Palm Beach Section Report to Region 3 ExCom- November, 03 Officers Chair: Richard Seibel Vice Chair: Norm Bleshman Secretary/Treasurer: Richard Seibel PACE: Carl Hussey Educational: Norm Bleshman Membership Development: Carl Hussey Activities Eight section meetings. Three ExCom meetings. Revised and submitted by-laws to region 3. Per letter from Peggy Kovacs, NJ, Chapter Viability, rejuvenated three section societies. Per Florida Council recommendation, firmed up ExCom meeting date and place, once every two months. Presented awards to Palm Beach County science fair winners. Rejuvenated website and continue to enhance. Firmed up email bulletin to membership, once per month. Section chair received training for new SAMIEEE and being implemented. Other officers to be trained. Maintained relationships with other engineering organizations. Provided some support for job seeking members. Officers participated in VIP program. Launched community action project with high school for lightning protection. Recruited volunteers. Launched effort to form Life Member chapter, section has 1/4 Life Member grades. Launched project to recruit Senior Member References. Started pilot project to rejuvenate paper newsletter. Goals Host more distinguished lectures to increase meeting attendance. Sending two volunteers to Atlanta to train and participate. Send one or two paper bulletins per year. Increase activities in schools. Seek and from relationships with industry. Hold technical seminars. Richard Seibel IEEE Palm Beach Section Chair