To: Region 3 2001 ExCom From: Dick Riddle, Director 2000-2001 Subject: Director's Report- ExCom Meeting 1-20-01 As we close out Year 2000 and start the Third Millennium I would like to again express my deep appreciation to you for the service that you have given to IEEE and our Region. Through your voluntary contribution of leadership skill, time, and talent you have made 2000 another successful year for our Region. As I said at our last face-to-face meeting in Myrtle Beach last October, I feel that we worked well together and have developed into a winning team. For that reason I asked you that were willing to serve again in 2001. As a result, our 2001 ExCom team will be essentially the same as our 2000 ExCom. We are attempting to put our house in order by asking you to review your goals and objectives in our Strategic Plan. Bob Duggan and the Strategic Planning Committee have worked hard to develop a comprehensive plan to guide our region into a prosperous future. But we can only achieve this if the stated goals and objectives are yours and you are committed their successful completion. I just returned from the RAB Strategic Planning Retreat, January 15-16, 2001 in NJ. My complements to our own David Green who was the Facilitator and did an outstanding job of keeping things moving and on track. I found the retreat interesting, and informative. Over the next few weeks you will be informed about those projects that were adopted as having the highest priority to be completed in 2001-02. Three of our Region 3 Sections: Central Savannah River, Middle Tennessee, and Tri Cities have been inactive for several years. They have not held the required meetings, elected officers, or filed the required reports. In spite of our efforts to rejuvenate these Sections they continue to be in danger of being dissolved. Should dissolution of these sections become necessary, please give me your recommendations on which section should inherit the active members formally served by these sections. As reported in our pre ExCom e-conf on January 9, the Canaveral Section has been approved to receive the IEEE Milestones In Electrical Engineering and Computing recognition for "Electronic Technology for Space Rocket Launches, 1950-1969. The citation is as follows: "The demonstrated success in space flight is the result of electronic technology developed at Cape Canaveral, the J.F. Kennedy Space Center, and other sites, and applied here. A wide variety of advances in radar tracking, data telemetry, instrumentation, space-to-ground communications, on-board guidance, and real-time computation were employed to support the U.S. space program. These and other electronic developments provided infrastructure necessary for the successful landing of men on the moon in July 1969 and their safe return to earth." I feel that all Region 3 members should take pride in this achievement and I would like to make this event a region wide celebration. To this end I have asked Vernon Powers to work with the Canaveral Section Chair Kathryn Rinehart and provide the necessary support to make this event an outstanding success. All indications are that Year 2001 will be another good year for Region 3. I encourage you to start the year off right by attending our Region 3 Winter 2001 ExCom meeting on January 20 from 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon and from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM. This will be an e-conf meeting on our E-Conference Server: Channel: #ieee3 (password required). I look forward to seeing you there.