Piedmont Section Report - 2003-11 The Piedmont Section has slowly pulling itself out of the officer vacuum it has been in the last few years. Next year we plan to have a full compliment of officers. Current Officer List CHAIR/VICE-CHAIR: Mark Stokes TREASURER: Rob Scruggs SECRETARY: Andrew Pang All officers are on track to move up one position this year w/ the addition of Jerry Clark as our new Secretary. Additional officer positions can be seen online: https://ewh.ieee.org/r3/piedmont/ofcrdir.html We have had 2 Excom meetings and regular section meetings on each of the following months: January - Student Paper competition March - Intellectual Property April - Developing a Retirement Plan & The Principles of Investing May - A Parallelism, Instruction Throughput, and Cycle Time Model of Computer Architectures June - Retired Engineers Volunteer Help Science Teachers Through Re-Seed Program September - High Temperature Superconducting Motors: Past, Present and Future October - Become a Senior Member! The newsletter (the "Piedmont Potential") continues to be published online and is available back to 1996. Many also contain .pdf "pretty print" versions of the actual published document. We continue to email out newsletters to all members and students of our section that have an email address listed in the SamIEEE database. For those members that don't have an email, we have chosen to mail a copy of the newsletter via USPS at a cost of around $0.83 per USPS mailed to member (first class). I will be unable to attend the regional meeting and am sending Jerry Clark for training and as our section representative. -Mark Stokes IEEE Piedmont section chair IEEE Piedmont section vice-chair IEEE Piedmont section newsletter editor IEEE Piedmont section SAMIEEE recipient