Region 3 – Area 3 1998-1999 Final Report


The intent of this final report is to provide a recap of the last 2 years by providing 2 distinct perspectives to the activities in Area 3…

·        Area3 Specific Objectives as outlined in January 1998

·        Area 3 contribution to the Region 3 Goals and Objectives 1998-99


Area 3 Specific Objectives:


·        Enhanced web presence for Area 3.

Status: The web site was created to provide a public area for general information about the individual sections and a site for storage of shared information for use by the sections and Region 3 ExCom.

i.e. for Section

 Reporting to R3 ExCom


·        Increase in electronic communication to facilitate "networking" among the sections.

Status: Area 3 has conducted two (2) e-conference Meetings and established follow on efforts to facilitate possible sharing of speakers for monthly meetings. The meeting minutes are also stored on the web site for use by the Section Chairs. The use of the e-conferencing Guidelines is anticipated to continue to be used in Area 3 and hopefully will spread to implementation by the sections.


·        Promote Section and member participation in region activities.

Status: Participation at the annual meeting at SoutheastCon and Sections Congress ’99 was the main focus. Getting all of the Sections involved and communicating with each other is one of the greatest challenges facing Area 3 in the future. Additional work needs to be done to achieve this objective.


·        Focus on the Strategic Direction of the Georgia Sections and the needs of the membership.

Status: The needs of the members are the highest priority facing Region 3 and the Area 3 Chair in the future. The development of an “area oriented” direction is recommended for the Area 3 2000-2001 administration.


Area 3 contribution to Region 3 Goals and Objectives:

·        1b - Increase nominations for each Region 3 Award.

Status: No real progress made other than periodic follow up with Section Chairs.

·        1f - Have each Section personally contact members in arrears.

Status: Some progress was made but in order for this to become a consistent activity in a Section a standard methodology should be created and included in the Section’s Operations Manual.

·        2a - Encourage Sections to hold workshops to define how to enhance effectiveness and improve operations. Sections should invite Region 3 EXCOM members to attend. These EXCOM members should report at the next EXCOM meeting.

(At least 9 workshops per year in Region 3).

Status: No real progress was made on this objective. In retrospect… the e-conferencing would be an excellent forum to lay the ground work in this area and discuss operational improvements (since e-conferencing is an operational improvement in itself).

·        3a - Have all EXCOM members and Sections on-line with the Web.

Status: Area 3 Web Site established and is operational. Enhancements should be discussed with each Area 3 meeting and actively solicited.

·        7f - Develop strong Vice Chairs for each Regional Committee to facilitate continuity of Region leadership through a systematic succession program. (Director Elect)

Status: Dr. Edward O’Brien, selected as Vice Chair for 1998-99.


Without the work and dedication of Greg Taylor - Central Georgia Section Chair, Chris Hardy – Savannah Section Chair, and Ed O’Brien – Area 3 Vice Chair we would not have made significant progress these past 2 years. And for their effort I am personally grateful.


Respectfully Submitted:


William B. Ratcliff, Area 3 Chair 1998-99

26 November 1999