Area 3 Report October 12, 2001 The Savannah Section has had 11 meetings during the last 12 months. Four of the meetings have been in conjunction with tours of local facilities including a recent tour of Savannah Electric's Plant Riverside. As they have done in the past, they have sponsored a special award at the First District Science Fair for middle and high-school students. The section is busy preparing for the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems 2002 Technical Conference to be held in Savannah in May of 2002. The Central Georgia Section has had 10 meetings in the last 12 months including plant tours and speaker presentations. The section has tried some innovative techniques to improve meeting attendance. These have included having a drawing for a cash prize. If the first member name drawn is present that individual receives the drawing prize. If not, a second name is drawn. If no one wins the drawing, the cash prize is increase by $20. The current price is $420. However, even this has not significantly increased meeting attendance. The section will cap the prize at $500 but they are not sure what to do after it reaches that amount. The executive committee tried to increase meeting attendance by each calling two members prior to the meetings. This also didn't increase the attendance and has since been discontinued. Membership is up by 37 from a year ago. Most of these are associates and student members from Mercer whose student branch has been revitalized. The section plans to involve the students more. The section for the past three years has sponsored a Future Scientists and Engineers of America after school program at a local elementary school. This has involved four of the schools teachers and six engineers from industry. Last year 100 students participated. Due to the annual cost of the program ($1500) the project is on hold due to lack of section funds. The section still continues to mail a newsletter to the members. However, the printer has gone out of business and the section must determine if it wants to print and fold the letters themselves. E-mailing the letter would help however this may not reach all the membership. On the whole, the section seems to be holding its own. No report has been submitted from the Atlanta section. If one is submitted this report will be amended. Respectfully submitted, Edward O'Brien Area 3, Chair.