TREASURER'S REPORT July 11, 2003 A mid-year review of the Region 3 budget for 2003 was recently distributed. On the revenue side, the Long-Term Investment fund has posted a gain of $7000 through May 31, but the interest income is below projections through June 30. Loans and advances have been repaid by RadarCon and SoutheastCon 2003. It is anticipated that these conferences will provide income to the Region before the end of the year. On the expenses side, travel and student activities reimbursements account for about 70% of the total expenditures. Professional activities funds of about $10k were used to support the PACE Workshop in Jamaica. Also, over 20 Region 3 members were supported by IEEE-USA funds to attend a PACE Conference in Seattle, Washington. Please review the actual year-to-year expenses compared to the budget to ensure that our members are being provided appropriate services. At the recent Organizational Units meeting in Nashville, the IEEE Board of Directors approved a $2 assessment for Region 3. A formula recommended by the Regional Activities Board to calculate the regional rebates was also approved. This formula will increase the Region 3 rebate by $4570 in 2004. These changes will impact our budget beginning in 2004. If you have questions related to our budget, please contact me. Charles E. Hickman Treasurer, Region 3