From: Sean Haynes [] Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 7:59 PM To: Region 3 Excom Mailing List; Region 3 Section Mailing List Cc: Gold Reps Mailing List; Gold Committee Mailing List Subject: Region 3 GOLD Report Last month I sent out a request for information from all of the Region 3 sections. I have been very disappointed with the response. From all of Region 3 I have received information from only 8 sections. Of these, only 4 claimed to have a GOLD program. Of the 4, only 3 had a named GOLD chair. The reasons for a lack of program ranged from "Never Had One" to "Our Section has no young people." Almost all the respondents requested more information. I will bring some GOLD flyers to SoutheastCON that I will hand out. I also will try to contact each of you personally. So how do I plan to solve this problem? I would like to form a Region 3 GOLD committee that has 1 representative from each Area. The Area GOLD Rep would be responsible for keeping in contact with the sections in the Region. My reasoning for this? The section in North Carolina that claimed they had no young people. I need someone from the North Carolina Council to help me solve this problem. I am also continuing to inform sections about the GOLD programs at the Professional Development Conference. We are expecting to secure funding for $500 grants for each section to send a GOLD representative. I also want to inform all sections about the Quick Start Incentive Funding project. Each section is eligible for $500 - $1000 of funding for starting a GOLD program. Region 3 needs to tap into this funding. Also, sections should try to send a GOLD person to Sections Congress as either a Primary or Secondary Representative. No seperate funding is available for section GOLD to Section's Congress. Because of this I would like to ask the Region to take up subsidizing section GOLD representatives on an individual basis. I also need to secure funding for travel as Region GOLD Representative. I need to secure funding for travel to support GOLD at Sections Congress. Being that I am funded through IEEE-USA for the Professional Development Conference, I would like to secure funding for another Region GOLD committee member to attend the RAB GOLD meeting at the PDC as Region 3 GOLD. I hope to see you at SoutheastCON. Sean -- +--------------------------------+---------------------------+ | Sean A. R. Haynes |Phone: (804) 978-7833 | | PO Box 7064 |Fax: (804) 978-7834 | | Charlottesville, VA 22906-7064 |Work: (804) 974-2630 | +--------------------------------+---------------------------+ | Chair, IEEE Central Virginia Section | | GOLD Chair, Virginia Council | | GOLD Representative, Region 3 | | Email: | | Web Page: | +------------------------------------------------------------+