TREASURER'S REPORT REGION 3 MARCH 28, 2002 At the end of the first quarter of 2002, Region 3 income is $67,040 and expenditures are $24,724. The annual rebate of $66,200 and interest income from two accounts of $840 represent the total income. Major expenditures include the Region 3 Newsletter ($12,250), the Atlanta Executive Committee meeting ($8,000) and the ETI database subscription ($2,500). The market value of the Long Term Investment Account has decreased by $950. Another source of income this year will be the IEEE-USA rebate to support professional activities. Plans for Sections Congress, scheduled for Washington, DC in October, are under way. The $15,750 allotted from IEEE Headquarters, along with the $21,000 budgeted by Region 3 will allow Region 3 to provide assistance for delegates to attend from all of our Sections. The next major event will be SoutheastCon 2002 to be held in Columbia, South Carolina. We are looking forward to an outstanding conference with participation from a wide range of IEEE members in a number of well-planned activities. Charles E. Hickman Treasurer, Region 3