Twitchell correction 11/27/02 Dawson correction 11/26/02 McClure correction 11/25/02 Minutes Approved 1/06/03 Region 3 ExCom November 23-24, 2002 Knoxville, TN Members: Ackerman, Bower, Davis, Dawson, Donohoe, Duvall, Green, Wilson (for Hardy), Harrison, Haynes, Hickman, Hill, Howard (Chair), Morris, Ratcliff, Riddle, Skelton, Stogner, Twitchell, Walcott Guests: Beall, Collmann, J. Hannemann, R. Hannemann, Harris, Jackson, McClure, McLaren, Nowicki, Shadwell, Thompson Director Howard convened the ExCom at 2:13 PM. He welcomed the ExCom and visitors to the meeting. He noted that two IEEE staff members were present, Kristina Collmann and Karen Nowicki from the IEEE Foundation, and thank them for their attendance. Director Howard reviewed the agenda and the ExCom approved the agenda (and the consent agenda) with one addition (11e). The consent agenda consisted of a. approving the minutes of the 6 April 2002 meeting b. receiving the reports that are part of the information agenda Director Howard noted that he had made introductory director comments during the welcome at the beginning of the day and would not repeat them in the meeting. Past Director Riddle had no further comments beyond his report. Secretary Green reminded members to submit their reports for the web and asked that the guidelines be observed (including supplying the report as a text file). Treasurer Hickman reviewed the status of the Region 3 funds that presently total $281.7K assets. He reviewed the present status versus budget. He reported that presently there was a $18.6K loss in the investment fund. He noted that Section Congress expenses still had not been paid. He also noted that the RAB allocation tax of $21,322.73 (B-5.50). Director-elect Bill Harrison had nothing to add to the report on the web. He remarked that he had been tasked to make sure that everyone submits a report. Direct Howard and the ExCom began the Action Agenda. Special Review Committee Chair Harris moved the acceptance of the Review of the Educational Activities Committee. The group discussed the review. Educational Activities Committee Chair noted that the review recommended and EAC was going to dissolve the lending the library and refocusing on materials on the web. Roy Harris noted the fine work of Dick Riddle and Dale Caston on this review. Motion passed. Communications Chair Ratcliff moved that the Remote Meetings Project phase I be funded for $2000. This proposal is the result of prior proposal effort of the Eastern North Carolina Section. The goal is to complete phase I at SoutheastCon 2003. Kristina Collmann expressed interest in participating in the pilot and perhaps funding some of the costs. Motion passed. Finance Committee Chairman Hickman reviewed the proposed 2003 budget for Region 3. He asked that the budget be approved in principle. The budget has a proposed deficit of $57K. He noted that Region 3 has a history of deficit budgets with positive net results at the end of the year. Motion passed. SPC Vice Chair Riddle moved the approval of the 2003 Strategic Plan as distributed with a minor editorial change. Motion passed. SPC Vice Chair Riddle moved, in principle, that Region 3 Committees have their mentors as ex officio (with voice and vote) members of their committee and that the mentors be actively participating members of the committee. Motion passed. Director Howard re-welcomed Kristina Collmann and Karen Nowicki to the ExCom meeting and invited them to present details of the Volunteers in Philanthropy program. They presented background on the IEEE Foundation that oversees this program. They graciously supplied a copy of their slides for posting on the Region 3 Web Site (linked from the agenda). Bill Harrison moved that Region 3 become the pilot Region for the VIP program. David Green seconded the motion. Motion passed. Don Hill moved that the Central North Carolina Section Section be advanced $6000 for SoutheastCon 2004. Motion passed. David Bower reported on the Public Information reported on his plans (detailed in his report) for communicating with the media. He solicited and received comments from the group. He has prepared a template for doing this communication and received encouragement from the group. Tennessee Council Chair David Bower reported on the Tennessee Council. Recently two sections have been merged into the Central Tennessee Section. He reviewed present status of various activities within the council from his report. Jim Howard announced that the 2003 Winter ExCom meeting will be an e-conference. The date will be announced soon. Jim Howard reported that Sections Congress had 36 sections at Sections Congress 2002. Dan Jackson noted other details from his report about Sections Congress. Sections Congress 2005 General Chair Jim Howard opened a discussion on Sections Congress 2005. He announced that Dan Jackson and Butch Shadwell will continue as section coordinators. Jim Howard said that all Region 3 Sections will be asked for contributions to Sections Congress 2005 to be held in Region 3 in Tampa, FL. Jim Howard noted that David Green is the Sections Congress 2005 Program Chair and Quang Tang is the Local Arrangements Chair. Lee Stogner, on behalf of the PAO