Section Report - Jacksonville November 3, 2003 Section: Chair Butch Shadwell Vice-Chair open Secretary George Cooper Treasurer Steve Doll Newsletter George Cooper Website Ross Gregg Email Ross Gregg Student Branch Garrett Gilchrist Branch Mentor Butch Shadwell PES-IAS Darrell Wilson Computer open The section is having a hard time. After months of being unresponsive the Computer Society chair recently resigned. I organized the last meeting myself, even though I am not a member of that society. We don't have a prospect to assume this chair at this time. Last meeting was September 9th, organized by me. Also our PES-IAS chair has been unresponsive to inquiries. I have offered assistance many times to organize meetings, but I get no reply. Last meeting was in March. I expect the excom to meet this week to see if we wish to close our chapters. I don't mind organizing all the meetings, but I can't run chapters of which I am not a member. I organized a section picnic in August, that was fairly well attended. I think the membership in Jacksonville is interested but we need new chapter chairs, and new officers. The student branch is off to a fairly good start. I have attended their last organizational meeting, and there is a lot of interest there. We presently have three teams for the SECon hardware competition. Respectfully submitted, Butch Shadwell