e-Conferencing Ad Hoc Committee Report The landscape of tools devoted to collaborative work continues to expand with more choices appearing each month. One of the challenges is to keep current on these emerging technologies and balance the effort with delivering capability to the volunteers and members. If you have used any of the collaboration tools we would be interested in how it was used, did it perform to your satisfaction, what were its deficiencies…? We will post our findings via the web and the various discussion areas. Contact w.ratcliff@ieee.org The committee is available to your organization in many capacities -training, consulting, facilitating- on e-conferencing techniques and methodologies that have proven cost effective in the operation of Region 3. Let us hear from you. _ |_)0 |_)||_|_ William B. Ratcliff, e-Conferencing Ad Hoc Committee Chair 2002 e-mail w.ratcliff@ieee.org