Daytona Section Report This has been a good year for the IEEE and particularly the Daytona Section. We have had some great dinner meetings combining the social aspects that the Halifax River Yacht Club affords and some very interesting technical presentations. Attendance, which has averaged almost 40 people, has steadily increased during the last two years. We started off in January 2001 by getting a great presentation by Roy Johanson, Jr. of NASA on Space Operations at KSC. The visual presentations were excellent and the talk was most informative. The last topic for the year in Nov. was also excellent when Ed. Kirshner of Northrop Grumman discussed using Commercial -- Off -The -Shelf (COTS) in military systems such as the Joint STARS Program from an Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) perspective. An additional benefit to our Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) students, was that since the meeting, my correspondence with Ed, has resulted in Ed. instructing his Personnel Office to include ERAU's AET program on it's list for EE job opportunities such as the EMI/EMC position that he mentioned. Also of great interest and very entertaining were two of ERAU professors? talks. The first was by Prof. Ken Stackpoole who described the Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) where he looked into the future applying advanced navigation and communications systems to form a reliable means to ?get where you are going? without conventional restrictions. It is a very creative concept like George Jetson travel and he had some great photos and video in his PowerPoint presentation. At the other end of the Spectrum speaking time wise, Dr. Al Helfrick discussed the history of aviation especially the early days of landing systems with a guy waving a flag to using telephones and finally flight controllers using radar systems. Where he got those photos is a mystery in itself but we will have to wait for the publication of his book to find out more. He threw in a discussion of his electric car as well since we had scheduled a program on that subject. Also Ms. Marcia Roman was quite informative in telling us about the new Advanced Technology Center for Daytona Beach Community College. Also Mr. Kevin Kinion, VP of Kintech Manufacturing, Inc. gave a good presentation of the trials and tribulations of a small emerging electronics company in Volusia County. In Sept. Life Fellow Member Mr. George McClure discussed PACE. George discussed some of the activities that IEEE is involved in with the Government re. retirement benefits, tax strategies etc. We had a special event in March for the students. The student chapter and several Professors like yours truly visited Lockheed-Martin Information Systems (LMIS) in Orlando. Jim Kotas, Project Manager at LMIS was our host and he had a number of executives present their programs and gave us a great tour and even fed us. We reciprocated somewhat by giving a presentation on ERAU's VXI project. Since this is automatic test equipment it was very appropriate since it relates well to their CASS program. This also resulted in job offers to our students for intern and permanent positions. Another major activity was the Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), which was held in Daytona Beach, in Oct., which was co-sponsored by the IEEE and we had a booth with a lot of information from headquarters that we distributed, primarily by yours truly. This was a great coup and a stimulating event that many of the ERAU students and some local members benefited from. As a matter of fact out IEEE Student Chapter was largely responsible for it's success. We also took care of some important affairs such as getting our By-Laws approved, attending several Conferences and other meetings including the Celebration at KSC, and getting the Flagler County Members transferred to the Daytona Section. We also held four Ex. Com. Meetings during 2001. A significant accomplishment which occurred on Nov. 8, was when the IEEE accredited ERAU?s Avionics Engineering Technology (AET) program. This means that when the student members who presently are in the AET Program graduate, they will be made full members and not associate members as previously done. Also, all AET graduates who are IEEE associate members will automatically become members. We held elections in Nov. and here are the results. A new Chapter of Life Members (and Friends) has been established which will be headed up by our Life Fellow Member Lew Unnewehr. We have re-elected myself as Chairman (last time), Tracy Wichmann as Vice Chairman, Dr. Jane Owen as Secretary and Lee Pettit as Treasurer. Also Dr. Al Helfrick will remain as the Student Branch Counselor. The first meeting in January 2002 was very successful with Butch Shadwell of Shadwell Technical Services who is well known in the IEEE giving a great talk. It addressed Engineering Careers and how to get the right job and what you should do to succeed at it. Februar'?s meeting was also interesting when Colonel Ray Coley talked about the airlift in Afghanistan. The Student Chapter held meetings with demonstrations at local high schools to celebrate Engineering Week in February in both 2001 and 2002. In March 2002 we arranged another trip to Lockheed Martin Information Systems in Orlando for the Student Chapter. It included six presentations by LMIS project leaders, a presentation by ERAU students, and a tour of their facility. I drove the ERAU van and we had 22 people in attendance. The March meeting had an interesting talk by Claude Tapley on materials used in magnetic circuits. Recently I had Ed. Kirchner who talked at our IEEE meeting lecture my Avionics Systems Integration course. The activities with Ed. and his colleague Dr. Crane have led to huge implications between ERAU and Northrop Grumman, all as a result of leveraging the IEEE. Early in 2001 I endorsed Dr. Mike Adler for the office of IEEE President Elect 2002. This was because I knew how competent he was when I worked with him when he was at GE's Corporate Research and Development Center and I was Manager of Engineering of the Aircraft Instruments Dept. Now that he has won the election I think that we?ll have a 'friend in court?' as the phrase goes. Respectively, Prof. Dick Skovholt, Chairman March 21,2002 CHAIRMAN?S REPORT DAYTONA SECTION