(logo)      Educational Activities Committee Report

FROM: W. Perry Wheless, Jr.
Region 3 Educational Activities Chair
SUBJECT: Educational Activities Committee report to Region 3/EXCOM
21 April 1998

Members of the Region 3 EAC at this time include Tom Bellarmine, 
Andrew Hargrove, Dan Jackson (Mentor), Deb Powers, and Perry Wheless
(Chair). Andrew Hargrove represents Virginia; the other area/council
chairs have yet to designate an EAC representative other than

Discussions are actively underway with at least two candidates to join
the EAC membership and assume the position of committee Vice-Chair.
The appointment of a Vice-Chair could not be concluded before
Southeastcon, but is expected to occur within the next month.
Region 3 EAC was pleased to support and endorse the nomination of 
Dr. Demetrius Paris for the "Meritorious Achievement Award in
Accreditation Actitivities." Thanks to Vernon Powers for his work on
this nomination package, which went forward to EAB in late March.
A listing of holdings in the Region 3 Lending Library is now available
on the Web. From https://sandbox.ieee.org/r03/, there is a link to the
Lending Library. Now we will endeavor to add some new materials to the

IEEE headquarters has confirmed that it is acceptable for individuals
or organizations to purchase IEEE educational materials and donate
them to our Region 3 Lending Library for checkout to sections and/or 
region members. There are rich and diverse offerings among the IEEE's
videos, career development materials, self-study courses, and (new)
Bellcore educational products, and EAC will begin a program to obtain
both seed money from Region 3 and donations to modernize and expand
the Lending Library. For self-study courses, we will encourage
Membership Development and the Sections to initiate continuing
education projects which capitalize on the already available

Dr. W. Perry Wheless, Jr., P.E.
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Alabama
Box 870286; 324 Houser Hall
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0286
phone 205-348-1757 fax 205-348-6959
preferred e-mail: wwheless@ua1vm.ua.edu

IEEE HQ | IEEE Region 3 | Comments?
Last Modified: 20 April 1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.