Central Virginia Section Report to Virginia Council - 24 March 2001 The last Section Executive Committee Meetings was held in March. The officers for the Central Virginia Section are: Chair: Joe Berman, Vice Chair: vacant, Secretary/Treasurer: Grace Giras, PACE: vacant, GOLD: vacant, Newsletter, Past Chair and Email Coordinator: Sean Haynes, and Web Site Coordinator: Mike Martin. The next scheduled section meeting is April 19 about mag-lev trains. The May meeting is planned for Lynchburg and is currently being organized. The section finances have moved accounts to the Concentration Banking. There is a Certificate of Deposit that will mature in June, which will then be converted. Our biggest challenges continue to be getting volunteers recruited. The section has grown in the past year by 10%. Attendance at meetings and interest in volunteering has dwindled. Joe Berman Litton Marine Systems (804) 974-2367 jab02@litton-marine.com Chair, IEEE Central Virginia Section j.a.berman@ieee.org