IEEE Region 3 Director's Report Jim Howard, Region 3 Director 2002-2003 IEEE has been very, very active this year and as such has continued to keep all the Board Director's buried in work. Currently I am serving on the following committees/Boards: IEEE Board of Directors IEEE Audit Committee IEEE Operational Review Committee Regional Activities Board of Directors Regional Activities Strategic Planning Committee IEEE-USA Board of Directors In addition I am continuing to work with the IEEE Membership Development Committee as a consultant. Each of these committees/Boards are holding conference calls, face-to-face meetings, and sharing multitudes of e-mails. With all of this activity at the Board levels, I have called upon our Director-Elect, Past-Director, Secretary, Treasurer, and Strategic Planning Committee chair to help with keeping the Region issues in the forefront of our minds and thoughts. With their help, we are targeting several key issues - these include: - Having one of the aforementioned members at each Council or Area meeting. - Making sure all of our Sections and Councils have the required signatures for their savings and checking accounts. - Making sure all of our Sections and Councils have submitted the required Officer, Financial, and Meetings reports I am asking each of you to help make sure we accomplish these key issues as soon as possible - preferably by the November Board of Directors Meeting. To make sure we are on track with these Regional issues, I have instituted a bi-monthly conference call with these individuals and, due to limitations on the number of lines, as well as costs, will be inviting Committee, Area, Council, Section, and others to join us for some of these key calls. So don't be surprised if you get an email from me requesting your attendance at an upcoming conference call or e-conf meeting. Let me close by thanking all of you for your hard work and efforts on behalf of the IEEE. I know each of you are very, very busy, and yet you find time to work on the Regional committees, local Sections, etc. Looking forward to seeing many of you at Sections Congress and ALL of you at the Region 3 Excom meeting in Knoxville, TN on November 23rd.