25, 1998 – Orlando, FL


1. Introductions

2. Report of Conferences

2.1. Southeastcon '96

2.2. Southeastcon '97

2.3. Southeastcon '98

2.4. Southeastcon '99

2.5. Southeastcon '00

2.6. Southcon '98 (Deb Powers)

2.7. Southcon '99 (Deb Powers)

2.8. NCSE (Marvin Neiditz)

2.9 Jamcom '98

3. Committee Goals/Actions

3.1. Vice Chair of Committee

3.2. Corresponding Members from Area/Councils

    3.2.1  Virginia Council:

    3.2.2  North Carolina Council:

    3.2.3  Area 3:

    3.2.4  Florida Council:

3.2.5. Tennessee Council:

3.2.6. Area 6:

3.2.7. South Carolina Council:

3.2.8. Area 8:

3.2.9. Area 9:

3.3. Assist Conference Committees in Region 3

4. Old Business

4.1. Migration of Conference Registration Member/Non-Member differential towards the base IEEE dues

5. New Business

5.1. Southeastcon 2001 Bids


6. Next Meeting

        With Region 3 Excom

October 24-25,1998
Edision Walthall Hotel
Jackson, Mississippi

IEEE HQ | IEEE Region 3 | Comments?
Last Modified: 20 April 1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.