Region 3 Director's Report October 31, 2003 First, I want to mention our upcoming Regional meeting in Atlanta. This meeting, to be held November 21-23, 2003, will be our second meeting with all the Sections in the Region invited. We have not had two Region meetings for some time, but you, the Section Leaders, have asked for it and we are doing our best to accommodate your request. Your Director-Elect, Bill Harrison, and I, along with other Officers of the Region, have been working hard to make this meeting a reality, so we hope each and every Section has at least one representative in attendance. As this will be my last meeting as your Director, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to represent you over the last two years. It has been a very busy two-year term and I trust that I have made the decisions that will benefit the Region, as well as the entire Institute, over the coming years. I would be remiss if I did not mention the untiring support the Officers and Excom of the Region have provided me during my term. I also want to think each and every Section and Chapter Chair, as well as the leaders of the Student Branch's and all their Officers for their support and effort for the Region and for IEEE in general. A partial list of the accomplishments that together, we have done in 2003, is below: ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF REGION 3 in 2003: - We had a very successful SoutheastCon 2003 in Jamaica. - Several Sections have bid on hosting our upcoming Region 3 SoutheastCon's We have approved locations through 2006, and more Sections requesting future years. - 100% of our Sections have filed all of their required 2002 reports. All but 3 filed their reports in time for the 10% bonus rebate. - 100% of our Sections have bank Signatures Cards on file at IEEE Headquarters. - We have a planned Regional Meeting coming up in November in Atlanta, which will be our second Regional meeting this year. - Several Sections have held very successful conferences, such as RADARCON, etc. - All of our Region Committees have established Goal & Objectives (G&O's). - Our Region Committees are using Econferencing to better communicate with the Sections and other members of the committees. - Either the Director, Past-Director, or Director-Elect attended Council meetings held within the Region to make sure the Sections had direct access to the Region Officers. - The Region Officers are holding Conference Calls on a regular basis to keep communications at an optimum, while keeping costs down. In closing, I want to let you know that I will continue to support and work with all of you long into the future, so let's continue moving the Region and all its Sections, Chapters, and Student Branch's forward. Thanks, Jim Howard IEEE Region 3 Director 2002-2003