To: IEEE Region 3 Executive Committee Subject: Director-Elect Fall Excom Report From: Dick Riddle, Director-Elect As I said in my Region 3 Newsletter article not all of our Region 3 Committees have appointed a Vice Chair. One of the most important attributes of a leader is to plan for the future. Please help our region continue to be a premier organization by finding leaders, get them appointed as Vice Chair, and get them into the pipeline now. I recently attended a meeting of the IEEE-USA Employment Assistance Committee. One topic of discussion was the layoffs in Region 3 and what can be done to help our IEEE members deal with the crisis of loss of employment. David Macchiarolo, our Region 3 Member of the Employment Assistance Committee and I reported on the layoffs and pending layoff at NORTEL (Northern Telcom), RTP, NC and GE, Richmond, VA. Many of you have heard me brag about the IEEE-USA's Quick Response Team and the two day workshop or seminar which was developed to help our members in such an emergency. I'll have more to say about this issue at our Region 3 Excom Meeting, but the point that I would like to make here is that by the time our Section and PACE people find out about a pending layoff contracts with outplacement companies have been signed and we (IEEE) are viewed as feeble competition or unwanted interference. It is my hope that perception will soon change through our Region 3 Membership Development Committee's Corporate Relations Project. I will also have a bit more to say about this issue at our meeting.