From Thu Jan 27 20:19:31 2000 Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 15:48:49 -0600 From: John Parr To: Region 3 Executive Committee Cc: IEEE Paducah Subsection , IEEE Louisville Section , IEEE Lexington Section , Evansville Subject: IEEE Region 3 Area 8 Report Area 8 Report to the IEEE Region 3 Executive Committee John M. Parr, Area 8 Chair January 27, 2000 Area 8 Vice Chair: Steven Bryant of Louisville, Kentucky has agreed to serve as Area 8 Vice Chair for a second term. Steven has served as Vice Chair for the past two years and attended the fall 1998 Excom meeting while I was out of the country. Evansville-Owensboro Section: Section Chair Paul Kuban reports that: 1) The executive committee has been busy trying to increase monthly meeting attendance. Toward this effort the section has established the following policies: * publish tentative upcoming meeting schedule each month * reduce dinner fee ($5 per person for members, $0 for students) * encourage guest (non-member) attendance * monthly attendance prize raffle The implementation of these policies was apparently effective for the first two months. 2) The section has been charged with updating the section bylaws from their current status (last update was in 1964). I have authored a draft version, which is being reviewed now, and should be voted on in March. 3) The section voted to support the University of Evansville Engineering Banquet again this year with a $500 donation. 4) The newsletter folding and mailing job was previously done by Evansville ARC for roughly $250 per month. This year, they were no longer interested in providing that service. The University of Southern Indiana student IEEE branch has agreed to perform the job for $200 per month. This results in savings for the section and a small profit for the student branch that will be used to finance student IEEE projects. 5) Region 3 Director Richard Riddle plans to attend our March 21 meeting to present the section’s fifty-year anniversary IEEE banner. Paducah Subsection: The Paducah subsection continues to be inactive. The Evansville-Owensboro section officers are investigating ways that they may help to revitalize the subsection or resolve the issue of its existence. Lexington Section: Ray A. Williams, Lexington Section Chair, reports that the Lexington Section is continuing along as it has for the last decade or two. The most recent meeting (1/20/00) was a dual technical presentation on DSL technology and a real world EMI problem at a local power generating plant. Seven professionals and one student attended. Plans for participating in E-Day at the University of Kentucky (UK) and sponsoring the UK student paper contest were discussed. The Section by-laws update was also discussed. Administration Membership Statistics for 11/30/99 listed 421 active members in the Lexington section including 78 students. This was a slight gain from membership one-year ago when there were 414 active members. Louisville Section: Section Chair C.R. Davis reports that a section goal for next year is to expand their Friends of IEEE program to involve more local industries. Goals for 2000: The Area 8 Chair’s primary goal for 2000 is to see the Paducah subsection revitalized. The Evansville-Owensboro section officers are considering various things that the section can do to help with that project. The surviving former chair of the Paducah subsection, Wayne Priddy, desires to revitalize the subsection but does not have the resources locally get started. If the subsection cannot be made viable then it should be officially decommissioned.