Committee, proposed that Region 3 support the Region 3 Employment Assistance Project (total cost: $5000) for this program. The program involves $3500 for access to the Harris Database, $1000 for Books/Slide Sets/Workbooks and $500 for shipping. After discussion, the motion was postponed until the Sunday session. Awards Chair John Twitchell reported on awards committee activities. He noted that Eric Ackerman was being honored with a IEEE-USA Regional Professional Leadership Award. SoutheastCon 2003 Chair Morris reported on efforts for SoutheastCon 2003 to be held 4-6 April 2003 in Ochos Rios, Jamaica. They have made a deal with Air Jamaica for special airfares from Atlanta and several Florida cities to Jamaica for participants. There is also an arrangement with the hotel to arrange round trip ground transportation between the airport and the hotel. Co-General Chair of SoutheastCon 2004 Dawson invited the group to SoutheastCon 2004 in Greensboro NC at the end of March 2004. Conference Committee Don Hill reminded members of the upcoming Radarcon 2003 being hosted by the Huntsville Section sponsored by a society, a section, and Region 3. Don said that he would get with Webmaster Dawson to get a link to the conference on the Region 3 site. A brief discussion about SoutheastCon Support Committee occurred. SoutheastCon 2003 is expecting the SoutheastCon Support Committee to handle all registration activities. The meetings recessed at 5:15PM until the next morning. Director Howard reconvened the ExCom at 8:35AM. David McLaren, Life Member Coordinator, reported on his efforts to pursue chapter formations in targeted sections in Region 3. There are 4351 life members (as of May 2002) in Region 3. He also reported that R3 Webmaster Dawson had created the link he requested (in the SPC meeting). Charles Hickman asked members to send in their expense reports promptly and to promptly cash their checks. Electronic expense reports should be sent to Director Howard ( with paper copies with receipts sent to him: Charles E. Hickman, Ph.D., P.E. 3244 Burning Tree Drive Birmingham, AL 35226 Membership Development Committee Chair Lee Stogner reported on the MDC meeting held yesterday. N&A Chair Riddle reported that he was taking input and would make recommendations as requested for positions in 2003. Professional Activities Operations Chair Sean Haynes reported on goals and objectives of his committee. He discussed the plans for the year, support of the PACE people at the leadership workshop in Seattle, and plans for the R3 PACE meeting in Jamaica. PACE Coordinator McClure distributed an update on his report and presented information on H1B "Guest Worker" Admissions. He summarized the main points of the Orlando Section resolution. Student Activities Chair Bruce Walcott reported that he had a very good meeting (two sessions) yesterday focused on student activities. They developed 12 action items to carry out to promote participation in SoutheastCon 2003. He asked that the group who helped come up with action items also help with the execution of them. In addition to student activities, there was some discussion on GOLD-related activities. There was a discussion about revisiting funding for SoutheastCon 2003. Communications Committee Chair Ratcliff reported on goals for 2003. These goals included increased concentration on web sites, expanded production of newsletters (electronic and hardcopy), remote meetings, enhanced PR/Public information, archive management, and increased use of e-conferencing by other R3 organization units. Gold Committee Chair Duvall reported on efforts to form a 2003 Region 3 Gold committee. She plans to assemble goals and objectives for the committee that will be reported later. A mentor from SPC will be assigned to the group. Section Congress 2002 co-Coordinator Jackson reported on post congress activities. He will provide members a list of Sections participating in Sections Congress 2002. He reminded Sections to begin saving for 2005. He and co-Coordinator Shadwell suggested that sections consider contributing at least $2 for each higher grade members to Sections Congress 2005 (beyond funding of their representatives) since Region 3 is the host region. Special Review Committee Chair Harris reported that SAC and SPC will be the reviewed in 2003. There was no old business. Director Howard then began the new business section of the agenda. Director Howard asked all chairs (as well as areas and councils) to create and submit their 2003 Goals and Objectives to him and the Region 3 Secretary. Lee Stogner, on behalf of the PAO Committee, proposed that Region 3 support the Region 3 Employment Assistance Project (total cost: $5000) for this program. The program involves $3500 for access to the Harris Database, $1000 for Books/Slide Sets/Workbooks and $500 for shipping. All expenses except the shipping will be expended in 2002. Motion passed. Conference Committee Chair Hill moved the providing SoutheastCon 2003 $3000 in seed money for SoutheastCon 2003. Director Howard announced that the next meeting would be an e-conference in January. Having completed its business, the ExCom adjourned at 10:20AM. Respectfully submitted, David Green R3 Secretary