11 Sept 2002 3:00 PM EDT Mid-year Report of IEEE Region 3 Sections Congress Co-coordinators Since January 1, 2002, we have sent seventeen email updates about Sections Congress 2002, October 18-21, Washington, DC, to all the Section chairs and council chairs. Thirteen of these were sent after the Region Committee meeting in Columbia in April. Additional email has been exchanged with individual Section chairs and delegates. As of August 30, twenty-nine of the forty-one sections had delegates registered; 71 percent. We hope for all Sections to send delegates but realistically expect the final number will be 33 or 80 percent. There will be thirteen speakers from Region 3, the majority of whom will be funded by other organizational units. The average airfare from 46 different airports in Region 3 to Dulles International is $235 according to information from IEEE Travel Services. (Delegates from several Sections have a choice of airports.) Using this average cost the total airfare for 33 Sections would be $7755. Using the maximum on ground expense allowed from the Region 3 Funding Plan of $450 for 33 Sections would be $14,850. This makes a total exposure to the Region for funding 33 Primary Delegates $22,605. My best information indicates that Region 3 will need to fund fully 5 speakers. Figuring $235 for airfare, $260 for Congress registration, $900 on ground expense including hotel the expense for one speaker comes to $1395; five speakers is $6975. Primary delegates plus speakers equals $29,580. The total Region 3 budget for Sections Congress 2002 is $36,750 leaving $7170 surplus for hardship cases. Of course, this amount will vary if fewer or more than 33 sections send primary delegates. Expenses for one speaker, Bill Harrison, will be from the Region 3 Corporate Relations Committee. Dan Jackson Butch Shadwell d.jackson@ieee.org b.shadwell@ieee.org R3 SC'02 Co-coordinator R3 SC'02 Co-coordinator