From Thu Dec 2 21:54:28 1999 Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 22:26:07 -0500 From: Andrew Hargrove To: Region 3 Excom Subject: VA Council Report to EXCOM To Region 3 EXCOM, Virginia Council final Report 1996 to Region 3 Executive Committee From Andrew Hargrove, VA Council Chair Virginia Council concentrates efforts in the areas of professional activities, schools, government activities, and advocacy for engineers in society. Council committees and member sections have done the following. 1. IEEE has directed jamboree electricity and electronic merit badges in 1981, 1985, 1989, 1993 and 1997 and the tradition continues with preparation for July-August 2000. Kits have been developed for merit badge counseling, instruction and, testing and will be made available to groups world wide working with boys and girls 11-18 under the direction of merit badge chair Ralph Russell. Texas designers have completed the design. 1000 will be prepared. The Texas team is also preparing an instruction video. Girl scouts are interested in using the material. IEEE Corporate Committee is helping to develop a public relations plan. Separate and distinct from the jamboree project, John Cross is working with Area local girl scout councils in developing programs, materials and equipment for their tech training. 2. Hargrove attended the annual VAST (Virginia Association of Science Teachers) convention in continued cooperate efforts o assist in Technological training and to encourage young men and women to study engineering. 3. All sections in the Area attended the October 1999 sections congress. Dave Geer and Russell assumed positions of council secretary and Education chair to complete council staffing. Hampton Roads Section presented Wind Tunnel Disasters using Lasers" in September, "Power Deregulation in Virginia"in October and " Modern IC Manufacturing"in November. GOLD met with U VA students and Central VA Section in September. Virginia Mountain Section celebrated it's 50th anniversary on Sept 16 with IEEE-USA president as speaker. IEEE president Ken Laker was also scheduled, but got grounded by hurricane. November meeting featured Nancy Verona, Virginia Center for Innovative Technology discussing future plans for electronic industries in Virginia. 4. E-conferencing is underway with web pages being developed by council and sections. Adeeb Hamzey, Council PR is developing a Public Relations Workshop. The legislative initiative under the direction of Sam Harris is on schedule and seeks to match each Virginia Legislator with an IEEE member in his district for the purpose of assisting legislature research and advocating items pertinent to engineers. 5. Engineers Week in February celebration will include banquets, school visits and publicity