Region 3 Communications Committee Status - September 2002 Bill Ratcliff The Region 3 Communications Committee - September 2002 is focused on the mission "To support and facilitate more effective and seamless communications within the Region and to Institute entities". The key aspect of providing support involves the identification of requirements from the other entities. This is an on-going activity that impacts all entities within the Region and the entire Institute. The status of the Region 3 Objectives is a work in progress stored on Twiki at... Please note that some of the objectives have not been started and that the progress on others have been slow. The priority of these objectives has not been fully determined but often is the result of crisis / problems / "squeaky wheels". No committee is stand alone / self contained but rather a contributor to propelling Region 3 and the Institute, hopefully, in a common direction with the resultant vector of our combined effort benefiting the member, the technology and society. The Communications Committee continues to meet synchronously (chat), asynchronously (Newsgroups, Twiki, e-mail, web...) and you are always invited to attend / participate. The Agenda is also a "work in progress" and is posted... t The meeting schedule... Drop a note to me anytime... We are trying to "eat our own dog food". All of the committees, areas, councils, etc are encouraged to post your requirements for support from the Communications Committee. _ |_)0 |_)||_|_ William B. Ratcliff Region 3 Communications Committee Chair 2002 Region 3 e-Conferencing Committee Chair 2002